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I sell CD Deep Forest III "Comparsa" – 1998
Deep Forest (Dr_muchy L_s) – a vidatny muzichny herd, yaky sklada¾tsya _z dvokh frantsuzky muzikant_v, Er_ka Mouquet that M_shel Sanchez. Vaughnies
write a muzika in stil_ to world music Abo of an etno-elektron_k, a m_kshiruyucha etn_chn_ that elektronn_ sounds, and takozh tantsyuvaln_ b_t of Abo a b_ta ch_l-miss. Faktichnos
muzikanta of Deep Forest odnoos_bno stvorit more popularly nasyogodn_ world music style. Deep Forest persh_ stvoril rock etnosu gurt_v. Deep Forest of pershiya nadav punktirny that haotichny "вкрапленням" to the world music elements to a zak_nchen, doskonal form. _stor_ya to sv_dchit, shcho having started by Deep Forest _z povernennya Sanchez z Africa, v_n zaymavsya vivchennyam to a harmony that hormone і ї afrikansko ї muzik. By method sprob і a pomilok Sanchez і Mouquet of a v_dshukala of neobkh_dniya for §kh to the project a sound, sprobuval r_zn_ to a form head to a vocal that bek vocal, y zupinilisya on modet і, for a yak ї є harakterny vivedeniye on peredn_y the plan a voice, yaky "pilaf є" a tkanina kompozits_y, spirayuchis on garmon_yn_ melod і ї stil_zovano ї is national ї muzik r_zny "Comparsa" – tret_y a stud_yny album Deep Forest, vidany in s_chn_ 1998 to fate. On albom_ muzikant prodovzhuyut obroblyat narodn_ a rhythm that nasp_v. By Orig_nali on tsy time it is taken, in the basic, _z to Latinsko ї America: Cuba, Bel_z, Mexico that _nshy kra§n to a reg_on.
1. Noonday Sun 4:59
2. Green and Blue 4:53
3. Madazulu 3:23
4. 1716 1:03
5. Deep Weather 4:54
6. Comparsa 4:58
7. Earthquake (Transition 1) 0:48
8. Tres Marias 4:53
9. Radio Belize 3:58
10. Ekue Ekue 5:20
11. La Lune Se Bat Avec Les Étoiles (Transition 2) 2:27
12. Forest Power 2:47
13. Media Luna 4:32
Recorded 1997
Produced by Deep Forest
(p) 1998 550 Records
Released January 1998
CD vigotovleno in m of Sof_ya, Bolgar_ya in 1998 CD Camp good. Obkladinkis
is mute є. Ts_ns
120 UAH + Mozhlivy obm_n on v_n_lov_ plat_vka.

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I sell CD Deep Forest III "Comparsa" – 1998

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    Number Of Products : 79134
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  • $77.50

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