Source of natural iodine, prevention of iodine deficiency states.
the Deficiency of iodine causes decrease in intellectual potential of all population living in a zone of iodic insufficiency. The increased physical fatigue, inability to long concentrate attention, the progressing impairments of sight and hearing is only a small part of all indispositions which the iodic deficiency can cause in the adult.
Doctors-endocrinologists recommend to
the following consumption rates of iodine:
to children from 2 to 6 years - 90 mkg
to children from 7 to 12 years - 120 mkg
are also more senior than
of 12 years - 150 mkg
Pregnant – 220 mkg
– the general name of all types of sea big brown seaweed: the didzhitat laminaria, the Japanese and sugar laminaria, a sea cabbage growing along coast of the Atlantic and Quiet oceans. They are rich with iodine and Healthyway Production, Inc" (USA) for production of dietary Kelp additive are used by the company ".
Brown seaweed contain iodine in the form of yodit and iodine of organic compounds. The main pharmacological action of big brown seaweed is connected with availability of organic compounds of iodine as it is irreplaceable components of hormones of a thyroid gland. The biological role of iodine is connected with participation in biosynthesis of hormones of a thyroid gland (thyroxine, triyodtironin) which control power exchange, interact in main types of a metabolism: proteinaceous, fat and carbohydrate. Hormones operate processes of development and functioning of a brain, nervous system, maintain body temperature, promote decrease in level of cholesterol in blood at atherosclerosis.
the Lack of intake of iodine with food and water in a human body which is necessary for normal functioning of a thyroid gland, – the main reason of spread of iodine deficiency diseases.
of "KELP"
is a source of natural iodine of plant origin (from seaweed) and necessary nutritional supplement especially in regions with the low content of iodine in water and in areas with the raised radioactive background (as organic iodine blocks accumulation of radioactive iodine in a thyroid gland and promotes its removal from an organism). It is recommended as treatment-and-prophylactic cure for the diseases caused by deficiency of iodine, diseases of a thyroid gland, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease.
Structure of 1 tablet – standard daily rate of ORGANIC iodine for teenagers and adults – 150 mkg.
Also seaweed in addition contain in a form, available to assimilation, mineral elements (iron, the sodium, ortho-phosphate which is calcium-2-replaced, magnesium stearate, potassium), 12 natural vitamins (And, groups B, C, D, E, pantothenic and folic acid, etc.), amino acids are a source of biologically important quantities of minerals (copper, a pine forest, chrome, vanadium, zinc). Each of elements performs specific function in an organism, and in general they define the all-strengthening properties of seaweed – Kelp.
use Big brown seaweed in medicine as diuretic at cardiac and renal hypostases, at cystitis and urinary tract, a hypothyroidism, a hypertension.
as an iodine source for prevention of diseases of iodine deficiency states (disease of a thyroid gland)
for improvement of intellectual and physical development
for strengthening of protection of an organism against influence of radiation
for recovery of structure of skin, hair, teeth and nails.
Duration of a course of preventive intake of iodine is 6-12 months and is selected individually the doctor.
of the Contraindication: individual sensitivity to iodine, pregnancy, breastfeeding.
a release Form – 30 and 90 tablets.
Conclusion of GSEE MZ of Ukraine No. 05.03.02-03/70480 of 05.08.2013. Dietary additive. Before application to study the instruction and to consult with the doctor.
to children from 2 to 6 years - 90 mkg
to children from 7 to 12 years - 120 mkg
are also more senior than
of 12 years - 150 mkg
Pregnant – 220 mkg
of 150 mkg of organic iodine
Additional substances:
Stearin acid – 10 mg
of magnesium stearate – 10 mg
cellulose microcrystalline – 75 mg
of calcium phosphate – 110 mg
mixed vegetables – 17 mg
Kelp, Healthyway Production, 30 Tablets, 27379
- Product Code: MX30383
- In Stock
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