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I sell Twisted Sister CD – Dee Snider "Never Let the Bastards Wear You Down" – of 2000
Former Twisted Sister, Front Man Dee Snider
Dee Snider (spravzhn є _mya – Daniel Snider; having arisen 15 bereznya 1955 to fate) — is legendarier American rock muzikant. To Nayb_lsh glory otrimav the yak vokal_st glem-threw v_domy to Twisted Sister herd. Takozh of v_domiya, yak of rad_oveduchiya of the yogi privately ї rad_ostants і ї "Dee Radio", actor, screenwriter, pismennik that televeduchiya.
U 1976 rots_ Dee Snider pri¾dnavsya to zasnovany Jay Jay French to a herd of Twisted Sister, yakiya tod_ spets_al_zuvalasya on glem-rokovy covers. Dee Snider viyavivsya not t_lk v_dm_nny lead singer, Alya y talanovity composer. Dee Snider ocholiv a herd, v_n having written a velika to a chastin p_sen і to dosit shvidko viv_v Twisted Sister on persh_ m_stsya glem-rokovo ї to a scene. At concerts D_ Snider to a zastosov є strakh_tliv_ masks y to a p_rotekhn_k, actively a vikoristov є a make-up, maskaradn_ a suit. At muzits_ Twisted Sister komb_nuvat sexually a provokats_yna to a l_rik, it is rich in a chy rozrakhovan on p_dl_tk_v, і glukh_ polecats _z with a nadzhorstky, metalevy roknroll. P_sls
Twisted Sister rozpad in 1987 rots_ Dee Snider zasnuvav the Desperado project at once z G_llan Bernie Tormés ex-g_tarist (knowledge behind robothat z of Gillan, Ozzy Osbourne’s backing band that Atomic Rooster), a p_zn_sha zasnuvav Widowmaker herd, Alya obidv_ a herd viyavilisya nedovgov_chny. At 1997 rots_ Twisted Sister of Boulia vozz’ ¾dnan_ in kolishnyy Zgod D_ Snider mav usp_kh the yak hev_-threw d_dzhy on rad_o "Dee radio". v_n having written to Takozh the book z breeds for t_neydzher_v "a course vizhivannya for p_dl_tk_v". In n_y v_n a zaklika є to a v_dmova v_d kur_nnya, to alcohol, narkotik_v, not v_dmovlya є v_d careless to sex.
D_ Snider is gallant a fate at stvorenn_ 31 f_lma. At bagatyokh z them v_n a gra є to. Having written stsenar_y to a f_lma of "Strangeland" і a muzika to tryokh "Never Let The Bastards Wear You Down" – a debyutny stud_yny album Dee Snider, shcho viysh 22 serpnya 2000 to fate.
Album to m_stit a nizka p_sen, yak_ having written to Dee Snider for gurt_v Twisted Sister, Desperado that Widowmaker, to Alya so і without having written down.
1. Hardcore (Lemmy’s Song) (Dee Snider) 4:06
2. Call My Name (Dee Snider) 2:59
3. Our Voice Will Be Heard (Dee Snider) 2:59
4. Isn’t It Time (Dee Snider/Bernie Tormé) 4:33
5. Cry You A Rainbow (Dee Snider/Bernie Tormé) 5:02
6. The Wanderer (Ernie Maresca) 4:56
7. Uh-Huh-Huh (Dee Snider/Bernie Tormé) 3:53
8. Desperado (Dee Snider/Bernie Tormé) 3:55
9. Sometimes You Win (Sometimes You Lose) (Dee Snider/Bernie Tormé) 3:57
10. Ride Through The Storm (Suzette’s Song Part 2) (Dee Snider/Bernie Tormé) 4:23
Dee Snider – lead vocals, backing vocals
Tony Palmucci, Dan McCafferty – guitars
Derek Tailer – bass
A.J. Pero – Drums
Denny McNerney – engineer, mastering
Justin Picotte – assistant engineer
Released August 22, 2000
(p) 2000 Koch Records
Produced by Denny McNerney
CD vigotovleno at 2000 rots_ in m Moscow, the Russian Federation.
Booklet 4 stor_nka z_ sv_tlinam, _stor і є yu to a zapis to an album, perel_kam p_sen that uchasnik_v to a zapis.
Naklad vidannya CD obmezheno.
CD Camp good. Ts_ns
160 UAH + Mozhlivy obm_n on v_n_lov_ plat_vka.

Reviews I sell Twisted Sister CD – Dee Snider Never Let the Bastards Wear You Down – of 2000

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I sell Twisted Sister CD – Dee Snider "Never Let the Bastards Wear You Down" – of 2000

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  • Registration Date : 03/02/2022
    Number Of Products : 79134
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  • $77.50

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