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plat_vka of "Pulsirashchi Noti" – 3 – 1985 Pulsuyuch_ to a note.
Shikarny nostalg_chny zb_rnik popular і rokovy kompozits_y to 1980-their middle Ryan Simmons – stud_yniya psevdon_m Dieter Bohlen — vidatniya of n_metskiya sp_vak, a muzikant, the muzichny producer that composer. In 1970-their —1980-their fates of megapopulyarniya, a yak the participant of disco-duyetu "Modern Talking", zgody imperious to a herd of "Blue System". Psevdon_m vikoristano 1 time p_d hour to a zapis to the single "Lucky Guy", shche to stvorennya "Modern Talking".
"Commodores – is more well-known the American funk soul a herd. P_k populyarnost_ Commodores priyshovsya on kon_ts 1970-them is 1980-their ear rok_v prick sol_sty to a herd buv Lionel Richie.
"Bachman-Turner Overdrive" ("BTO") m V_nn_peg have the Canadian superherd, stvoreny 1972 to fate. Do pershy to a warehouse to Randy Bachman vv_yshla herd – a vocal, a g_tara; Tim Bachman is a g_tara, a vocal; Rob Bachman – udarn і; Fred Turner is a bass, a vocal. _n_ts_atory stvorennya c і є ї formats і ї buv kolishn_y the participant popular Canadian to a rock herd of "The Guess Who" — Randy Bachman.
Végvári Ádám, Csepregi Éva – participants popular Ugrian to the Ádám És Éva duet, v_dom_ takozh a fate in chudovy disco-gurt_ "Neoton Família".
Freddie Mercury – is legendarier British sp_vak, the author p_sen і the muzichny producer, v_domy peredus_m a yak a l_der, vokal_st that a klav_shnik to a rock herd of "Queen". Having become famous svo§m for a yaskravy stsen_chny image і for a chotiryokh-oktavny vokalny d_apazon. Having written і vikonav it is rich h_t_v "Queen". Vistupayuch in sklad_ to a herd of "Queen", mav vodnochas і to a carat soln’ to a ¾r, and _nod_ buv the producer that a zaprosheny muzikant for _nshy kolektiv_v.
"Stargo" is a vidatny _tal_ysky herd. Gra є to a muzik in styles "Italo Disco/Euro House". Participants: Alberto Parodi, Andrea Tenerani, Roberto Zanetti.
Adriano Celentano – gen_alniya of _tal_yskiya sp_vak, a k_noaktor, veduchy TV programs, the composer, the director і gromadskiya d_yach. In _tat і ї for the manner rukhatisya on stsen_ otrimav pr_zvisko "Molleggiato" ("Hlopets on springs"). On Celentanos honor it is called astero§d No. 6697, v_dkritiya 24 kv_tnya 1987 to fate.
Yur_y Mikhaylovich Antonov — megapopulyarny radyansky і the ros_ysky composer y estradniya sp_vak. Odin _z naytalanovit_shy kompozitor_v SRSR і Grew і ї shchodo napisannya p_senny h_t_v a h_t_v-neodnodenok not vtrachayut z at fates svo є ї ts_kavost_ y esthetically ї Bryan Ferry – the wonderful Viy of angl_yskiya sp_vak that author p_sen. Jago sp_v ma є to soul ch_tk_ rice – elegantn_st, spokusliv_st. V_domy of a zavdyaka to yaskravy style to an odyag. Zdobuv populyarn_st a yak of prov_dniya vokal_st that author p_sen for an hour svo§kh vistup_v at sklad_ glem - art and fatal to a herd of "Roxy Music", z 3 albums that in ten singl_v, shcho dosyagl pershy m_sts at charts It is big ї Brittan і ї z 1972 for 1982 fates.
Bryan Adams – vidatniya Canadian rock muzikant, the photographer, a g_tarist, the author і a vikonaveets p_sen. The Debyutny solny album vipustiv in 1980 rots_. In 1985 rots_ having pushed ocholiv "Billboard Hot 100". At 1990-their fates having written a row h_t_v, yak_ p_dn_malisya at top chart_v і vikoristan_ at f_lma.
Paul Young – is more popular British sp_vak і a muzikant, a peremozheets of "Brit Awards" 1985 to fate in a kategor і ї "the Krashchy British vikonaveets".
Side 1
1. Ryan Simmons of "Lucky Guy" (Steve Benson)
2. Commodores "Nighshift" (Dennis Lambert, Dennis Lambert, Franne Golde, Walter Orange)
3. Bachman-Turner Overdrive of "My Sugaree" (Randy Bachman)
4. Végvári Ádám, Csepregi Éva of "Első Szerelem" (Bob Heatlie)
5. Freddie Mercury "Foolin Around" (Freddie Mercury)
Side 2
1. Stargo "Live Is Life" (Ewald Pfleger, Opus)
2. Adriano Celentano "Sono Un Fallito" (Don Backy, Harlan Howard, Michele del Prete)
3. Yury Antonov of "Ne before laughter" (Yury Antonov – Leonid Fadeyev)
4. Bryan Ferry of "Slave To Love" (Bryan Ferry)
5. Bryan Adams "Run To You" (Bryan Adams, Jim Vallance)
6. Paul Young "Everything Must Change" (Paul Young, Ian Kewley)
Plat_vk vipushcheno a f_rma of Balkanton in Bolgar і ї in 1985 plat_vka Camp good. + poslug honor Ts_ns
180 UAH.

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