plat_vka of Wanda Jackson & Karel Zich "Lets Have A Party In Prague" – 1988
Wanda Lavonn Jackson (Wanda Lavonne Jackson; arose 20 zhovtnya 1937 to fate) – a vidatna of an amerikansk a sp_vachka, one _z pershy vikonavits rock N - rolu, її nazivayut "the queen rokab_ll і". Vandi Jackson – a spetsif_chny "nazhdachny" vocal is characteristic osobliv_st. Carat’ a ¾ra Vandi Jackson rozpochalasya in 1954 rots і, prick zak_nchivsh school, the won p_dpisat the contract z a f_rma of "Decca". Ї ї manager buv r_dny father.
Elv_s Presl і, z Yakim Wanda Jackson vistupat at some concerts, perekonav її sprobuvat to herself in stil_ rokab_ll і, popular in seredin_ 1950-them rok_v sered amerikansko ї molod_ more than once. Sama h_t in tsyy zhanr_ brought Jackson populyarn_st і a neof_ts_yny title "to the queen rokab_ll і": "Fujiyama Mama" (1957), "Mean Mean Man" (1958), "Lets Have a Party" (1958).
B seredin_ 1960-them rok_v Wanda Jackson rozpochat sp_vat the cantor і, in tsyy stil_ zapisuvalasya at nastupn_ desyatir_chchya. At 1980-t_ fates of carat’ a ¾ra Vandi Jackson otrimat "the friend dikhannya" zavdyak v_drodzhen_y in 1970-their fates in =vrop_ populyarnost_ rokab_ll_. Sp_vachka y syogodn_ a vistupa є at rokab_ll_-festivals - "Hemsby", "Rockabilly Rave", "Screamin", "Green Bay", "Viva Las Vegas".
Wanda Jackson dv_ch_ a nom_novana on prem_yu "Gremm і".
Karel Zich (having arisen 10 chervnya 1949 to fate – spochiv 13 lipnya 2004 to fate) – nayv_dom_shy chesky rock N - rolny sp_vak, a g_tarist that composer.
U 1975 rots_ Karel Zich dosyagnuv to top of carat’ ¾r, zavoyovuvav 4-those m_sets on festival_ "Zlatý Slavík". At 1979 rots_ zasnuvav rock N - rolny і having written down a herd of "Flop" 50 singl_v і 15 albom_v, one _z legendary Vandoyu Jackson. For’ having sold carat to a ¾r of Zich ponad 1,000,000 disk_v і having given tisyach_ kontsert_v in =vropeysky kra§na, the USA, Kanad і, Brazil і ї, Chil_.
Side 1.
1. Let’s Have A Perty (Jesse Mae Robinson) 2:20
2. Long-Legged Guitar Picking Man (Marshall Grant) 2:42
3. Losing Game (Karel Zich/Michal Bukovic) 3:10
4. My Party (Karel Zich/Michal Bukovic) 2:25
5. Right Or Wrong (Wanda Jackson) 2:33
6. Good Bye (Stanislav Chmelik/Michal Bukovic) 2:28
7. Mean Mean Man (Wanda Jackson) 2:05
Side 2.
8. Jackson (Bill Edd Wheeler/Gaby Roger) 3:05
9. It’s My Job (Karel Zich/Michal Bukovic) 3:35
10. Summer On My Mind (Stanislav Chmelik/Milos Skalka) 3:10
11. Crying In The Chapel (Artie Glenn) 2:20
12. 5-4-3-2-1 (Karel Zich/Michal Bukovic) 3:26
13. Wheels Of Rock’n’Roll (Karel Zich/Michal Bukovic) 2:23
Wanda Jackson (1, 2, 4, 5, 7 – 9, 11), Karel Zich (2, 3, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13), Petr Zamecnikova (12), Jiri Strnad (12)
Stanislav Chmelik – saxophone, guitar, leader
Karel Zich – piano, guitar
Michal Pavlik – keyboards, cello
Horymir Vavru – guitar
Miroslav Ryska – bass guitar
Recorded at the Supraphon Hrncire studio from May to September, 1987
Made in Czechoslovakia
Plat_vk vipushcheno I f_rmoit "Supraphon" in Chekhoslovachchin_ in 1988
Envelope of lam_novaniye. + poslug honor Ts_ns
220 UAH
I will sell a plat_vka of Wanda Jackson & Karel Zich "Let's Have A Party In Prague" – 1988
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