Название документа

Detoksan Cellulose - Oats a functional dietary product, the powerful natural detoksikatsionny tool promoting high-quality clarification of an organism from ekzo- and endotoxins, are an additional source of the vegetable enterosorbents participating in processes of a detoxication and restoration of an organism at the cellular level; has soft poslablyayushchy effect, intensifies digestion processes; guarantees reliable reduction of weight, normalization of arterial blood pressure, decrease in sugar and level of cholesterol in blood, improvement of complexion; prevents development of inflammations and developing of tumors of intestines.
It is recommended by
of the Indication to application
to p as the product balanced on proteinaceous structure, with an active enterosorbtion, is a basis for effective clarification of an organism, weight reduction, level of cholesterol and glucose in blood, preventions of locks and intoxications and also to a food allowance at the following states and diseases:
intoxication of various origin (food, medicinal, alcoholic, beam);
atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, hypertension;
hypo-avitaminosis, elementoza;
of a disease of a liver and gall bladder;
violation of exchange processes, including obesity, diabetes, gout, pochekamenny disease, cholelithiasis;
helminthic and parasitic invasions;
for the persons controlling the weight;
in programs of clarification of an organism and weight reduction.
and bran of oats, Sennas leaf, root of a licorice, steward; pumpkin fruits, seeds of caraway seeds, coriander.

Reviews Fiber Detoxan Oats, Danikafarm, 150 g, Z08647

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Fiber "Detoxan Oats", Danikafarm, 150 g 52, Z08647 .. Discounts, promotions, 100% original products. Worldwide delivery, free shipping, peace, health, cosmetics, fitness

  • Product Code: MX34031
  • Registration Date : 03/02/2022
    Number Of Products : 79134
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  • $48.75

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