Hartz UltraGuard Rid Flea & Tick Dog Shampoo of Shampun from fleas and ticks with aroma of a citrus of Shampun from fleas and ticks with an active component a phenotrinomial - 0.27%, not having toxic effect on adult healthy animals, does not show the irritating and allergenic action. After washing there is for a long time a fresh smell of a citrus. Instruction for application: Before application it is desirable to comb hair of a dog to Wet wool, avoiding hit in eyes of an animal to Apply a small amount of shampoo on hands and massage movements carefully to distribute on a body, since the head and further on a trunk to extremities, to leave shampoo for 2-3 min. Carefully to wash away water the Second way means dissolution of the necessary amount of shampoo in water, vzbity foams and bathing of a dog in it. Such option is suitable for animals which need to be bathed as soon as possible. Producer: The Hartz Mountain Corporation, 400 Plaza Drive, Secaucus, NJ, 07094 Made in USA Product code: 02299 - Hartz UltraGuard Shampoo of Shampun from fleas and ticks with aroma of a citrus (532 ml) date editing the description: 08.06.2016
Hartz UltraGuard Shampoo Citrus Scent Flea & Tick Shampoo
- Product Code: MX24441
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