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Dehinel Plus flavor (Dekhinel Plus) Antigelmintik with taste of meat for Tabletkis dogs with taste of meat for dogs are a part of Dekhinel Plus three well-known and proved active ingredients: febantet, pyranbodies embonat and prazikvantet which work together and destroy round and tape helminths at single application. Dosage form: Tabletki for oral application. Medicine in two types is produced: tablets weighing 760 mg and tablets weighing 2310 mg. Dekhinel Plus treats the combined anthelminthic medicines of nematodotsidny and tsestoidotsidny action. Febantel - treats group of pro-benzimidazoles, is active concerning nematodes of the sorts Ancylostoma, Uncinaria, Toxocara, Toxascaris, Trichocephalus. The mechanism of action of a febantel consists in oppression of synthesis of a tubulin and violation of mikrotubulyarny function of nematodes, decrease of the activity fumarat the reductase which is key enzyme in power exchange of helminths, and the termination of transport and absorption of glucose that causes death of nematodes. It is moderately soaked up in digestive tract, it biotransformirutsya in a liver. Pyranbodies embonat - treats group of pyrimidines, very badly it is soaked up at oral introduction and has the effect mainly in digestive tract. Possesses a wide range of nematotsidny action, it is active concerning nematodes of the sorts Ascaris, Toxascaris, Ancylostoma, Uncinaria and others. Blocks neuromuscular transmission of an impulse at nematodes and causes helminth muscles paralysis. Praziquantel - derivative pyrazinisoquinoline, perniciously affects all phases of development of the round and tape helminths parasitizing at dogs including Toxocara canis, Toxascaraleonina, Uncinaria stenocephala, Ancylostoma caninum, Trichocephalus vulpis, Echinococcus granulosus, Echinococcus multiocularis, Diphyllobothriumlatum, Dipylidium caninum, Multiceps multiceps and Taenia spp. The mechanism of action of a prazikvantel consists in oppression of activity of a fumartreduktaza, violation of permeability of cellular membranes and a muscular innervation that leads to paralysis and death of helminth. Praziquantel is quickly soaked up in digestive tract, its maximum concentration in plasma of blood is reached in 60 minutes. It is brought out of an organism generally with urine within 24 hours. Dehinel® Plus appoint to dogs with the preventive and medical purpose at nematodoza (toksokaroz, toksakaridoz, untsinarioz, ankilostomoz, a trichuriasis) and tsestodoza (tonnidoza, dipilidioz, echinococcosis, difillobotrioz, mezotsestodoz). Protivopokazaniya to application: Individual hypersensibility of an animal to medicine components. Ne is allowed use of medicine to puppies in the first three weeks of life and to shchenny boughs in the first two thirds of the period of pregnancy. Preparat apply individually orally once in morning feeding: to puppies, dogs of small and average breeds in a dose 1 tablet weighing 760 mg on 10 kg of mass of an animal, and to dogs of large breeds – 1 tablet weighing 2310 mg on 35 kg of mass of an animal. The recommended norms of feeding the Mass of a dog, kg of Dekhinel Plus of Tabletki of 760 mg (Dekhinel Plus) of Tabletki of 2310 mg (Dekhinel Plus of XL) Puppies and dogs of small breeds of 0.5-5 kg ½ tablets - 5-10 kg 1 tablet - Dogs of average breeds of 10-15 kg 1½ tablets - 15-20 kg 2 tablets ½ of a tablet of 20-30 kg 3 tablets - Dogs of large breeds of 30-35 kg 3½ tablets - 35-40 kg 4 tablets 1 tablet of 40-50 kg of 5 tablets - 50-55 kg 5½ tablets 1½ of a tablet of 70 kg of 7 tablets 2 tablets Before application of Dekhinela Plus are not required a hungry diet and use of depletive. In case of an intensive invasion the nematodes recommend repeated introduction of medicine in 14 days in the same dosage. With the medical purpose of animals degelmintizirut according to indications, with the preventive purpose – quarterly and also before vaccination and pairing in a therapeutic dose. Overdose symptoms at dogs are not revealed. Features of effect of medicine at its first application it is not established. By-effects and complications at application of Dehinela® Plus according to the present instruction, as a rule, are not observed. At the increased individual sensitivity of an animal to components of medicine and emergence of allergic reactions to application of Dekhinela Plus stop and carry out the desensibilizing therapy. Ne is allowed simultaneous use of medicine of Dekhinela Plus with holinergichesky medicines (levamizol, piperazin, etc.) and also with fosfororganichesky connections. Preparat is not intended for application to productive animals. Dekhinel Plus on extent of impact on an organism treats moderately dangerous. In the recommended doses has no sensibilizing and hepatotoxic effect. Dekhinel Plus release packaged in blisters which are packed into cardboard boxes. Store medicine in the closed packing of the producer in the dry, protected from light place, separately from food and forages, at a temperature from 0 °C to 30 °C. A medicine expiration date at observance of storage conditions — 2 years from the date of production. It is forbidden to use Dehinel® Plus after an expiration date. It is necessary to store Dekhinel Plus in the places inaccessible for children. IS: AA-03563-01-12 of 06.07.2012 of KRK, of, Is new the place, Shmaryeshka of the tsest, 68501 the place, Sloveniyadata editing the description Is new: 15.09.2021

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Dehinel Plus flavor (Dehinel Plus) Anthelmintic with taste of meat for dogs

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