Название документа

Composition of medicine:

active ingredients: heparin sodium;
dimetindena maleate, Phenylephrinum hydrochloride;
1 ml of medicine supports a dimetinden of a maleate of 0.25 mg, hydrochloride Phenylephrinum in terms of Phenylephrinum of 2.5 mg;
excipients: citric acid, monohydrate; sodium hydrophosphate waterless; sorbite (E 420); benzalkoniya chloride; peppermint oil, the water purified.
Dosage form.

Drop nasal.
Transparent solution from colourless till slightly yellowish color with a specific smell. Opalescence is allowed.
Name and location of the producer.

LLC Pharmaceutical Company Zdorovye.
Ukraine, 61013, Kharkiv, Shevchenko St., 22.
Pharmacotherapeutic group.

Antiedematouses for topical administration at nose diseases. Code of automatic telephone exchange R01A B01.

Grippotsitron RINOS - the combined medicine containing Phenylephrinum and dimetinden.
Drug reduces discharges from a nose and promotes clarification of the nasal courses, without breaking at the same time physiological functions of a ciliary epithelium and mucous membrane of a nose.
Fenilefrin treats sympathomimetic amines. It is applied as nasal decongestant with moderate vasoconstrictive action, selectively stimulates alpha and adrenergic receptors of cavernous venous tissue of mucous membrane of a nose. Thus, quickly and for a long time eliminates a rhinedema and its adnexal bosoms.
Dimetinden - the antagonist histamine H1 receptors - have antiallergic effect.
It is effective at application in low doses, it is well transferred.
Grippotsitron RINOS is applied locally therefore his activity does not correlate with concentration of active agents in blood plasma.
At accidental oral absorption the bioavailability of Phenylephrinum decreases and is about 38%, elimination half-life - about 2.5 hours.
System bioavailability of a dimetinden after intake in solution is about 70%, elimination half-life - about 6 hours.

Symptomatic treatment of cold, congestion of a nose, sharp and chronic rhinitises; seasonal (hay fever) and nonseasonal allergic rhinitis, sharp and chronic sinusitis, vasomotorial rhinitises. Auxiliary therapy at sharp average otitis.
Preparation for surgical intervention in a nose and elimination of a rhinedema and adnexal bosoms after surgical intervention.

Hypersensitivity to any component of medicine.
Drug, through Phenylephrinum content, as well as other vasoconstrictors, is contraindicated at atrophic rhinitis and also to the patients accepting MAO inhibitors or which accepted them during the previous 14 days.
Drug is not recommended to be used during pregnancy and feeding by a breast.
Special cautions.

Grippotsitron RINOS should not apply

longer than 1 week. Prolonged or excessive use of medicine can cause a tachyphylaxis and effect of "ricochet" (medicamentous rhinitis).
As well as at use of other vasoconstrictors, it is not necessary to exceed the recommended medicine dose. Excessive use of medicine, especially at children and elderly people, can cause manifestations of systemic action of medicine.
Should appoint with care medicine to patients with cardiovascular diseases, patients with a hypertension, with diseases of a thyroid gland and the patient with closed-angle glaucoma.

Use during pregnancy or feeding by a breast. Drug is not appointed during pregnancy and feeding a breast.
Ability to influence speed of response at control of motor transport or work with other mechanisms. Does not influence.

Children. To children till 1 year are recommended to apply drops Grippotsitron RINOS only on doctor's orders.
Route of administration and doses.

Before introduction of medicine should clean a nose carefully.
Children aged till 1 year (on doctor's orders)
On 1 drop in each nasal course 3-4 times a day.

Children aged from 1 up to 6 years
On 1 or 2 drops in each nasal course 3-4 times a day.

Adults and children aged from 6 years
On 3 or 4 drops in each nasal course 3-4 times a day.
Term of treatment should not exceed 7 days and depends on disease severity.


At accidental ingestion of medicine by small children it was not reported about any serious side effects.
Majority of cases were symptomless, was very seldom reported about feelings of fatigue, a stomach ache, mild tachycardia, increase in arterial blood pressure, excitement, insomnia, pallor of integuments.
Treatment. Use of activated carbon, is possible - depletive at children of younger age (gastric lavage is not required); to adults and children appoint a large amount of liquid for drink.
Side effects.

Usually medicine is well transferred by

mild and tranzitorny local reactions from a mucous membrane of a nose (sensation of burning or dryness) are In some cases possible.
It is very rare: development of allergic reactions (including local from skin, naggers of a body, the century, persons, the general weakness swelled).
Interaction with other medicines and other types of interactions.


Drug is contraindicated to the patients accepting MAO inhibitors or accepted them during previously 14 days.
should appoint Vasoconstrictors with care to the patients taking tricyclic antidepressants and the antihypertensive drugs, such as β-adrenoblockers.

Expiration date.
3 years.

Storage conditions.
to Store in original packing at a temperature not above 25 °C.
to Store out of children's reach.

Drops nasal on 15 ml in the bottles corked by covers droppers under a carving mouth with the glass pipette in a box.

Category of a holiday.
Without recipe.

Description of goods is certified by the Health producer .

Editorial group Date of creation: 20.01.2023 Date of updating: 05.04.2023 Yashch_shin Mart of a =vgen_vn Author Oleksander V_ktorovich Sevryukov Reviewer

Pay attention!

Description of the medicine Grippotsitron Rinos cap. nazat. put. fl. 15 ml on this page — the simplified author's version of website apteka911 created on the basis of the instruction(s) for application. Before acquisition or use of medicine you have to consult with the doctor and study the original instruction of the producer (it is applied to each packing of medicine).

Information on medicament is provided to

only with the fact-finding purpose and should not be used as the management to self-treatment. Only the doctor can make the decision on prescribing of medicine and also define doses and ways of its application.

to Estimate *: Estimate please goods! Protective Code is Incorrectly entered the code

Frequently asked questions

How much is Grippotsitron Rinos a cap. nazat. put. fl. 15 ml?

Prices of Grippotsitron Rinos cap. nazat. put. fl. 15 ml begin from 76.72 UAH for packing. whether

Can give this medicine to children?

Since the 1st year. It is necessary to consult with your attending physician more in details.

What storage conditions at drops for Grippotsitron's (Health) nose?

It agrees with the instruction temperature of storage of Grippotsitron (Health) is from 5 °C to 25 °C. To store out of children's reach.

What analogs at drops for a nose Grippotsitron No. 1?

Full analogs Grippotsitron Rinos cap. nazat. put. fl. 15 ml are:

What country of origin at Grippotsitron (Health)?

Country the producer at Grippotsitron (Health) - Ukraine.


D_yuch_ of a rechovina: to a dimetinden maleate, fen_lefrin;

1 ml to medicament to m_stit a dimetindena to a maleate of 0.25 mg, a fen_lefrin of 2.5 mg;

Dopom_zhn_ of a rechovina: lemon acid, monog_drat; natr_yu g_drofosfat is more anhydrous; sorb_t (E 420); benzalkon_yu chloride; ol_ya m'yat pertsevo ї; water is purified.

L_karsk form. Krapl_ nazaln і, rozchin.

Osnovn_ f_ziko-h_m_chn_ vlastivost і: prozoriya rozchin v_d bezbarvny to a zlegk zhovtuvaty to a kolyor z_ a spetsif_chny smell. Dopuska¾tsya opalestsents_ya.

Pharmakoterapevtichn group. that Protinabryakov_ _nsh_ rinolog_chn_ medicament for a m_stsevy zastosuvannya. Simpatom_metiki, komb_nats і ї, behind a vinyatok kortikostero§d_v. ATH R01A B code.

Pharmakolog_chn_ vlastivost_.


Komb_novany medicine, shcho to m_stit fen_lefrin і dimetinden.

Drug to a zmensh є vid_lennya z a nose that spriya є ochishchennyu nosovy hod_v, not porushuyuch at tsyy f_z_olog_chny funkts_y migotlivy ep_tel_yu і slizovo ї nose obolonka.

Fen_lefrin to nalezhit

to simpatom_metichny am_n_v. Zastosovu¾tsya a yak nazalny decongestant _z I pom_rnoit a sudinozvuzhuvalna d і є yu, selectively stimulyu є α1-адренергічні a receptor kavernozno ї venozno ї tkanin slizovo ї nose obolonka. Such rank, shvidko і nadovgo a usuva є filled out slizovo ї nose obolonka that yoga of pridatkovy bosoms.

Dimetinden – antagon_st g_stam_novy H1-retseptor_v – to repair a protialerg_chna d_yu. Efektivny at zastosuvann_ at nizky doses, good to be had.


Drug zastosovu¾tsya m_stsevo, to volume of the yogi aktivn_st not korelyu є z koncentrats і є yu active rechovin at plazm_ krov_.

At vipadkovy peroral vsmoktuvann_ b_odostupn_st to a fen_lefrin zmenshuvalasya і stanovit priblizno 38% through metabol_zm at pershy prokhodzhenn_ at intestines that pech_nts і, per_od nap_vvivedennya – priblizno to 2.5 time.

become system

b_odostupn_st to a dimetinden p_slya priyy orally at rozchin_ priblizno 70%, per_od nap_vvivedennya – priblizno 6 times.

Kl_n_chn_ of characteristic.


U dorosly that d_ty v_ky v_d 2 rok_v:

simptomatichne l_kuvannya chill

, zakladenost_ a nose, gostry і hron_chny rin_t_v, seasonal (a s_nna propasnitsya) that nonseasonal alerg_chny rin_t_v, gostry that hron_chny sinusit_v, vasomotorial rin_t_v. Dopom_zhna terap_ya at gostry serednyy otit_.


to a h_rurg_chny vtruchannya at d_lyants_ a nose that usunennya to a nabryak slizovo ї nose obolonka і pridatkovy bosoms p_slya h_rurg_chny vtruchannya.


G_perchutliv_st to a fen_lefrina, a dimetindena to a maleate of Abo to be-yakikh dopom_zhny rechovin to drug. Through vm_st to a fen_lefrin medicine, a yak і _nsh_ sudinozvuzhuvaln_ zasob, protipokazaniye at atrof_chny rin_t і, zakritokutov_y glaucomas і, and takozh pats і є to nta, yak_ priymayut _ng_b_tori of a monoam_noksidaza (MAO), Abo yak_ priymat §kh poperedn_ 14 dn_v.

z _nshy l_karsky zasoba that _nsh_ conduct

Vza¾mod_ya vza¾mod_y.


zastosuvannya to medicament z MAO _ng_b_tor that protyagy 14 dn_v p_slya §kh zastosuvannya to the protipokazena.

Sl_d z oberezhn_styu priznachat sudinozvuzhuvaln_ zasob z tritsikl_chny і tetratsikl_chny antidepressants that antig_pertenzivny medicines, such yak β-adrenoblocker, osk_lk §kh odnochasniya priyy mozh of a potents_yuvata of presorniya efekt to a fen_lefrin.

Osoblivost_ zastosuvannya.

Drug, a yak і _nsh_ simpatom_metik, sl_d _z oberezhn_styu zastosovuvat pats і є to nta z I virazhenoit reakts і є yu on adrenerg_chn_ rechovin, shcho proyavlya¾tsya such oznaka a yak bezsonnya, zapamorochennya, a tremor, sertsev_ aritm і ї chi p_dvishchennya arter_alny to a tisk.

Drug not sl_d zastosovuvat bezperervno to a dovsha 3 dn_v. Yakshcho a symptom not znikayut to a b_lsha 3 dn_v Abo pog_rshuyutsya, sl_d zvernutisya to l_karya. Trivale Abo to the nadm_ena zastosuvannya to medicament to a sprichinita mozha takh_f_laks_yu that efekt to "ricochet" (medikamentozniya rin_t).

Yak і at zastosuvann_ _nshy sudinozvuzhuvalny zasob_v, not sl_d perevishchuvat to a recomendovan a dose to drug. Nadm_rne zastosuvannya to drug, especially d_tyam that pats і є to nta l_tnyy to a v_k, a mozha of a sprichinita show systemically ї d і ї to drug.

Sl_d z oberezhn_styu priznachat medicine pats і є to nta _z sertsevo-sudinny zakhvoryuvannyam, hvory on an arter_alna g_pertenz_yu, z g_pertireozy, a tsukrovy d_abet that pats і є to nta z obstrukts і є yu shiyka of a sechovy m_khur (napriklad, g_pertrof і є yu peredm_khurovo ї zaloz).

Through vm_st H1-antig_stam_novogo to a zasob to a dimetinden to a maleate medicine sl_d z oberezhn_styu zastosovuvat pats і є to nta, hvory on ep_leps_yu.

Zastosuvann at per_od vag_tnost_ Abo goduvannya gruddyu.

Dosl_dzhen zastosuvannya a fen_lefrina that a dimetindena to a maleate at per_od vag_tnost_ Abo goduvannya gruddyu was not carried out. Z to an oglyad on potents_yny sistemny sudinozvuzhuvalniya efekt to a fen_lefrin recomendu¾tsya utrimuvatisya v_d zastosuvannya to medicament at per_od vag_tnost_.

Recomendu¾tsya utrimuvatisya v_d zastosuvannya to medicament p_d hour goduvannya gruddyu.


V_dsutn_ nalezhn_ dan_ shchodo to a vpliv to a fen_lefrin that to a dimetinden to a maleate on fertiln_st lyudin.

Zdatn_st of a vplivata on shvidk_st reakts і ї at keruvann_ Abo motor transport _nshy mekhan_zma.

Dan_ v_dsutn_.

Spos_b zastosuvannya that to a dose.

Before vvedennyam to medicament sl_d retelno clean


Pats і є nt is guilty

v_dhilit the head back, is sedentary chi is standing, Abo nab_k, yakshcho v_n lies at a l_zhka. P_slya zakapuvannya krapel bazhano zalishit the head I v_dhilenoit on a k_lk hvilin, shchob to date a zmoga to medicament rozpovsyuditis at nosov_y porozhnin_.

Sl_d of a vimita that visushit krishku-krapelnitsyu before nagvinchuvannyam on a bottle.

D_ti v_ky v_d 2 to 6 rok_v.

krapl_ at kozhniya of nosoviya h_d 3–4 strike

On 1–2 per day.

D_ti v_ky v_d 6 rok_v that dorosl_.

krapl_ at kozhniya of nosoviya h_d 3–4 strike

On 3–4 per day.

Term_n bezperervny l_kuvannya not ma є perevishchuvat 3 dn_v і lie too long with

v_d to a pereb_g zakhvoryuvannya.


to medicament d_tyam v_ky v_d 2 to 12 rok_v sl_d zd_ysnyuvat p_d naglyady dorosly.

D_ti. Drug it is not recommended to zastosuvannya d_tyam v_ky up to 2 rok_v.


At peredozuvann_ medicine to a sprichinita mozha tak_ simpatom_metichn_ that antikhol_nerg_chn_ efekt a yak to the posilena sertsebittya, the peredchayena skorochennya shlunochk_v sertsya, b_l at potilitsa і, tremt_nnya Abo a tremor, is easy takh_kard_ya, p_dvishcheny arter_alniya tisk, m_dr_az, on_m_nnya, zbudzhennya, galyutsinats і ї, vessels, bezsonnya that bl_d_st. Peredozuvannya medicine to a zumovita mozha to a pom_rn sedats_yu, to a p_dvishchen vtomlyuvan_st, to whom, b_l at a shlunka, a nudota, blyuvannya.

Not bulo v_dznacheno n_yaky seryozny pob_chny efekt_v p_slya vipadkovy zastosuvannya to drug. Vipadkov potraplyannya at shlunkovo-kishkoviya a dimetindena up to 20 mg did not prizvodit a path of doses to a poyava heavy simptom_v.

L_kuvann : zastosuvannya aktivovany vug_llya, mozhlivo – pronosny zasob_v d_tyam molodshy to a v_k (promivannya a shlunka not to the potr_ena); dorosly і d_tyam the senior to a priznachata v_k to a velik k_lk_st r_din for pittya.


to a _ndukovan fen_lefriny to an arter_aln g_pertenz_yu, a yak viyavlya є nedostatnyu reakts_yu on benzod_azep_n, it is possible usunut, zastosovuyuch a α-adrenerg_chny blocker.


Centraln_ antikhol_nerg_chn_ a symptom it is possible l_kuvat behind a dopomoga for a f_zostigm_n. Dots_lno prokonsultuvatisya z l_kary shchodo zastosuvannya antidot_v. Osk_lki dan_ shchodo potraplyannya at shlunkovo-kishkoviya a path of doses to a dimetinden ponad 20 mg v_dsutn і, pats і є to nta z_ znachny peredozuvannyam indications of medichniya naglyad that, yakshcho to priznachit l_kar, priyy one-time ї to a dose aktivovany vug_llya. Tyazhk_ vipadka zbudzhenost_ that sudomny napad_v sl_d benzod_azep_nama l_kuvat.

Pob_chn_ reakts і ї.

medicine to dobra to be transferred by

Zazvichay. Pob_chn_ reakts і ї, zaznachen_ to a nizhcha, rozpod_len_ behind frequency such rank: to soul it is frequent (≥ 1/10), is frequent (v_d ≥ 1/100 to

to Z side resp_ratorno ї to a system, organ_v grudno ї kl_tka that seredost_nnya: r_dko – discomfort at nosov_y porozhnin і, sukh_st nosovo ї porozhnin, a krovotecha z a nose.

Zagaln_ of a rozlada that reakts і ї at m_sts_ vvedennya: r_dko – v_dchuttya pech_nnya at m_sts_ nanesennya, soul r_dko – a zagalna slabk_st, a rozvitok alerg_chny reakts_y (a zokrema m_stsevy z to a shk_ra side, sverb_zh a t_la, filled out pov_k, oblichchya).

Term_n pridatnost_. 3rd fates.

Umovi zber_gannya. Zber_gati in orig_naln_y upakovts_ at temperatur_ not vishche 25 °C.


at inaccessible for a d_ty m_sts_.


On 15 ml at flakon_ z krishkoyu-krapelnitseyu z_ I sklyanoit

a p_petka at korobts_.

Kategor_ya to a v_dpusk. Without recipe.

Virobnik. Tovaristvo z I obmezhenoit v_dpov_daln_styu "Pharmatsevtichn kompan_ya "Zdorov'ya".

M_stseznakhodzhenn of a virobnik that addresses m_stsya provadzhennya yoga d_yalnost_.


, 61013, Hark_vska of the Region, m_sto Hark_v, vulitsya Shevchenka, budinok 22.

Active ingredients Dimetinden, Fenilefrin
Applicant Health
Code of automatic telephone exchange R01AB Sympathomimetics in a combination with other means (except for corticosteroids)
Interaction with food It doesn't matter
Light sensitivity Not sensitive
Market status The branded generic
Origin Chemical
Prescription status Without prescription
Primary packing bottle
Quantity in packing 15 ml
Release form nasal drops
Route of administration Nasal
Sign Domestic
Storage temperature from 5 °C to 25 °C
Trade name Grippotsitron

Reviews Grippotsitron Rinos cap. nazat. put. fl. 15 ml

5 Rating 1 Reviews


Grippotsitron Rinos cap. nazat. put. fl. 15 ml

  • Product Code: 178839
  • In Stock

  • Ready to ship
  • $18.48

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