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I sell CD John Lee Hooker "Face To Face" – 2003
"Tsey an album – vt_lennya mr і ї my the father", – wrote at anotats і ї to an album "Face to Face" Zak_ya a _uker, the daughter to a legend to Johns blues L_ a _uker. To the robot over him a muzikant not vstig finish for zhittya, і to bring to k_ntsya tsyu podorozh to a kra§na was led up blues yoga d_tyam. "M_y father buv pershoprokh_dets. V_n stvoriv a sound, yaky n_ky so і not vdalosya repeat", – a vvazha є Zakh_ya Hooker. 15 trek_v, podany on "Face to Face", – tse 15 zrazk_v yoga f_rmovy to a sound, stary і vitrimany hour that napisany ostann_m hour, yak_ shche to a n_da did not sound.
Spadshchina John L_ a _uker shche desyatil_ttya to that became nev_d’ I ¾mnoit a chastina suchasno ї muzik, prosyaknuvsh її flesh that a shelter. Qie Kompozits і ї, shcho to lie a pose criticism, bo §kh znachennya long ago viyshlo for mezh_ is silent concrete obstavin і nav_t ts_ly per_od_v privately ї a _stor і ї if §kh bulo it is written y is sounded. "Boogie Chillen", "Dimples", "It Serves Me Right to Suffer", "Mad Man Blues" – to dobra v_dom_ the standard, shcho became classics to a genre. "Boogie Chillen" – zagaly an un_kalna kompozits_ya: tse one _z pershy 2 trek_v (poryad z "Sally Mae"), yak_ a _uker having written down at student і ї in 1948 rots_ for svo є ї debyutno ї plat_vka. І having presented before a publ_ka _z tsy odnoman_tny accompaniment, pod_bny to a skor_sha on shamansk_ get up, n_zh on mistetstvo rozvag, tod_ v_n having pushed d_znavsya, shcho usp_kh. Be ruined at potots_ same nevigadlivy zapis_v they are 1950-them rok_v did not permit to yy it is fanatical oderzhim_st the verse і є yu 1. Big Road (John Lee Hooker, Tommy Johnson)
2. Dimples (James Bracken, John Lee Hooker)
3. Loving People (John Lee Hooker, Ollan Christopher Bell, Zakiya Hooker)
4. Face To Face (John Lee Hooker)
5. Funky Mabel (John Lee Hooker)
6. It Serves Me Right To Suffer (John Lee Hooker)
7. Up And Down (John Lee Hooker, Lynn Pini)
8. Mad Man Blues (John Lee Hooker)
9. Six Page Letter (John Lee Hooker)
10. Stop Jivin’ Me (John Lee Hooker)
11. Mean Mean World (John Lee Hooker, Ollan Christopher Bell, Zakiya Hooker)
12. Turn Over A New Leaf (Bernard Besman, John Lee Hooker)
13. Wednesday Evening Blues (John Lee Hooker)
14. Boogie Chillen’ (Bernard Besman, John Lee Hooker)
15. Rock These Blues Away (John Lee Hooker, Ollan Christopher Bell, Zakiya Hooker)
John Lee Hooker – Guitar (1, 2, 4 – 15), Vocals
Guitar: Robert Young (1), Roy Rogers (1, 8), Warren Haynes (1, 7), Elvin Bishop (2), Billy Johnson (3, 9, 10, 11, 15), Robert Young (3, 6, 15), Johnny Winter (4), Ron Thompson (5), Dickey Betts (6), George Thorogood (8, 10, 13, 14), Anthony Cook (3, 11, 12, 15)
Bass: Jack Casady (1, 4), Ruth Davies (2), Joe Thomas (3, 9, 10), Tony Saunders (5), Joe Thomas (6, 12, 15), Steve Ehrmann (7), Ollan Christopher Bell (11)
Drums: Marlon Green (1, 3, 4, 9, 10, 12, 15), Kevin Hayes (2, 6), Bowen Brown (5), Scott Mathews (7), Kevin Williams (11)
Organ: Ron Thompson (5), Tony Saunders (5), Jim Pugh (2)
Piano: Johnny Johnson (7), Dan Zemelman (3, 9)
Synthesizer: Anthony Cook (11)
Saxophone: Dean Moore (9)
Vocals: Van Morrison (2), Zakiya Hooker (11, 15)
Backing Vocals: Gail Benson (3), Terrance Kelly (3), Tina Bryant (3)
Produced by Ollan Christopher Bell, Zakiya Hooker
15 tracks from John Lee Hooker’s final recording sessions with special guests.
(p) 2003 of John Lee Hooker Family Limited Print
(p) 2003 of John Lee Hooker Family Limited Partnership
(p) 2003 of Eagle Records
CD vigotovleno in m Moscow, Ros_ya at 2003 Manufactured by original media production A3900987-01
Naklad of CD obmezheno. CD camp good.
Buklet-rozgortka 8 stor_nok z_ sv_tlinam, a _stor і є yu stvorennya to an album, perel_ky vikonavts_v і Ts_na of 160 UAH + Mozhna of an obm_nyata on v_n_lov_ plat_vka.

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I sell CD John Lee Hooker "Face To Face" – 2003

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  • Registration Date : 03/02/2022
    Number Of Products : 79134
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  • $77.50

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