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I sell CD Cactus "to Ot N Sweaty" – 1972
(On Stage In Puerto Rico And In The Studio)
Cactus – the vidatny American rock herd stvoreny in 1970 rots_ in New York. Herd of a gr є zhorstky hard rock _z elements to a blues rock. Pyat albom_v Cactus entered to "Billboard 200".
Herd stvoreno in rezultat_ zlittya rhythm section і ї to Vanilla Fudge herd (Tim Bogert, Carmine Appice) _z a kernel of The Jeff Beck Group – a g_tarist of Jeff Beck і vokal_sty Rod Stewart. To Alya Jeff Beck potrapiv in an avtomob_lna avar_yu y vibuv z to a harmony on a p_vtor to fate, and Rod Stewart of uv_ysh to a warehouse to The Faces herd. On §kh m_sets on an ear of 1970 to fate it is requested the Jim McCarthy g_tarist _z to Detroit Wheels herd і the Rosti Day vokal_st (spravzhn є _mya by Russell Edward Davidson) _z The Amboy Dukes (Ted Nugent herd). Kvartet deyaky hour reklamuvavsya yak "American Led Zeppelin", vikonuvav zhorstky blues / hard rock _z elements garage to fate that tradits_yny bug_-vug_. At chisl_ v_domy muzikant_v, yak_ nazivat to themselves fans of Cactus, Boulia Eddie Van Halen, David Coverdale, muzikant to Monster Magnet herd. P_sls
rozpad to a herd in 1972 rots_ Tim Bogert that Carmine Appice vozz’ ¾dnalisya z Jeff Beck at gurt_ Beck, Bogert & Appice, to Alya Tr_o protrimalosya at once a little to a b_lsha to fate.
" Ot N Sweaty" is a 4-y stud_yny album to a herd of Cactus, vipushcheniye in 1972 rots_. The Far Eastern Military District є uchasnik_v orig_nalny to a warehouse – Jim McCarthy that Rosti Day – p_shl _z to a herd. Tod_ Tim Bogert that Carmine Appice requested to a herd of the Werner Fritzschings g_tarist, a klav_shnik of Duane Hitchings і the Peter French vokal_st (ex-Leaf Hound, Atomic Rooster). "Ot N Sweaty" – a zaklyuchny album to a herd before rozpady. Persh_ 3 p_sn_ (tickling the party orig_nalno ї dovgograyucho ї plat_vka) it is written down on kontsert_ 3 kv_tnya 1972 to fate in Puyerto-R_ko on festival_ by "Mar y Sol", and Rasht (the friend the party of a plat_vka) at student і ї (such rank on obkladints_ to an album zaznacheno p_slya nazv to a herd: "on stsen_ in Puyerto-R_ko і in student і ї".
1. Swim (Let Me Swim) (Carmine Appice, Tim Bogert, Rusty Day, Jim McCarty) 4:42
2. Bad Mother Boogie (Big Mama Boogie - Part II) (Carmine Appice, Tim Bogert, Peter French, Werner Fritzschings, Duane Hitchings) 5:21
3. Our Lil Rock n Roll Thing (Carmine Appice, Tim Bogert, Peter French, Werner Fritzschings, Duane Hitchings) 7:01
4. Bad Stuff (Peter French, R. Neep Johnson) 3:11
5. Bringing Me Down (Carmine Appice, Tim Bogert, Peter French, Werner Fritzschings, Duane Hitchings) 5:25
6. Bedroom Mazurka (Peter French, Duane Hitchings) 4:38
7. Telling You (Peter French, Duane Hitchings) 5:09
8. Underneath the Arches (Joseph Connelly, Bud Flanagan, Joseph McCarty) 0:26
Carmine Appice – Drums, backing vocals, percussion
Tim Bogert – Bass, backing vocals
Werner Fritzschings – Guitar
Peter French – Lead and backing vocals
Duane Hitchings – Keyboards, organ, electric and acoustic pianos
Engineers – Dave Palmer (5, 6), Jimmy Douglass (1 – 3), Michael DeLugg (4, 7, 8), Ray Thompson (1 – 3), Tom Scott (1 - 3)
Assistants engineers – Buzz Richmond, Bernie Kirsh
Recorded by Wally Heider (1 - 3)
Geoffrey Haslam – remixing, mixing
Jean Ristori – Mastering
Andree Buchler – Re-release coordinator
Thierry Amsallem – Re-release coordinator
Claude Nobs – Re-release coordinator
Produced by Geoffrey Haslam
Recorded 1972
(p) 1972 ATCO Records
Released August 28, 1972
CD vigotovleno OOO "DORA Company" in 1998 rots_ in m Moscow, Ros_ya.
CD Camp good. Ts_ns
160 UAH + Mozhlivy obm_n on v_n_lov_ plat_vka.

Reviews I sell CD Cactus to Ot N Sweaty – 1972

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I sell CD Cactus "to 'Ot 'N' Sweaty" – 1972

  • Product Code: MX37672
  • Registration Date : 03/02/2022
    Number Of Products : 79134
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  • $77.50

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