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Klobeskin, external use cream in a tuba on 25 g No. 1

Code : D07A D01

Dermatological means (D) Ingredients:
active ingredient: klobetazol;
1 g of medicament supports a klobetazol of the propionate micronized 0.5 mg;
excipients: glitserol monostearate; white wax; cetostearyl alcohol; polyethyleneglycol stearate; propylene glycol; citric acid, monohydrate; sodium citrate; chlorcresol; the water purified.

Dosage form. Cream.

Pharmacotherapeutic group.
Corticosteroids for use in dermatology. Highly active corticosteroids (group IV). Clobetasol. Code of automatic telephone exchange D07A D01.

Clinical characteristics.
Indication. Psoriasis (except for widespread blyashechny psoriasis), persistent eczemas, red flat deprive, a diskoidny lupus erythematosus and other diseases of skin which do not respond to treatment by less active corticosteroids.

Pink eels (rozatsea), eels (acne) and perioral dermatitis.
Perianal and genital itching.
Damages of skin caused by viruses (virus of a herpes simplex, chicken pox).
Hypersensitivity to medicament components.
Injury of skin which is initially infected with mushrooms or bacteria; the dermatosis at children aged up to one year including dermatitis and diaper rash.

Route of administration and doses.
needs to apply Cream with a thin layer on affected areas of skin 1-2 times a day before improvement of a state. As well as at use of other highly active corticosteroids, after achievement of control of a disease the treatment should be stopped. Improvement from treatment occurs individually, at patients who well perceive treatment, the result can appear in several days. No more than 4 weeks are recommended to continue treatment; if improvement of a state did not occur, it is necessary to specify or revise the diagnosis.
For prevention of exacerbation of a disease can conduct repeated short courses of treatment drug. If long-term continuous treatment by steroids is necessary, it is necessary to apply others, not such strong, drugs.
At very permanent defeats, especially in places of a hyperkeratosis, it is possible to enhance anti-inflammatory effect of the medicament Klobeskin, having covered an affected area which is treated with a polyethylene film. For achievement of positive take apply a hermetic bandage on all night long. Already reached effect is maintained by simple putting medicament on skin without nakrytiya a film.

Side reactions.
Side effect is classified by bodies and systems and for emergence frequency. On emergence frequency the side reactions are divided into such categories: very often (≥ 1/10), it is frequent (≥ 1/100, <1/10), infrequently (≥ 1/1000, <1/100), is rare (≥ 1/10000, <1/1000), is extremely rare (<1/10000), including isolated cases.
from the immune system: it is very rare – hypersensitivity. Local hypersensitivity reactions, such as erythema, rash, an itching, urticaria, local burning of skin and allergic contact dermatitis can arise in sites of application and to be similar to symptoms for which treatment medicament was appointed.
If signs of hypersensitivity arise, use of medicament needs to be stopped urgently.
from an endocrine system: it is very rare – signs of a hypercorticoidism. As well as at use of other topical corticosteroids, or drawing on big sites can lead prolonged use in a large number to emergence of signs of a hypercorticoidism owing to considerable system absorption. Such cases are most probable if medicament is used to babies and children and also when using a hermetic bandage. At babies of a diaper work as a hermetic bandage.
Provided that the week dose of medicament at adults does not exceed 50 g, any oppression of a hypophysis or adrenal glands, obviously, will be temporary, with fast return to the normal state as soon as the short course of steroid therapy is stopped.
from the vascular system: infrequently – expansion of superficial blood vessels.
Long and intensive treatment by highly active corticosteroid medicaments can cause expansion of superficial blood vessels, especially during the using of hermetic bandages or rubbing in of medicament in skin folds.
from skin and hypodermic fabric: infrequently – a local atrophy, atrophic strips on skin; very seldom – thinning of skin, pigmentation change, a hypertrichosis, aggravation of the main symptoms, a pustulous form of psoriasis.
Long and intensive treatment by highly active corticosteroid medicaments can cause atrophic changes, such as atrophic strips on skin and thinning of skin, especially during the using of hermetic bandages or rubbing in of medicament in skin folds.

Probability of emergence of acute overdose is very insignificant. In case of chronic overdose or the wrong use there can be signs of a hypercorticoidism demanding reduction or gradual phase-out of local corticosteroids which needs to be seen off under medical control, considering risk of emergence of insufficiency of adrenal glands.

Use during pregnancy or feeding by a breast.
Local steroids should not be applied widely to treatment of pregnant women in high doses or for a long time. Lactation
Safety of use of a klobetazol of propionate during a lactation is not established to br by .

Drug is contraindicated for treatment of a dermatosis at children aged up to one year, including dermatitis and diaper rash.

Feature of use.
Should avoid prolonged use of the medicament Klobeskin, especially to babies and children, in connection with the probability of emergence of oppression of function of adrenal glands even without imposing of an occlusive bandage. In need of use of the medicament Klobeskin for treatment of children it is recommended to reconsider a course of treatment weekly. It should be noted that diapers at kids can serve as a hermetic bandage.
Prolonged use of strong topical steroids can lead to atrophic changes of skin, especially faces. It needs to be meant during treatment of such defeats as psoriasis, a diskoidny lupus erythematosus and heavy eczema.
If medicament is applied on eyelids, it is necessary to be convinced that it will not get into an eye as it can cause glaucoma.
Use of local steroids for treatment of psoriasis can cause in certain cases a disease recurrence, development of tolerance, to increase risk of generalized pustulous psoriasis and development local or system (reversible oppression gipotalamo - a hypophysial and adrenal system) toxicity in connection with weakened by barrier function of skin. Therefore at treatment of psoriasis the medicament Klobeskin careful care for the patient is important.
in case of treatment of the infected inflammations of skin needs to carry out the corresponding antimicrobic therapy. Any spread of infections demands the therapy termination by topical corticosteroids and uses of the corresponding system antimicrobic therapy. Before use of hermetic bandages it is necessary to clean skin because heat and humidity which are formed under a bandage promote developing of a bacterial infection.
Patients have to wash hands after use of a klobetazol of propionate if only medicament is not intended for treatment of hands.
Klobeskin Cream should not be parted.

Ability to influence speed of response at control of motor transport or work with other mechanisms.
Klobetazola propionate does not affect ability to drive the car and other mechanisms.

Interaction with other medicines and other types of interactions.
Medicamentous interaction of medicament is not described.

Pharmacological properties.
Pharmacodynamics. Main effect of a klobetazol of propionate concerning skin is nonspecific anti-inflammatory action thanks to vasoconstriction and reduction of synthesis of collagen.
Pharmacokinetics. Penetration of a klobetazol of propionate through skin at different persons the miscellaneous can also increase when using occlusive bandages or in case of inflammation or injury of skin. At persons with healthy skin the average peak concentration of a klobetazol of propionate in plasma of 0.63 ng/ml in one research were observed in 8 hours after the second drawing (in 13 hours after the first drawing) 30 g of 0.05% of ointment of a klobetazol of propionate. After drawing the second dose of 30 g of 0.05% of cream of a klobetazol of propionate the average peak concentration in plasma were slightly higher, than when putting ointment and were observed in 10 hours. In other research the average peak concentration (about 2.3 ng/ml and 4.6 ng/ml) were observed, respectively, at patients with psoriasis and eczema in 3 hours after single drawing 25 g of 0.05% of ointment of a klobetazol of propionate. After absorption, drug, most likely, passes the same metabolic way, as corticosteroids after system appointment through skin. However system metabolism of a klobetazol is up to the end not established.

Pharmaceutical characteristics.
Main physical and chemical properties: opaque cream of white or almost white color, uniform consistence.

Expiration date. 2 years.

Storage conditions.
to Store in original packing at a temperature not above 25 °C.
to Store out of children's reach.

Cream of 0.05% on 25 g in tubas in a box.

Description of goods is certified by the Health producer .

Editorial group Date of creation: 13.03.2022 Date of updating: 05.04.2023 Novgorodsk Yul_ya Boris_vn Author Turumkulov of a _rin of Mikhayl_vn Reviewer

Pay attention!

Description of the medicament Klobeskin cream of 0.05% of a tube of 25 g on this page — the simplified author's version of website apteka911 created on the basis of the instruction(s) for use. Before acquisition or use of medicament you have to consult with the doctor and study the original instruction of the producer (it is applied to each packing of drug).

Information on medicament is provided to

only with the fact-finding purpose and should not be used as the management to self-treatment. Only the doctor can make the decision on prescribing of medicament and also define doses and ways of its use.

to Estimate *: Estimate please goods! Protective Code is Incorrectly entered the code

Frequently asked questions

How much is Klobeskin cream of 0.05% of a tube of 25 g?

Prices of Klobeskin cream of 0.05% of a tube of 25 g begin from 95.08 UAH for packing. whether

Can give this medicine to children?

Since the 1st year. It is necessary to consult with your attending physician more in details.

What storage conditions at Klobeskin cream (Health)?

It agrees with the instruction storage temperature Klobeskin (Health) makes from 5 °C to 25 °C. To store out of children's reach.

What analogs at Klobeskin No. 1 cream?

Full analogs Klobeskin cream of 0.05% of a tube of 25 g are:

What country of origin at Klobeskin (Health)?

Country the producer at Klobeskin (Health) - Ukraine.


Active ingredient: clobetasol;

1 g of medicament the klobetazola of the propionate micronized 0.5 mg


Excipients: glycerin monostearate; white wax; cetostearyl alcohol; polyethyleneglycol stearate propylene glycol; citric acid monohydrate, sodium; chlorcresol; the water purified.

Dosage form


Main physical and chemical properties: opaque cream of white or almost white color, uniform consistence.

Pharmacological group

Corticosteroids for use in dermatology. Highly active corticosteroids (group IV). ATX D07A D01 code.

Pharmacological properties


Main effect of a klobetazol of propionate on the relation of skin is nonspecific anti-inflammatory action thanks to vasoconstriction and reduction of synthesis of collagen.


Penetration of a klobetazol of propionate through skin at different persons a miscellaneous can also increase when using occlusive bandages or in case of inflammation or injury of skin. At persons with healthy skin the maximum concentration of a klobetazol of propionate in blood plasma of 0.63 ng/ml in one research 30 g of 0.05% of ointment of a klobetazol of propionate were observed through 8:00 after the second drawing (in 13 hours after the first drawing). After drawing the second dose of 30 g of 0.05% of cream of a klobetazol of propionate the maximum concentration in blood plasma were slightly higher, than when putting ointment and were observed through 10:00. In other research the maximum concentration (about 2.3 ng/ml and 4.6 ng/ml) were observed respectively at patients with psoriasis and eczema through 3:00 after single drawing 25 g of 0.05% of ointment of a klobetazol of propionate. After absorption, drug, most likely, passes the same metabolic way, and corticosteroids after system appointment through skin. However system metabolism of a klobetazol is up to the end not established.



is highly active GKS of local action which is appointed to elderly people and children aged from 1 year only for short-term treatment of rather steadier inflammatory and pruritic manifestations steroid of a sensitive dermatosis who are insensitive to less active corticosteroids.

Such diseases are:

· Psoriasis (except for widespread blyashechny psoriasis)

· The dermatosis which is difficult responding to treatment

· Red flat deprive

· Diskoidny lupus erythematosus

· Other diseases of skin which do not respond to treatment by less active GKS.


· Sensitivity to any components of drug.

· Not treated infections of skin.

· Rozatsea.

· Ordinary eels.

· An itching without inflammation.

· Perianal and genital itching.

· Perioral dermatitis.

· Cream is intended for treatment of a dermatosis at children aged till 1 year, including dermatitis and diaper pour.

Interaction with other medicines and other types of interactions

Was shown that with products, CYP3A4 can inhibit combined use (for example, ritonavir, itrakonazol), slows down metabolism of corticosteroids, can cause raised system effect. As far as such interaction is clinically significant, depends on a dose of drug, a way of introduction of GKS and power of CYP3A4 inhibitor.

Feature of use

Drug should be used with care at patients with local reaction of hypersensitivity to corticosteroids or any excipients in the anamnesis. Local reactions of hypersensitivity (see the Section "Side reactions") can remind disease symptoms, is treated.

hypercorticoidism Demonstration (Cushing's syndrome) and the return suppression gipotalamo - a hypophysial and adrenal system with oppression of function of adrenal glands at some persons can be result of the increased system absorption of GKS. In case of emergence any of above-mentioned symptoms medicament should be stopped gradually by reduction of frequency of drawing or replacement by less powerful GKS. The sudden termination of treatment can lead to GKS insufficiency (see the Section "Side reactions").

Risk factors of emergence of system effects are:

· Power and structure of GKS;

· Use duration;

· Drawings on the big area of skin;

· Use on the surfaces of skin, touch, for example in zones of an intertrigo or in the site of application of an occlusive bandage (at babies of a diaper can play a role of an occlusive bandage)

· The increased hydration of the keratosic layer;

· Use on sites with a thin integument, for example on a face;

· Use on sites of the injured skin or under other conditions where disturbance of a skin barrier is observed.


In comparison with adults at children the bigger quantity of GKS can be absorbed in proportion and therefore they are more susceptible to system side effects. It is connected with the fact that children have an underdeveloped skin barrier and the big surface of skin concerning body weight in comparison with adults.

Children. Should be avoided where it is possible, prolonged use of GKS to babies and children up to 12 years as at them the probability of emergence of adrenal suppression is higher. Children are more susceptible to development of atrophic changes at use of GKS. Treatment by cream of children has to last, whenever possible, no more than 5 days. The expediency of continuation of treatment needs to be looked through every week. Not to use medicament to children under occlusive bandages.

Risk of infection when imposing occlusal et knitting. Risk of developing bacterial infections increases in warm and damp conditions pleated of skin or under occlusive bandages therefore before imposing of a new occlusive bandage it is necessary to process leather carefully every time.

Treatment of psoriasis. should Apply topical corticosteroids to treatment of psoriasis with care as it was in certain cases reported about emergence of a recurrence, development of tolerance, risk of generalization pustular psoriasis and development of the symptoms of local or system toxicity caused by disturbance of barrier function of skin. In case of use for treatment of psoriasis the patient has to be under careful medical observation.

Accompanying infections. Every time at treatment of the inflammatory infected defeats should appoint the corresponding antibacterial drugs. In case of spread of an infection topical corticosteroids it is necessary to cancel and appoint the corresponding antibacterial therapy.

Chronic ulcers of legs. Sometimes should apply topical corticosteroids to treatment of the dermatitis arising around chronic ulcers of legs. However such use is associated with increase in frequency of reactions of local hypersensitivity and increase in risk of local infections.

Putting cream on the person. Putting cream on face skin is undesirable as this site more vulnerable to atrophic changes. In case of need uses it has to be limited for 5 days.

Drawing for ages. When putting cream on eyelids should avoid hit of medicament in eyes as it at repeated use can cause a cataract and glaucoma.


It was reported about cases of serious osteonekrozny infections (including a necrotizing fascitis) and system immunosuppression (that sometimes brings to the return of damages of Kaposi sarcoma) at prolonged use of a klobetazol of propionate more recommended doses (see the Section "Route of Administration and Doses"). In certain cases patients at the same time applied other strong peroral / local corticosteroids or immunosuppressors (for example, a methotrexate, a mofetila mikofenolat).

If treatment by local corticosteroids of clinically justified more than 4 weeks, it is necessary to consider the possibility of use of less powerful medicament of corticosteroids.

Excipients. are a part of medicine: cetostearyl alcohol which can lead to local skin reactions (for example contact dermatitis); propylene glycol which can cause irritation of skin; chlorcresol which can cause allergic reactions.

Use during pregnancy and feeding by a breast

Pregnancy. Data on medicament use to pregnant women are limited.

Topical administration of corticosteroids a pregnant animal can cause disturbances of pre-natal development. The applicability of these data on the person is not established. Pregnant women can apply Klobetazol, only if the expected advantage for mother is more risk for a fruit. It is necessary to apply the minimum quantity with the minimum duration of treatment.

Feeding by a breast. Safety of use of a klobetazol of propionate during feeding by a breast is not established. It is unknown whether can lead use of GKS to such system absorption as a result of which in breast milk it will be found amount of drug, gives in to measurement. It is necessary to apply cream during feeding by a breast only in cases when the expected advantage for mother exceeds risk for the child. At appointment during feeding as a breast cream should not be applied on a breast in order to avoid accidental hit of cream through the child's mouth.

Ability to influence speed of response at control of transport or other mechanisms

Researches on studying such influence were not conducted. Considering a profile of side reactions, influence on speed of response at control of motor transport or work with other mechanisms is not expected.

Route of administration and doses

Klobetazol propionate belongs to the class of the most strong local corticosteroids (group IV), and prolonged use can lead to serious side effects (see the Section "Features of Use"). If treatment by local corticosteroids clinically justified after 4 weeks, it is necessary to consider less powerful medicament of corticosteroids. Repeated, but short courses of a klobetazol of propionate can be used for control of aggravations (see. More detailed below).

Cream especially is suitable

for treatment of the damp and becoming wet sites of skin. Cream it is soft to p to put

with a thin layer, covering all affected areas of skin, 1 or 2 times a day before emergence of improvement of clinical manifestations, then to reduce the frequency of use or to change medicament for less powerful. At good the response to treatment of improvement is reached for several days. After each putting cream to wait some time before its full absorption before applying emollient.

in case of deterioration or lack of improvement of clinical manifestations within 2-4 weeks the diagnosis and treatment should be reconsidered.

can apply repeated short courses of treatment To control of aggravations. Treatment should not continue more than 4 weeks. If continuous long-term treatment is necessary, it is necessary to use less powerful drugs.

Maximum week dose should not exceed 50 g

In cases of steadier defeats, especially with a hyperkeratosis, the effect of medicament in case of need can be enhanced, having covered an affected area of skin with an occlusive polyethylene bandage. Usually for achievement of satisfactory result sufficient imposings of an occlusal film only for the night. The reached improvement usually is supported by putting cream without use of an occlusive bandage.

At achievement of control of a disease of use of a klobetazol should be cancelled gradually and also to continue emollient use as maintenance therapy.

Return of symptoms of the previous dermatosis is possible

at sudden cancellation of a klobetazol.

For topical administration.

Dermatosis, difficult responds to treatment. Patients with frequent exacerbations of a disease. As soon as during an acute period of a disease reached effect from continuous a course of topical administration of GKS, it is necessary to consider its intermittent uses (once a day, two times a week, without occlusive bandage). It is shown that such treatment effectively reduces the frequency of aggravations.

Should continue to apply medicament to all earlier affected areas skin or to the known sites of potential aggravation. Such scheme of use should be combined with constant daily use emoliyentiv. It is regularly necessary to estimate a clinical condition and also advantage and risk from treatment continuation.

Children. Drug is contraindicated for treatment of a dermatosis, including dermatitis at children till 1 year.


Symptoms. At usual use cream can be absorbed in the quantities sufficient for emergence of system effect. Probability of emergence of acute overdose is very insignificant, however in case of chronic overdose or the wrong use there can be signs of a hypercorticoidism.

Treatment. in case of overdose medicament should be cancelled gradually by reduction of frequency of putting cream or substitution it on less powerful GKS considering risk of emergence of GKS of insufficiency.

Further treatment to carry out

it agrees a clinical condition of the patient or according to national recommendations about treatment of poisonings in the presence.

Side reactions

Side effect, data on which are given below, classified by bodies and systems and for emergence frequency: very often ≥ 1/10, it is frequent ≥ 1/100 and ≥ 1/1000 and

Infection and an invasion.

Very seldom opportunistic infections.

from the immune system.

Very seldom local hypersensitivity.

from an endocrine system.

It is very rare: oppression gipotalamo - a hypophysial and adrenal system: cushingoid signs

Active ingredients Klobetazol
Amount of active ingredient 0.5 mg/g
Applicant Health
Code of automatic telephone exchange D07AD01 Klobetazol
Interaction with food It doesn't matter
Light sensitivity Not sensitive
Market status The branded generic
Origin Chemical
Prescription status According to the prescription
Primary packing tuba
Quantity in packing 25 g
Release form external use cream
Route of administration External
Sign Domestic
Storage temperature from 5 °C to 25 °C
Trade name Klobeskin

Reviews Klobeskin cream of 0.05% of a tube of 25 g

5 Rating 1 Reviews


Klobeskin cream of 0.05% of a tube of 25 g

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  • $19.79

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