Название документа

of Lifting-Komplex is an excellent velvet skin, improvement of complexion, protection of skin against influence of the external environment, maintaining its elasticity and elasticity.
Hyaluronic acid
- is present at all body tissues, connects molecules of water and plays an important role in maintenance of water balance in cages and intercellular space. The amount of hyaluronic acid and at influence of various toxic agents decreases with age that affects thinning of integuments, deterioration in their elasticity and formation of wrinkles. This acid in large numbers contains also in articulate fabric therefore its deficiency affects at development of age diseases of joints. It promotes restoration of a cartilaginous part of the injured joints. Hyaluronic acid strengthens work of cages, reduces evaporation of moisture from the surface of skin, neutralizes free radicals. The elasticity of skin and exchange processes in fabrics depends on concentration of hyaluronic acid that slows down age changes in skin and allows to remain for a long time young and beautiful.
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C)
- has antioxidant properties, participates in metabolism of amino acids, has the regulating impact on the system of the collagen providing along with other factors, permeability of walls of vessels, keeps skin elastic and elastic.
- participates in synthesis of proteins, lipids, mucopolysaccharides, provides the normal state of integuments, mucous membranes and also organs of vision.
Vitamin E
- normalizes oxidation-reduction processes. It is caused by their stabilizing influence on membrane structures of cages. Tokoferola possess also antioxidant action, protecting biologically active agents, including nonsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, linolenic, arachidonic) from oxidation. At absence and a vitamin deficiency of group E the membrane permeability of cages is broken. Vitamin E stimulates products of linoleic acid, slows down cell aging, improves sight, protects cages from toxic influences of the external environment.
calcium Pantothenate (pantothenic acid)
- the biological role of pantothenic acid in an organism is defined first of all by existence in structure of coenzyme A taking active part in fat, carbohydrate and proteinaceous exchange.
- is necessary for
for functioning of an endocrine system, including hormones of a timus, insulin, growth hormone, sex hormones. Zinc promotes regulation of activity of sebaceous glands. It is required for proteinaceous synthesis and formation of collagen, improves protective ability of the immune system and healing of wounds.
- is necessary for
for formation of healthy nails and hair, improves metabolism in skin, is a part of the enzymes regulating proteinaceous and fat exchange has high activity.
- the main function of selenium - delay of process of oxidation of lipids. It is the vital antioxidant, especially in combination with vitamin E. It protects the immune system by prevention of education of free radicals. This element together with vitamin E stimulates formation of antibodies, is necessary for normal functioning of a liver, heart, a pancreas, Also for ensuring elasticity of fabrics. Insufficiency of selenium is shown by breakdown, growth delay increased by the cholesterol level, infections, weakening of function of a liver, pancreatic insufficiency and infertility.
of the Recommendation to application:
It is recommended by
to p as an additional source of biotin, pantothenic acid, vitamin E, beta carotene, vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, zinc, selenium.
Method of application:
Adult: on 1 capsule a day at meal time. Duration of reception is 1 month. After a break in 1 month the repeated reception is possible.
Before application needs to consult with the doctor.
1 capsule contains
: Quantity: % from daily requirement:
Biotin150 mkg300 *
Pantothenic acid of 6 mkg120 *
Vitamin E20 mg200 *
Beta-karotin10 mkg200 *
Vitamin C60 mg86
Hyaluronic acid of 100 mg20
Zinc2.5 mg20
Selenium15 mkg21

Reviews Lifting complex with hyaluronic acid, Doppel Herz, 30 capsules, 31062

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