Hills Prescription Diet Canine L/d Medical dry dog food Is developed to help to protect the vital functions of a liver. Dlya of obtaining bigger information see your veterinarian. Pokazaniya: At liver diseases At pechenechny encephalopathy At the portosistemny shunt At accumulation of copper in Protivopokazaniyas liver: To cats to the Pregnant and feeding boughs and puppies aged up to 6 months to Dogs with a giperlipidemiya or pancreatitis (with risk of development of pancreatitis or pancreatitis in the anamnesis) Key advantages: Pomogayet to umenshit load of a liver and maintains her health by Pomogayet to support normal fat metabolism in Pomogayets liver to avoid the deficiency of nutrients which is usually connected with liver diseases date editing the description: 31.08.2021
Hills Prescription Diet Canine L / d Medicated Dry Dog Food
- Product Code: MX23538
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