plat_vka of Paul Whiteman Orchestra – 1979
Orkestr p_d upravl_nnyam Paula Whiteman. Z a _stor і ї to jazz – 1979
Paul Whiteman (Paul Whiteman, the poyena _mya – Paul Samuel Whiteman; having arisen 28 bereznya 1890 to fate – spochiv 29 grudnya 1967 to fate) – a vidatny American bend-l_der (a ker_vnik і dirigent jazz to orchestra), dzhazovy Skripal.
that Pochinav otrimav to a muzichn to klasichny Skripals osv_t. P_d hour of Persho ї sv_tovo ї v_yn at 1917 – 1918 fates keruvav great (_z 40 os_b) v_yskovo-morsky orchestra. At 1918 rots_ Whiteman, yaky zavzhd ts_kavivsya a popular muzika, z_brav at Kal_forn і ї sv_y pershy tantsyuvalny gotelny orchestra. Orkestr zasnovano in San Francisco, pot_m nedovgo vistupav at that Los-Andzheles_ in Atlant_k-S_t і, and in 1920 rots_ Whiteman perev_z yoga to New York y zalishivsya there. Persh_ a gramophone recording to collective ("Japanese Sandman" that "Whispering") roz_yshlisya great naklada, y _mya Whiteman nezabary vp_znavany sered it became wide ї publ_k. At 1920-t_ fates of the yogi orchestra buv one _z naypopulyarn_shy on dzhazov_y stsen_. A concert to orchestra Boulia bagatozhanrov_ – included a legka to a klasichn, an estradn that to a dzhazov a muzika. Dos
svy to orchestra Whiteman nabirav naykrashchy, naymaystern_shy (і so b_ly) muzikant_v. To Osobliva m_sets sered them loans of Ferdinand (Ferden) Grof (Ferdinand (Ferden) Grof), yaky vikonuvav (_z 1920 on 1931 fates) vs_ nayvazhliv_sh_ orchestrations y faktichno v_dpov_dalniya behind that "sound", a v_domy yak yaky now a sound to Whitemans orchestra. Sam Grof orkestruvav "Rapsod_yu in stil_ blues" George Gershv_n, pry’ the yak ¾ra ї (sol_st – the author) v_dbulasya in 1924 rots_ y z that hour became a v_zitna a kartka to orchestra, I svo¾r_dnoit demonstrats і є yu the yogi maysternost_. Grof takozh having seen off repetitsa і ї z orchestra, p_d hour v_dsutnost_ Whiteman diriguvav to them, buv zber_gachy orkestrovo ї notno ї b_bl_otek.
Whiteman z_ svo ї orchestra to soul is strong sproshchuvav dzhazov_ a rhythm (grav ritm_chno sproshcheny jazz). Jac to Britanska food entsikloped_ya, widely a viznana Whitemans merit in that, shcho v_n zrobiv jazz dostupn_shy for widely ї publ_k, populyarizuvav yoga y at 1920-t_ і 1930-t_ fates dopom_g yy stat a meynstr_mny muzichny genre. To Sama for populyarizats_yu to Whitemans jazz called "the king to jazz".
1 side/1 party
1. New Tiger Reg / New Tiger Reg (Nick LaRocca)
2. I Saw The Stars / I Saw Stars (Maurice Sigler, Al Goodhart)
3. Fast Feet / Fast Legs (Milton Ager)
4. Louise / Louise (Richard Whiting, Leo Robin)
5. Sen / Seng (Lindsay McPhail, Walter Michels)
6. It’s Not That Darling / Eto of Ne Tak, Willard Robison
7. A Park Bench / Bench In Park (Milton Ager)
2 side/2 the party
1. Walk Under The Moon / Moonlight walk (Larry Shay, Charles Tobias, William Jerome)
2. Dreams Of Love / Dreams of Lyubvi (Arranged By Roy Bargy)
3. Young Grass / Young Trava (Johnny Noble)
4. Ninon / Ninon (Bronislaw Kaper, Walter Jurmann)
5. Willow, Do not Cry For Me / Willow, Ann Ronell
6. Fantasy On Themes Of Popular Ringtones / Imagination On Subjects of Popular Melodii (Various)
Arkh_vn_ of the record
Plat_vk vipushcheno the All-Union f_rma of gramplat_vka of "Melod_ya" in SRSR in 1979 rots_. M <> Plat_vk vigotovleno on Aprel_vskoma of the award Len_na zavod_ gramplat_vka.
plat_vka Camp good. + poslug honor Ts_ns
170 UAH.
I will sell a plat_vka of Paul Whiteman Orchestra – 1979
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