Em_l Grigorovich G_lels (*6 (19) zhovtnya 1916, Odessa, Ros_yska _mper_ya — †14 zhovtnya 1985, Moscow, SRSR) — vidatny radyanskiya p_an_st, the teacher. Tvorch_st G_lelsa fairly v_dnosyat to nayvishchy dosyagnen to a p_an_zm of XX stol_ttya. "Titania Fortep_ano, pod_bn_ to G_lels, narodzhuyutsya time at stor_chchya "
Mayn_t_ S_mbun, 1957 r_k
Father of Mali d_ty v_d poperedn_kh shlyub_v, pro-that prikhiln_st dol_ to new to the union of Esf_r_ that Grigor_ya viyavilasya in a darunka sv_tov_ dvokh vidatny muzikant_v (through three fates p_slya narodzhennya Em_lya s_mya is small Nova rad_st – narodzhennya daughters of a =lizaveta, a yak zgody became a viznachna a skripalka).
Nezvazhayuchi on those, shcho in togochasn_y Odes_ bulo skrutno, the muzika often lunat in dom_ і muzichno obdarovany d_tyam prid_lyal richly in a uvaga. S_mya it is small a grand piano, the hocha lived in t_snuvat_y kvartir_ in b_dny rayon_ the Moldavian. At pyat z a half rok_v Em_lya of a v_dvela navchatisya to Yakov Tkach, a v_domy vikladach fortep_ano in Odes_. Navchannya came to a hlopchik soul easily. At travn_ 1929 at v_ts_ 12 rok_v G_lels having given to fate sv_y a pershy publ_chny concert. At program_ Boulia the sonata by Beethoven, the kontsertny etude by L_st of "Un Sospiro", dek_lk of sonatas Skarlatt і, the Scherzo by Mendelssohn, a dek_lk etyud_v Chopin "Is emotional", that _nsh_ create the waltz. Slukhach_ vrazhen_ not st_lk I vinyatkovoit Boulia v_rtuozn_styu vikonannya, I glibinoit sk_lk _nterpretats і ї, prozor_styu that vitonchen_styu. Ts_ osnovn_ harakteristka of a prolyagla in podalshy through all the yogi to a carat artistichn’ to a ¾r. Voseni 1930 to fate G_lels having entered to odesko ї the conservative і ї a class Bertie Mikhayl_vni Reyngbald.
1931 fates of the yogi proslukhav Artur Rub_nstein, shcho pri§zhdzhav on gastrol_ to Odesi. Nadal_ v_n it is frequent zgaduvav the I tickle zustr_ch z G_lelsom.
"I not to a znakhodzh sl_v, rozpov_sta shchob, yak v_n grav. I will tell some: yakshcho v_n if - be not to a pri§da to Spoluchenikh Shtat_v, men_ awaking n_chy robit here".
P_d hour of Drugo ї Sv_tovo ї v_yn G_lels to the Veda to an aktivn to a kontsertn d_yaln_st: a vistupa є at v_yskovy chastina, at shpitalyakh, in a tila. Aram Khachaturian to a zgad є:
"Especially hot_losya skazat about a kontsertna d_yaln_st the muzikant p_d Is big hour ї V_tchiznyano ї v_yn. A scene Tod_ for nyy sluguvat і ayerodrom, і shops zavod_v. In tyazhk_ dn_ viprobuvan mistetstvo nadikhat Em_l G_lels і zaklikat to a peremoga. Vono bulo just neobkh_dno. Jac Neobch_dno to us і infections. "
1945th vistup є at Potsdam_ on a conference і ї gol_v uryad_v SRSR, the USA і Is big ї Brittan і ї. Nadzvichaynos
wide repertoire of G_lels okhoplyuvav fortep_ann_ create v_d baroque eras to a muzika of XX stol_ttya. To Osobliva m_sets in repertuar_ create zaymal Beethoven. G_lels not disposable vikonuvav і zapisuvav vs_ fortep_ann_ Beethovens concert, Alya not vstig finish to the robot _z a zapisa vs_kh yoga of fortep_anny sonatas.
L. van Beethoven. Sonatas for a piano: No. 2 of la major, soch. 2 No. 2 No. 4 E flat major, soch. 7. Emil Gil
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Tags: L. van Beethoven. Sonatas for a piano: No. 2 of la major, soch. 2 No. 2 No. 4 E flat major, soch. 7. Emil Gil