Название документа

Pharmacological properties

Pharmacodynamics. xylomethazolinum — derivative imidazoline, has sympathomimetic effect, is a direct antagonist α2-адренорецепторов. causes narrowing of blood vessels of a mucous membrane of a nasal cavity, eliminates its hyperaemia and hypostasis, reduces exudation.

Long use of medicine (2 weeks) can lead

to secondary expansion of blood vessels (medicamentous rhinitis) which cause slowing down of release of noradrenaline from nerve terminations by excitement presynaptic α 2 - adrenoceptors can be.

Pharmacokinetics. Effect of medicine develops in 5–10 min.; its effect lasts for 5–6 h, however vasoconstriction remains during 8–12 h. When drawing on a mucous membrane medicine causes local narrowing of blood vessels and is practically not soaked up in a blood-groove and has no systemic action. In case of hit of a significant amount of xylomethazolinum in a digestive tract (it is generally possible at children), note excessive sedation.


Treatment of sharp rhinitis of virus or bacterial origin; sharp or exacerbations of chronic sinusitis; allergic rhinitis; sharp average otitis (for recovery of passability of acoustical pipes).


Drop nasal 0.05% (1 drop contains 0.025 mg of xylomethazolinum of a hydrochloride).

to Children aged from 4 months up to 2 years on 1 drop in each nasal course each 8–12 h on doctor's orders dig in 0.05% of solution; but no more than 3 times a day; to children at the age of 2–12 years — on 2–3 drops of 0.05% of solution in each nasal course each 8–10 h

Drop nasal 0.1% (1 drop contains 0.05 mg of xylomethazolinum of a hydrochloride).

to Adults and children 12 years are aged more senior than

each 8–10 h dig in 2–3 drops in each nasal course

apply Drug in form 0.05 and 0.1 of % of nasal gel on a mucous membrane of a nasal cavity by fast one-time pressing of the doser of a bottle.

Every time before use of medicine needs to remove a nozzle and to press the doser of 3-5 times until emergence of medicine (gel).

Gel for a nose of 0.05% (one pressing contains 0.05 mg of xylomethazolinum of a hydrochloride).

Children at the age of 3–12 years: gel for a nose of 0.05%: usually each 8–10 h

Gel for a nose of 0.1% (one pressing contains 0.1 mg of xylomethazolinum of a hydrochloride) do one pressing in each nasal course to appoint to adults and children 12 years are aged more senior.

Children are aged more senior than 12 years and adults: usually each 8–10 h

Course of treatment usually appoint one pressing in each nasal course makes 3–5 days and anyway should not exceed 10 days.


Hypersensitivity to medicine components; pregnancy period; closed-angle glaucoma; a state after hypophysectomy or other surgeries which are carried out with a section of a firm meninx. to children aged up to 4 months — in the form of drops.

Locally in some cases the irritation, burning, unpleasant feeling of xeromycteria, sneezing can be p>

. very seldom there is systemic action — a headache, drowsiness, weakness, dizziness, tachycardia, nausea, a short-term disorder of vision, allergic reactions (rash, a Quincke's disease), violation of a warm rhythm, increase hell (especially at patients with a disease of a cardiovascular system), short wind. in case of application of very high dose or wrong application of a drop it is possible to swallow that leads to absorption of active ingredient in a GIT. such cases note generally at children, at the same time the main side effect is excessive sedation.

Special instructions

Bottle needs to be used individually; it is not necessary to transfer him for use to other persons for prevention of possible spread of an infection.

In chronic rhinitises medicament should not be used constantly throughout a long time (more than 10 days). Medicine use can cause more than 10 days medicamentous rhinitis. Prolonged use of medicine can become the reason of opposite effect. It is not necessary to exceed the recommended medicine dose, especially at treatment of children and elderly people.

should not use Drug in the form of nasal drops at children aged up to 4 months. Drug in the form of nasal gel should not be used at children under 3 years.

With care is applied at patients with IBS, AG, diabetes, closed-angle glaucoma, diseases of a thyroid gland, a prostatauxe, a hyperthyroidism. Not to use medicament during treatment by MAO inhibitors or tricyclic antidepressants.

can Use medicament during pregnancy only if the expected therapeutic effect for mother exceeds potential risk for a fruit.

do not have

data that Halazolinum is allocated with breast milk, however it is not recommended to use medicament during feeding by a breast. If use of medicine is necessary, it is necessary to stop breastfeeding.

Ability to influence speed of response at control of vehicles or work with other mechanisms. Drug has no negative impact on ability to control of vehicles and work with potentially dangerous mechanisms.

Because medicine in the minimum quantity gets to a system blood-groove, its interaction with other applied means is improbable

Interaction. noted separate cases of interaction of medicine with tricyclic antidepressants therefore medicament is not used during treatment by tricyclic antidepressants and Mao's inhibitors. not to apply along with other sympathomimetics (for example ephedrine, pseudoephedrine), considering mutual strengthening of effect of medicines.


Considerable overdose of medicine or its accidental oral administration, especially children, can cause development of sedation, a disorder of vision, a headache, irritability, increase hell, violations of a heart rhythm, insomnia, respiratory depression, consciousness rasstoystvo. prolonged use of medicine can lead to development of the secondary medicamentous rhinitis resistant to therapy. treatment at overdose symptomatic.

Storage conditions

B the place protected from light at the room temperature of 15−25 °C. to store out of children's reach.

Active ingredients Xylomethazolinum
Amount of active ingredient 1 mg/g
Applicant Warsaw Federal Law Polfa
Code of automatic telephone exchange R01AA07 Xylomethazolinum
Interaction with food It doesn't matter
Light sensitivity Not sensitive
Market status The branded generic
Origin Chemical
Prescription status Without prescription
Primary packing bottle
Quantity in packing 10 g
Release form nasal gel
Route of administration Nasal
Sign Import
Storage temperature from 5 °C to 25 °C
Trade name Halazolinum

Reviews Halazolinum nazat gel. 0.1% fl. 10 g

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Halazolinum nazat gel. 0.1% fl. 10 g

  • Product Code: 178694
  • In Stock

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  • $20.44

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