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plat_vka of Benny Goodman "What Moonlight Can Do" / Benny Goodman "That Can Make the Moonlight" by Zapisi of the 1940th – the 1950th years.
Benn_ _udmen, (Benny Goodman, poyena _mya Bendzham_n Dev_d _udmen, Benjamin David Goodman; having arisen 30 travnya 1909 to fate in m of Chikago — spochiv 13 chervnya 1986 to fate, m New York, the USA) — the American jazzman, the clarinetist, names "the king to a sv_ng" is legendarier.
Having arisen in Chicago at rodin_ b_dny ¾vreysky em_grant_v _z the B_la Tserkva m_st, shcho b_lya Ki¾va. Vchivsya grat on klarnet_ in shkol_ at sinagoz_ Kehelah Jacob і in yun_ fates having become v_rtuozy y vistupav at r_zny collectives. At 1925 rots_ _udmen dolucha¾tsya to one _z naykrashchy chikazky orkestr_v — The Ben Pollack Orchestra, in 1926 rots_ having taken a fate at zapisa. Cherez the 2nd fates zyavlyayutsya persh_ soln_ records. Naprik_nts_ 1920-them rok_v vi§khav to New York, pratsyuvav to 1930-their ear, zavoyovuyuch populyarn_st. Grav _z v_domy groups of Red N_kols, Joness _shem that Ted Lyyu§s. At 1932 rubles stvoriv vlasny collective. U1934 of river p_dpisav the contract _z Columbia Records, that to fate of Benn_ _udmen Bør a fate at shchotizhnev_y rad_oprogram_ "Let’s Dance" (Give tantsyuvat), shcho potrebuvat v_d nyy novy tvor_v. Shchob vir_shit problem _z napovnennyam to the repertoire, _udmen clump є to Fletchers note of a _enderson. Vikonannya tsy viznany tvor_v at vlasn_y manners і, and takozh sol_dny tvorchiya dorobok Benn_ of a _udmen in seredin_ 1930-them rok_v zrobit the yogi a z_rka, Alya Shiroku glory yy prin_s vistup 21 serpnya 1935 to fate in baln_y zal_ "Palomar Ballroom" in Los-Anzheles_. Qiu date often nazivayut era ear to a sv_ng. 1930-them rok_v the glory of Benn_ of a _udmen zrostat
Uprodovzh. V_n vistupav a spochatka at tr_o, a p_zn_sha at the quartet і, and pot_m at sekstet_. 16 s_chnya 1938 rubles of the yogi collective having given a slavetny concert at Karneg_-hol_. Pro-that to 1940-their middle rok_v came crisis populyarnost_ b_g-bend_v, the yak reason ї Boulia f_nansov_ trudnoshch і, sprichinen_ Other sv_tova a v_yna. _udmen prodovzhuvav plat_vka zapisuvat y grav _z Malemi collectives.
U 1962 rots_ bulo organ_zovano a tour of Benn_ of a _udmen to SRSR. Having given a concert in Ki¾v і, in dom_ to the culture of Metrobud_vnik_v on vul. Pror_zn_y. Shchopravda, here v_n stiknuvsya _z chislenny byurokratichny trudnoshcha – radyansk_ pol_tik vimagat uchast_ a yakomog to a b_lsha chornoshk_ry muzikant_v in orchestra і, a radyanska ker_vnitstvo v_dmovilosya splachuvat to a _udmen the fee, a znachna k_lk_st kvitk_v on the yogi a concert rozpovsyudzhuvalasya viklyuchno sered "perev_reny klasovo-sv_domy tovarish_v". In 1960-them – 1980-their fates Benn_ _udmen prodovzhuvav vistupat perevazhno _z insignificant collectives till 1986 to fate.
Storona 1
1. Let’s Dance (Gregory Stone – Joseph Bonime) / Lets Dance 2:32
2. Why You Do Not Do It As It Should (Joe McCoy) / Why Ty of Ne Delayesh As It is necessary to 3:12
3. Benny Plays Again (Eddie Sauter) / Benny of Igrayet Snov 4:44
4. King Clarinet (Eddie Sauter) / Clarinet Kingly 3:24
5. Let’s Try (Cole Porter) / Lets try 2:14
6. Six Apartments Without Furniture (Richard Maltby) / Six Apartments of Bez of Furniture of 3:16
7. Jersey Bounces (Eddie Johnson) / Jersey-Bauns of 2:54
Storona of 2
1. / What Can Make by What Moonlight Can Do (Harry Woods) the Moonlight of 3:27
2. Crazy Rhythm (Irving Caesar – Joseph Meyer – Roger Wolfe Kahn) / the Mad Rhythm of 2:37
3. You Are The Heavenly Creature (Joe Young – Little Jack Little) / Ty — Heavenly Creation of 2:57
4. Would You Tell Me You? (Benny Goodman) / Ne Skazhesh of Li Ty? 3:16
5. Again Among Yours (Al Jolson – Billy Rose – Dave Dreyer) / Snov Among the 3:03
6. Luck (Mabel Wayne) / Good luck of 2:32
7. In Dreams Forget Your Anxieties (Billy Moll – Harry Barris – Ted Koehler) / In Dreams Forget the Alarms of 3:12
(c) Melodii, 1986
Vsesoyuzn stud_ya to a gramzapis. Zapisi of the 1940th – the 1950th Plat_vka of a vipushchen in SRSR the All-Union f_rma of gramplat_vka Melodii in 1987 rots_. М60 47507 006
Plat_vka of a vigotovlen on Apr¾l¾vsky the awards L¾n_na zavod_ gramplat_vka.
plat_vka Camp good. + poslug honor Ts_ns
170 UAH.

Reviews I will sell a plat_vka of Benny Goodman What Moonlight Can Do / Benny Goodman What Can Make the Moonlight

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I will sell a plat_vka of Benny Goodman "What Moonlight Can Do" / Benny Goodman "What Can Make the Moonlight"

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