plat_vka of Paul Mauriat & His Orchestra – 1978 / of Gras
є Orkestr Paul Mor_a of
Paul Mor_a (Paul Mauriat, having arisen 4 bereznya 1925 to fate – spochiv 3 leaf falls of 2006 to fate) – is legendarier than Orkestr Paul Mor_a the frantsuzky composer, an aranzhuvalnik і
U 1966 rots_ Paul Mor_a of hundred є muzichny director M_rey Mat є. Sp_lno z the poet André Pascal v_n stvoryu є її golovny h_t "Mon credo", for a k_lk rok_v sp_vprats_ v_n having written down z M_rey Mat є blizko 50 p_sen. At 1962 rots_ Paul Mor_a stvoryu є sv_y pershy m_zhnarodniya h_t – "Chariot", yakiya otrimav to a p_zn_sha to an angl_ysk to a nazv of "I will follow him". Qie bull of the yogi of a sp_ln of the robot z v_domy frantsuzky composer і dirigenty Frank Pursel.
U 1964 і 1965 fates sp_lno z Raymond Lefebvre to food to a muzik to k_nokomed_y behind Lous fate ї de Funes "the Gendarme _z Seong Track" і "The gendarme in New York".
U 1965 rots_ Paul Mor_a stvoryu є sv_y Grand orchestra, z Yakim richly rok_v to a zapis є _nstrumentaln_ vers і ї popular p_sen to quail obroblennya klasichno ї muzik. At 1968 rots_ yoga of an orkestrov vers_ya p_sn_ p_sn_-uchasnits_ "=vrobachennya 1967" – "Lamour est bleu" (pot_m otrimat a nazva an angl_yska of "Love is Blue") ocholit h_t-parad of the USA, and pot_m і h_t-parad in bagatyokh kra§na to a sv_t. Paul Mor_a having become ¾diny frantsuzky vikonavets, yakiya dosyagnuv it viznannya in the USA.
Pochinayuchi z 1969 to fate Paul Mor_as orchestra to a concert є in the USA, Kanad і, the Japanese і ї, P_vdenn_y to Cora ї, Brazil і ї, _nshy kra§na of Latinsko ї America. Paul Mor_a of hundred є a phenomenon in the Japanese і ї, shchor_chno vlashtovuyuch to 50 kontsert_v. At SRSR the muzika at vikonann_ to Paul Mor_as orchestra often sounded on rad_o і telebachenn і, in such telev_z_yny transfers – "At Sv_t_ Beasts" – kompozits_ya "Alouette"/" Zhayvoronok, K_nopanoram – kompozits_ya "Pardonne-moi ce caprice denfant". Kompozits і ї vikoristano at prognoz_ wait a minute Paul Mor_a, Yakim zavershuvalasya a _nformats_yna the Time program ("Yesterday", "Abrazame", "Toccata", "Un étranger sur la terre"). _z to 1970-their middle rok_v for l_tsenz і є yu in SRSR vidano 4 v_n_lov_ Paul Mor_as plat_vka, yak_ roz_yshlisya SRSR terenam m_lyonny naklada. Ostann_y an album to orchestra, "Romantic", it is written down in 1997 rots_. Z 1998 to fate Paul Mor_a having finished an aktivna to a kontsertn d_yaln_st. Novim dirigenty having become orchestra talanovity p_an_st Gilles Gambus, yaky propratsyuvav in orkestr_ dovg_ fates.
Paul Mor_a of p_sh _z tsyy to a sv_t 3 leaf falls of 2006 to fate on p_vdn_ Franz і ї, in m Perp_nyan.
Storona 1
1. Lyubov Ushla (J. Reed and J. Sklerov)
2. Snov of the House (J. Reed and J. Sklerov) of
3. Moy House I River (P. Mauriat) of
4. Li Eto I could Be (J. Dzammo)
5. Vse of the Rain Drop mine (B. Bakarakh)
6. I Have to Fall in love with Snov of Tebya (J. Reed and P. Leka) of
Storona of 2
1. Most Nad Burnymi Vodami (P. Simon)
2. On Nemny Luchshe (P. Lek)
3. Let Will be (J. Lennon and P. McCartney)
4. Classical Answer (M. Williams) of
5. Variations On the Subjects "Most Nad Burnymi Vodami" and "Let Will Be"
Vsesoyuzn stud_ya to a gramzapis, <> Plat_vka of a vipushchen in SRSR in 1978
plat_vka Camp good. + poslug honor Ts_ns
170 UAH.
I will sell a plat_vka of Paul Mauriat & His Orchestra – 1978 / Orkestr Paul Mor_a Gr є Orkestr Paul Mor_a
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