Название документа
  • Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice

"Pride and Prejudice" is the best known novel of the famous British writer Jane Austen (1775—1817). Amorous hearts every now and then easily get over social barriers but sometimes they fail skirting the walls of their own pride, natural misapprehensions or even prejudice. 21-year-old Jane Austen succeeded in revealing so masterly aspirations and disappointments, anxieties and feelings of enamoured Elizabeth and Mr Darcy that even today millions of readers of different generations admirably read her novel. It is notable for its touching romantic mood, light humour, psychologically exact portraits of its characters. If it were not for this book, there would be possibly neither “psychological” nor “chick-lit” novels, nor even feminist literature in general.

Author: Jane Austen

Publisher: Znannia

Series of books: English Library

English language

Year of Publication: 2015

Year of first publication: 1813

Number of Pages: 384 pages.

Format: 70x90 / 32 (~ 107x165 mm)

Binding: Hard

Paper: Offset

Font: WarnockPro

ISBN: 978-617-07-0254-8, 978-617-07-0150-3

Weight: 200 gr.

Literature of the countries of the world: Literature of England, Australia and New Zealand

Literature on the periods: Literature XIX - beg. XX century. (Until 1918)

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Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice

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