the High-concentrated complex on the basis of phytostem cells (SC2), arbutin and koyevy acid effectively copes with a problem of a hyperpegmentation of various etiology. Has no restrictions on age criterion and phototype. Arbutin blocks epidermal synthesis of melanin by means of inhibition of enzymatic oxidation of tyrosinase. Has the strong clarifying and bleaching effect. The product effectively eliminates pigmentary spots and interferes with their further emergence, is also effective concerning age spots and freckles. Phytostem cells increase the speed of cell fission of a basal layer of skin and provide regular cell renewal that positively affects complexion. Correction of pigmentation with Melanostop by method of superficial drawing is based on deposition. Therefore an indispensable condition is regular receipt of depigmenting structures in skin during all cycle of activity of skin cells of the person.
Method of application:
on the purified skin 2 times a day (in the morning and in the evening) as independently, and under cream. The intensive course is calculated for 2-3 months and provides daily comprehensive home care. The achieved result remains from 3 to 6 months depending on specific features of cellular metabolism.
In a few minutes after drawing on skin of the TÊTe Cosmeceutical biocomplexes it is noted strong a lung of feeling of cold, pricking, increase in a tone, tightening of fabrics (lifting) and visible improvement of complexion. Existence of these signs demonstrates intensive penetration of active components of biocomplexes into deep skin layers, the expressed moistening, improvement of microcirculation and activation of natural opportunities of cages.
Depegmentation Serum Complex for Pigmentation Correction, Tete, 30 ml, 05898
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