Название документа
JBL NovoGranoMix forage developed for freshwater fishes of the average and large sizes (from 6 to 15 cm). The research expeditions of JBL studying needs of fishes for freshwater reservoirs were engaged in development of optimum structure of a forage. The forage with ideal balance of the fats and proteins necessary for growth and full-fledged life of average and large fishes was as a result created.
in the form of protein was only natural protein from fillet of fishes a part of a forage, without addition of low-grade fish meal. The forage is suitable both for usual feeding, and for use of the automatic feeder. Consists of the sinking and floating granules. Has a high rate of comprehensibility that leads to reduction of allocation of products of fish activity and as the result, helps to maintain high water quality.
can Feed fishes with JBL NovoGranoMix forage 1-2 times a day. It is necessary to give so much that fishes ate it within several minutes.

Advantage of a forage of JBL NovoGranoMix:
  • B densely closed bank, it can be stored up to 3 years without loss of quality.
  • as a part of a forage of 40% of natural protein, without addition of low-quality fish meal.
  • not provoked by a water zamutneniya.
  • growth of seaweed, due to optimum amount of phosphates in structure Helps to control
  • .
  • Minimized by pollution of water from fish excrement as has high comprehensibility.
Structure of a forage of JBL NovoGranoMix: z varnishes - 24.87%; fish and fish by-products - 19.60%; mollusks and cancroid - 19.59%; vegetable by-products - 12.50%, vegetables - 11.65%; extracts of vegetable protein - 8.58%, oils and fats - 1.96%.

Analytical structure:
Squirrels (40.0%).
Fat (8.0%).
Cellulose (3.0%).
Ashes (8.0%).

Dyes - food coloring E161j astaxanthin, food coloring iron oxide red E172.
Antioxidants - E 306 (extracts of natural vitamin E).
Vitamins (for 1000) : And - 25000 I. E., D ₃ 3000 I. E., E 330 mg., the C (stable) 400 mg.
1-2 times a day give
Recommendation about feeding
so much how many fishes eat in several minutes. You feed the young growing fishes 3 - 4 times a day in the same way.
Packing : 250 ml, 1 l
Producer : JBL, JBL GmbH & Co. KG, Germany
forage Type for fishesGranulesFor what small fishes of sterns?All tropical small fishes
For what small fishes of sterns? All tropical small fishes
Forage type for fishes Granules

Reviews JBL (GBL) NovoGranoMix - The main forage for aquarian fishes of the average sizes (granule)

5 Rating 1 Reviews


JBL (GBL) NovoGranoMix - The main forage for aquarian fishes of the average sizes (granule)

  • Product Code: E-ZOO-105893
  • Registration Date : 11/09/2024
    Number Of Products : 25532
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  • $28.00

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