Dolina Noteci PIPER JUNIOR veal & Konservys apple for puppies with veal and apple Polnoratsionny puppy food and young dogs with veal and apple. Konserva provides an animal organism with necessary amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals that promotes activization of a metabolism, improvement of appetite, growth and development. Korm does not contain preservatives, dyes, amplifiers of taste and a smell. Korm Dolina Noteci PIPER meet specific requirements for food and flavoring preferences of puppies. Cover 100% daily need of an animal for all nutritious, mineral and vitamin components and also active agents. Apples - contain a large amount of vitamins such as C, B1, B2, P, E, including manganese and potassium. Also it is one of easily acquired iron sources. Enough potassium help to stabilize blood pressure, and calcium is necessary for strengthening of tooth enamel and a bone tissue. You should not forget that almost hypoallergenic and them almost all dogs can use apples. date editing description: 11.08.2021
Dolina Noteci PIPER JUNIOR veal & apple Canned food for puppies with veal and apple
- Product Code: MX24643
- In Stock
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