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GAMAVIT (Gamavit) Solution to injections


Gamavit to prevention and treatment of various diseases as biotonic, i.e. the means strengthening functional activity of internals and fabrics in an organism of a dog.

Application GAMAVITA promotes


  • improvement of a blood count,

  • as the biotoning medicine - is strengthened by activity of internals, influences a metabolism,

  • as immunomodulatory medicine - adjusts violations in the immune system, activates cages of the immune system,

  • acts as a biogenous stimulator - strengthens natural process of healing and restoration of fabrics,

  • acts as an adaptogen - increases protective functions of an organism and ability to transfer physical activities,

  • reduces post-natal mortality - mortality of puppies in the first three days after the birth,

  • birth of viable posterity,

  • active growth of puppies,

can inject Drug: hypodermically, intramuscularly, intravenously according to the instruction.

Before use of medicine study the detailed instruction given below!!!

Instruction for application

GAMAVIT (Gamavit) Solution for injections

Dosage form:
Solution for injections

Structure and a form of release: active ingredient (%) contains
100 ml of medicine: the placenta the denatured emulsified (PDE) - 0.05 and nukleinat sodium - 0.1. Excipients: water for injections

release Form:
1 ampoule (glass bottle) - 10 ml. In packing of 5 ampoules.
On appearance represents transparent red solution.

Pharmacological properties: complex of biologically active agents thanks to which optimizes exchange processes in an organism (in particular, proteinaceous, vitamin and mineral) contains
Gamavit, normalizes a blood count, increases bactericidal activity of serum of blood, has the immunomodulatory and general biotoning effect. Is a biogenous stimulator and an adaptogen, reduces post-natal mortality, increases viability of posterity, increases operability of muscles and resistance of animals to increased loads and a stress. Is a source of substrates of metabolism, promotes increase in growth.

Indication to application:
Applied to prevention and treatment of various diseases as biotonic. At anemias, hypovitaminoses, at infectious and invasive diseases, a piometra, at poisonings, during the postoperative period, at pregnancy toxicoses, when training animals for exhibitions, competitions and transportation.

does not have

Dosage on application:
Drug is injected hypodermically, intramuscularly or intravenously

Drug is injected hypodermically, intramuscularly, intravenously, perhaps vypaivany.

for the purpose of prevention of Gamavit is entered on 0.1 ml/kg of body weight of an animal (preventive dose).

With the medical purpose — on 0.3-0.5 ml/kg (medical dose).

for the purpose of prevention: anemias, hypovitaminoses, the weakened, old animal, during the recovery period after the postponed diseases and operations medicine is appointed intramuscularly by 1-3 times a week. Duration of a course averages 2-4 weeks and more. At increased loads, for strengthening of resistance of animals to technological stresses, drug is injected before stressful influence once or a course in 8, 6, 4 days prior to and just before influence a stress factors.

For increase in an oplodotvoryaemost of Gamavit should enter in a dose 0.025-0.05 ml/kg in day of fertilization, for simplification of childbirth and prevention of postnatal complications – in the same dose in 1 week prior to childbirth and during childbirth.

For prevention of early mortality, a hypotrophy, for increase in resistance to diseases and additional weights drug is injected the newborn for 1, 3 and 5 or 7 days of life in a dose of 0.1 ml/kg.

With the medical purpose: at treatment of infectious and invasive diseases (including a piroplasmosis) drug is injected as a part of a complex of means of standard therapy by 2-3 times a day within 3-5 days. At poisonings of Gamavit enter hypodermically, intravenously or by drop infusion 1 time in a 3-5-fold medical dose as a part of a complex of means of standard therapy. At feeding violations, lag in growth and at intoxications of Gamavit enter within 5-7 days once a day.

At expulsion of helminths of Gamavit is applied together with anthelminthic means. Drug is injected intramuscularly in day of expulsion of helminths and repeatedly every other day. At treatment of obstetric and gynecologic diseases of Gamavit apply as a part of a complex of means of standard therapy of 1 times a day within 5-7 days, at pathological childbirth – once in a double medical dose. Gamavit well it is combined with other pharmacological means. The combination to Fosprenil enhances effect of medicine.

Side effects:
By-effects and complications after Gamavits application it is not established.

Storage conditions:
Separately from food and forages, in the dry, protected from light place, at a temperature from 4 °C to 25 °C. Not to freeze. Medicine should be stored in the places inaccessible for children and animals.

Producer: CJSC Mirro-plus, Russia

Species of an animalDogs
HorsesCategory of veterinary medicineMedicines of other groups
ImmunostimulyatoraArea of application of veterinary medicineOther types of diseases
Metabolism and immunity
skin Diseases
Diseases of bloodMedicinesChemotherapeutic medicinesFormSolutions for injections
Area of application of veterinary medicine Other types of diseases Metabolism and immunity of the Disease of skin of the Disease of blood
Category of veterinary medicine Medicines of other groups of Immunostimulyatora
Drugs Chemotherapeutic medicines
Release form Solutions for injections
Species of an animal Dogs of the Cat of the Horse

Reviews GAMAVIT (Gamavit) Solution for injections

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GAMAVIT (Gamavit) Solution for injections

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  • Registration Date : 11/09/2024
    Number Of Products : 25532
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