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  • Deprivoks 100 mg No. 20 of a tablet

Active ingredient: fluvoksamin
Trade name: Deprivoks
GTIN: 4011548004395
Producer: HERDS of Artsnaym_ttel AG (vipusk ser_y), N_mechchinaRottendorf Pharm GmbH (virobnitstvo nerozfasovany to a product, the perviyena that to the vtoriyena pakuvannya, control ser_y), B.V. N_mechchinaMPF (Menyyufekchur_ng pekedzh_ng a pharmaka) (the perviyena that to the vtoriyena pakuvannya), N_derlandi
Quantity in packing: 20
Dosage: 100 mg
Packing: Bl_ster
Ingredients: d_yucha of a rechovin: to a fluvoksam_n maleate; 1 tablet, in Crete I pl_vkovoit an obolonka, to m_stit 50 mg of Abo of 100 mg to a fluvoksam_n to a maleate; dopom_zhn_ rechovin: starch kukurudzyaniye, kremn_yu d_oksid is more anhydrous than kolo§dniya, starch the prezhelatin_zovaniye natr_yu stearylfumarating, talc, a metilg_droksiprop_ltselyuloza, pol_etilengl_kol, to the titan d_oksid (E 171), man_t (E 421).
of the Indication: Depres_ya. Obsesivno-kompulsivn_ Rozlad (OKR).
of the Contraindication: Депривокс® the priznachata odnochasno z tizan_diny, _ng_b_tor of a monoam_nooksidaza (_MAO) of Abo ramelteony is not possible. L_kuvannya it is possible rozpochinat not for a ran_sha, n_zh through 2 tizhn_ p_slya pripinennya priyy nezvorotny _MAO, і nastupny day p_slya v_dm_n of zvorotny _MAO (napriklad to a moklobem_d, a l_nezol_d). L_kuvannya _z preparat_v grup of _MAO it be-yakim possible rozpochinat not for a ran_sha, n_zh through 1 tizhden p_slya hvory _z I p_dvishchenoit v_dm_n of Deprivoks®.Preparat of protipokazaniye chutliv_styu to a fluvoksam_na to a maleate of Abo to be-yakogo z _nshy komponent_v to drug.
ATC/ATX Code: N06A B08
Morion Code: 74443
of L_karsk form: Tablets, vkrit_ I pl_vkovoit an obolonka on 100 mg No. 20, No. 50, No. 100 at bl_ster_ M_zhnarodne's
naymenuvannya: Fluvoxamine
Pharmacological group: Antidepresanti. Selektivn_ _ng_b_tori zvorotny neuronalny to capture to a seroton_n. ATX N06A B08 code.
Packaging: to buy Tablets


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Active ingredient fluvoksamin
ATC/ATX code N06A B08
Contraindications Депривокс® the priznachata odnochasno z tizan_diny, _ng_b_tor of a monoam_nooksidaza (_MAO) of Abo ramelteony is not possible. L_kuvannya it is possible rozpochinat not for a ran_sha, n_zh through 2 tizhn_ p_slya pripinennya priyy nezvorotny _MAO, і nastupny day p_slya v_dm_n of zvorotny _MAO (napriklad to a moklobem_d, a l_nezol_d). L_kuvannya _z preparat_v grup of _MAO it be-yakim possible rozpochinat not for a ran_sha, n_zh through 1 tizhden p_slya hvory _z I p_dvishchenoit v_dm_n of Deprivoks®.Preparat of protipokazaniye chutliv_styu to a fluvoksam_na to a maleate of Abo to be-yakogo z _nshy komponent_v to drug.
Dosage 100 mg
GTIN 4011548004395
Indications Depres_ya. Obsesivno-kompulsivn_ Rozlad (OKR).
International name Fluvoxamine
Medicinal form Tablets, vkrit_ I pl_vkovoit an obolonka 100 mg No. 20, No. 50, No. 100 at bl_ster_
Morion code 74443
Pharmacological group Antidepresanti. Selektivn_ _ng_b_tori zvorotny neuronalny to capture to a seroton_n. ATX N06A B08 code.
Producer HERDS of Artsnaym_ttel AG (vipusk ser_y), N_mechchinaRottendorf Pharm GmbH (virobnitstvo nerozfasovany to a product, perviyena that to the vtoriyena pakuvannya, control ser_y), B.V. N_mechchinaMPF (Menyyufekchur_ng pekedzh_ng pharmaka) (perviyena that to the vtoriyena pakuvannya), N_derlandi
Release form Tablets
Structure d_yucha of a rechovin: to a fluvoksam_n maleate; 1 tablet, in Crete I pl_vkovoit an obolonka, to m_stit 50 mg of Abo of 100 mg to a fluvoksam_n to a maleate; dopom_zhn_ rechovin: starch kukurudzyaniye, kremn_yu d_oksid is more anhydrous than kolo§dniya, starch the prezhelatin_zovaniye natr_yu stearylfumarating, talc, a metilg_droksiprop_ltselyuloza, pol_etilengl_kol, to the titan d_oksid (E 171), man_t (E 421).
Trade name Deprivoks

Reviews Deprivoks 100 mg No. 20 of a tablet

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Deprivoks 100 mg No. 20 of a tablet

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