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Reviews Over Kardonat Kiddi of the capsule for the general strengthening of an organism for children since 3 years packing of 30 pieces
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Dietary KARDONAT KIDI additive for children of 3 years - a L-carnitine and vitamins for the active child.
Active components
B1, B12, B6 Vitamins actively participate in metabolism of amino acids, including a lysine, cysteine and a carnitine. The balanced combination of components to minerals – zinc, iodine, selenium – thanks to the metabolic properties promotes strengthening of immunity during spread of catarrhal diseases and supports power metabolism at optimum level.
L-carnitine (left carnitine) is vitaminopodobny substance which is under natural conditions synthesized in a liver, kidneys and brain fabric from amino acids of a lysine and methionine, in blood plasma is in a free form and ether. The L-carnitine is the main cofactor of exchange of fatty acids in heart, a liver and skeletal muscles, plays a role of the only carrier of long-chain fatty acids in a mitochondrion where there is their beta oxidation to the subsequent formation of ATP. In the conditions of normal oxygen providing it transfers metabolism of cages to oxidation of fatty acids as most power-intensive substrate, and in the conditions of a hypoxia the L-carnitine brings toxic metabolites of fatty acids out of mitochondrions, transferring metabolism of a cell to glucose oxidation, carrying out thus anti-hypoxemic and anti-toxic action. The left carnitine and related substances can regulate immune schemes, and their influence on functions of immune cages relies on power generation, dependent on it, from fatty acids.
L-carnitine promotes maintenance of normal energy balance of substances in cells of muscles, to improvement of recovery of muscles after loadings, helps to keep optimum development of motive functions. The L-carnitine and its ethers not only participate in energy balance of cells of muscles of heart thanks to transfer of long-chain fatty acids from cytoplasm in a mitochondrion, but also show other vital properties. They show antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity at the different levels. It is established that the L-carnitine is direct antioxidant and removes already formed radicals of oxygen and also oppresses generation of radicals, promotes removal from cytoplasm of metabolites and toxic substances, improves metabolic processes, accelerates growth, leads to increase in muscle bulk, contributes to normalization of standard metabolism. reduces signs of a physical and mental overstrain, shows neuro, gepato- and cardiotyre-tread properties, stimulates cell-mediated immunity, increases concentration of attention.
Special attention is paid byto ability of a L-carnitine to act as the active factor influencing a transcription of the genes controlling survival of cages in the conditions of an oxidative stress and inflammation.
a L-lysine – irreplaceable amino acid – is the necessary construction block for all proteins in an organism, participates in all processes of assimilation and growth, promotes ossification and growth of a bone tissue, stimulates a mitosis of cages, improves an ovogenesis and a spermatogenesis, has direct antiviral effect on herpes simplex viruses. The L-lysine plays an important role in calcium absorption, accumulation of muscle bulk, restoration after surgical interventions or sports injuries and also production by an organism of hormones, enzymes and antibodies. A lysine deficiency the regular stresses causing rather "expenditure" of a lysine can be the cause of development. If the stressful situation repeats quite often within a short period of time, the organism does not manage to fill reserves of the spent amino acid. The investigation of a lack of a L-lysine consider anemia, tendency to viral diseases, problems with functioning of a male reproductive system, violation of a menstrual cycle at women, loss of hair, reddening of eyes (the vascular grid on a cover of eyes appears).
L-cysteine – one of the most powerful antioxidants. L-cysteine is a predecessor of glutathione – the substance protecting cells of a liver and a brain from damage by some medicines and toxics. L-cysteine has ability to destroy dense slime in airways, thanks to it it is often applied at bronchitis and emphysemas of lungs. It accelerates processes of recovery at diseases of respiratory organs and plays an important role in activization of leukocytes and lymphocytes.
Beta-karotin – the natural predecessor of Retinolum (vitamin A), as antioxidant suppresses DNA damage by free radicals, promotes increase in resistance to inflammation and an infection, enhances activity of the immune system, stimulating release of natural cages killers, lymphocytes and monocytes.
B1 Vitamin also participates in numerous functions of an organism, including: functioning of nervous system and muscles, intake of electrolytes in nervous and muscle cells and a conclusion from them through ion channels; numerous enzymatic processes through a thiamine pyrophosphate coenzyme, carbohydrate metabolism and products of hydrochloric acid which is necessary for normal digestion.
B6 Vitamin also promotes regulation of hormonal activity, participates in normal metabolism of proteins and a glycogen. In a human body B6 vitamin to be synthesized, therefore, it does not need to be received as a part of a diet as its derivative coenzyme, plays the vital role in functioning about 100 enzymes which catalyze important chemical changes in a human body, besides, B6 vitamin catalyzes the neuromuscular processes especially important at children's age at a delay of intellectual and physical development, at chronic fatigue and an asthenia.
B12 Vitamin works within close partnership with other vitamins B producing DNA making for synthesis and RNA and also the molecules important for maintenance of integrity of a genome. It is also necessary for maintenance of integrity of nervous system and synthesis of the molecules participating in biosynthesis of fatty acids and power generation.
B1, B6 and B12 Vitamins promote normal power metabolism, the correct cardiac performance, nervous system and normal mental activity. B6 vitamin and B12 vitamin promote normal functioning of the immune system, decrease in fatigue and increased fatigue, normal formation of red blood cells.
Iodine is the vital microelement which is a part of hormones of a thyroid gland of thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), promotes normal secretion of hormones of a thyroid gland and its functioning that is a condition of normal growth and development of children. Iodine takes part in power metabolism, promotes normal cognitive function of a brain and work of nervous system.
Zinc is the irreplaceable microelement which is a part more than 70 enzymes participating in various biochemical reactions. The deficiency of zinc can have negative impact on physical development of an organism and mentality.
Zinc plays an important role in maintenance of work of the immune system, promotes maintenance of the normal state of bones, cognitive activity, sight, health of skin, hair and nails.
Zinc promotes protection of cages against an oxidative stress.
Selenium is a compound component more than 30 vital biologically active compounds of an organism. Selenium is included into active centers of enzymes of systems of antioxidant and anti-radical protection and also the enzymes participating in metabolism of nucleic acids, lipids. Selenium is synergist of vitamin E and iodine. At deficiency of selenium iodine is badly acquired by an organism. Selenium is a part of proteins of muscle tissue, proteins of a myocardium, promotes formation of triiodothyronine (hormones of a thyroid gland), promotes normal functioning of a thyroid gland, work of the immune system and protection of cages against an oxidative stress.
IndicationsDietary KARDONAT KIDI additive can be applied by
as an additional source of amino acids of a carnitine, a lysine and cysteine in combination with B1, B12, B6 vitamins and minerals: zinc, iodine, selenium for the purpose of increase in adaptation opportunities and the general strengthening of an organism, for maintenance normal - the vascular and nervous systems, normal cognitive function of a brain, increase in endurance during the increased physical and psychoemotional activities, during the recovery period after the postponed diseases, at asthenic conditions of various origin, at small appetite, insufficient body weight, for decrease in fatigue and fatigue, normal formation of red blood cells and protection of a cell against an oxidative stress. Feature of application
should not be used at hypersensitivity to components, children up to 3 years, during pregnancy and feeding by a breast, at a hypothyroidism.
This product does not replace the diverse balanced food.
not to exceed the recommended number of daily consumption.
not to useafter the expiry date specified on packing.
toBefore the use recommended consultation of the doctor.
is not medicine.
Route of administration
- to children of 3-6 years - on 1 capsule of 1 times a day after a meal or according to the recommendation of the doctor;
- to children of 7-12 years – on 1 capsule 2 times a day after a meal or according to the recommendation of the doctor.
use Duration: 4 weeks, to be coordinated further with the doctor.
a L-carnitine L-tartrate, a cover (gelatin, dyes (titanium dioxide, tartrazine, special red AG)), L-cysteine a hydrochloride, a lysine a hydrochloride, zinc citrate, fillers (calcium a carbonate, calcium hydrophosphate), the anti-burning agents (silicon dioxide), a pyridoxine a hydrochloride, thiamine mononitrate, cyanocobalamine, β-carotene, a pyridoxine a hydrochloride, thiamine mononitrate, cyanocobalamine, potassium iodide, sodium selenit.
Recommended daily portion contains:
- L-carnitine – 75 mg (mg);
- a L-lysine – 50 mg (mg);
- L-cysteine – 50 mg (mg);
- Beta-karotin – 0.5 mg (mg);
- B6 Vitamin – 1.0 mg (mg);
- B1 Vitamin – 1.35 mg (mg);
- B12 Vitamin – 1.5 mkg (µg);
- Zinc – 7.5 mg (mg);
- Iodine – 75 mkg (µg);
- Selenium – 20 mkg (µg).
to Store
in original packing at a temperature not above 25 °C, out of children's reach.
Characteristics | |
Country | Ukraine |
Quantity in packing | 30 pieces |
Release form | capsules |