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plat_vka A Grande Orquestra De Paul Mauriat / Orchestra of Paul Mauriat. France – 1978
Paul Mor_a (Paul Mauriat, having arisen 4 bereznya 1925 to fate – spochiv 3 leaf falls of 2006 to fate) – is legendarier the frantsuzky composer, an aranzhuvalnik that dirigent. Paul Mor_a having arisen at Marsel_. To Zak_nchiv Marselsk konservator_yu behind a class fortep_ano. At 17 rok_v stvoriv pershy orchestra. At 1957 rots_ pere§khav to Paris y having become pratsyuvat at zvukozapisn_y kompan і ї "Barclay" aranzhuvalniky that an akompan_ator. Pratsyuvav z Charles Aznavour, z Yakim Sp_lno having written ponad 120 p_sen, Dalida, Mor_som Sheval’ є (Maurice Chevalier), Leo Ferre ((Léo Ferré)) that _nshy v_domy populyarny vikonavtsyam. At 1966 rots_ Paul Mor_a having become the muzichny director M_rey Mat’ є (Mireille Mathieu). Z poet André Pascal stvoriv її golovny h_t "Mon credo". Having written down _z M_rey Mat є blizko 50 p_sen. At 1962 rots_ Paul Mor_a stvoriv pershy m_zhnarodniya h_t – "Chariot", shcho otrimav to a p_zn_sha to an angl_ysk to a nazv of "I will follow him". Qie Sp_lna of the robot _z v_domy frantsuzky composer і dirigenty Franck Pourcel. At 1964 і 1965 fates sp_lno z Raymond Lefèvre sklav to a muzik to k_nokomed_y _z Lu ї de Louis de Funès at head roles "the Gendarme _z Seong Track" that "The gendarme at New York". At 1965 rots_ Paul Mor_a stvoryu є Grand orchestra (A Grande Orquestra De Paul Mauriat), z Yakim Zapisu є _nstrumentaln_ vers і ї popular p_sen, aranzhuvannya klasichno ї muzik. At 1968 rots_ an orkestrova vers_ya p_sn_ p_sn_-uchasnits_ "=vrobachennya 1967" – "L’amour est bleu" (nadal_ a _menovana of "Love is Blue") ocholit h_t-parad of the USA, and pot_m і in bagatyokh kra§na to a sv_t. Paul Mor_a the USA has a ¾diny frantsuzky vikonaveets, yaky dom_gsya viznannya. _z 1969 to fate Paul Mor_as Orchestra zd_ysnyu є kontsertn_ tour of a terenama of the USA, Kanadi, Japanese і ї, P_vdenno ї to Cora ї, Brazil і ї, _nshy kra§n Latinsko ї America. Paul Mor_a of hundred є a phenomenon at the Japanese і ї, shchor_chno vlashtovuyuch to 50 kontsert_v. At SRSR the muzika at vikonann_ to Paul Mor_as orchestra sounds often on rad_o that telebachenn і, at such popular telev_z_yny transfers: "At sv_t_ beasts" – kompozits_ya "Alouette" / "Zhayvoronok", an orig_nalna of a nazv of Ar_el Ram_res – "La peregrinación" / "Palomnitstvo", K_nopanoram – kompozits_ya "Pardonne-moi ce caprice d’enfant", a dek_lk kompozits_y vikoristano at prognoz_ wait a minute, Yakim zavershuvalasya a _nformats_yna the Time program ("Yesterday", "Abrazame", "Toccata", "Un étranger sur la terre" that _nsh і). Z to 1970-their middle rok_v for l_tsenz і є yu in SRSR vidano 4 v_n_lov_ plat_vka, shcho roz_yshlisya I kra§noit m_lyonny naklada. Ostann_y an album to orchestra - "Romantic" it is written down in 1997 rots_. Z 1998 to fate Paul Mor_a having finished an aktivna to a kontsertn d_yaln_st. Novim dirigenty having become orchestra talanovity p_an_st Gilles Gambus, yaky propratsyuvav at orkestr_ dovg_ fates.
Party of 1
1. L’amour est parti – Lyubov Ushla (Joe Reed, Gloria Sklerov)
2. Encore des maisons is Again Houses (Joe Reed, Gloria Sklerov)
3. Ma maison et rivière – Moy I the River (Paul Mauriat)
4. Pourrait-il être moi – Could Be Li Eto I (G. Zummo)
5. Toutes mes gouttes de pluie is All Drops of the Rain my (Burt Bacharach)
6. Je dois t’aimer encore – I Have to Fall in love Again with You (Joe Reed, Paul Leka)
Party of 2
1. Pont sur les eaux turbulentes is the Bridge Over Rough Waters (Paul Simon)
2. Elle est un peu mieux – It Is A little better (Paul Leka)
3. Let it be – Let Will be (John Lennon, Paul McCartney)
4. Indice classique is the Classical Answer (Mason Williams)
5. Variations sur les thèmes "Pont sur les eaux agitées" et "Let it be" is Variations On the Subjects "Most Nad Burnymi Vodami" and "Let Will Be"
Plat_vk vipushcheno I f_rmoit "Melod_ya" in SRSR at 1978 Plat_vk nadrukovano on Aprel_vskoma of the award Len_na zavod_ gramplat_vka in 1980 rots_. 33С 60-05915-16
Camp of a plat_vka good. + poslug honor Ts_ns
170 UAH.

Reviews I will sell a plat_vka A Grande Orquestra De Paul Mauriat / Orchestra of Paul Mauriat. France – 1978

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I will sell a plat_vka A Grande Orquestra De Paul Mauriat / Orchestra of Paul Mauriat. France – 1978

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