Название документа

: 90 capsules weighing 450 mg
: 1 capsule contains 105 mg of salts of iron (fumarat, glitsinat) including 18 mg of iron.
the Description of action Chelate Iron
the Anemia (anemia) resulting from a lack of an iron organism is one of the most widespread diseases. According to World Health Organization, gland suffers about two billion people on Earth from deficiency. It arises when the need for iron is more, than receipt than it with food.
of Loss of iron result from generally physiological bleedings (for example, periods) or arising owing to various diseases. Unfortunately, even hardly noticeable podkravlivaniye at hemorrhoids, periodontosis, an ulcer or erosive gastritis if it proceeds a long time, is capable to result in deficiency of iron in an organism and to development of anemia.
the Lack of iron can arise during intensive growth of children and teenagers and also as a result of increase in need for iron during pregnancy or feeding of the baby. Importance of iron for a human body is caused by the fact that it participates practically in all reactions connected with breath, and breath is life.
Iron as a part of hemoglobin of blood transfers oxygen, as a part of a myoglobin provides supply with oxygen of all muscles including a heart muscle. Besides, iron participates in the "burning" of food giving to the person energy. The lack of iron immediately and seriously affects the general condition of an organism: there are a weakness, an indisposition, dizziness, short wind, irritability, the sleep is interrupted, the working capacity, appetite, resistance to infectious diseases decrease. At children, besides, abilities to training decrease, and these violations can have irreversible character.
Deficiency gland at the pregnant woman negatively affects a condition of both mother, and a fruit. The lack of iron and anemia can become the reason of fetoplatsentarny insufficiency and an arrest of development of a fruit. The dietary supplement to food Iron Chelate containing a rated daily dose of iron in 1 capsule effectively prevents emergence of its deficiency in an organism. Iron Chelate is recommended for prevention of anemia; additive of iron is especially necessary for athletes and also women who have plentiful and long menstrual bleedings.
Iron Chelate is recommended to
for application as an additional source of iron.
: the adult to accept on 1 capsule 2 times a day at meal time.
of the Contraindication
: individual intolerance of components of dietary supplement. Before application the consultation of the doctor is recommended.

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