Название документа

Pharmacological properties

Pharmacodynamics. the antimicrobic antifungal medicine concentrating on a cytoplasmic membrane (tspm) of a microbic cell and connecting to fosfatidny groups of lipids of a membrane, breaking permeability tspm microorganisms. decamethoxynum has the expressed bactericidal effect concerning stafilokokk, streptococci, a diphtheritic and pyocyanic stick, capsular bacteria and fungicide action concerning yeast, yeast-like mushrooms, activators of an epidermophitia, a trichophytia, microsporia, an erythrasma, some species of mold mushrooms (aspergilla, penicillia), protistotsidny action concerning trichomonads, lyambliya, virusotsidny action. it is highly active concerning the microorganisms resistant to antibiotics. formation of forms, resistant to decamethoxynum, at prolonged use happens slowly and does not exceed effective concentration of medicine. bacteriostatic (fungistatic) concentration are similar to its bactericidal (fungicide), virusotsidny, protistotsidny concentration. in the course of medicament treatment the sensitivity of antibiotikorezistentny microorganisms to antibiotics increases.

Pharmacokinetics. Drug is practically not soaked up by mucous membranes, the uninjured skin and a wound surface.


Treatment of pustulous bacterial and fungus diseases of skin, microbic eczema, pyoinflammatory defeats of soft tissues (abscess, anthrax, phlegmon, furuncle, contaminated wounds, felon); dental diseases (stomatitis, an ulcer and necrotic ulitis, dystrophic - an inflammatory form of periodontosis i–ii of degree in an aggravation phase). it is shown at abscess of a lung, a bronchoectatic disease, the cystous hypoplasia of lungs complicated by suppuration, chronic bronchitis in an aggravation phase, an adenoid disease, a tonsillitis, carriage of stafilokokk and diphtheritic sticks, ulcer colitis, a paraproctitis.

In surgical infectious and inflammatory diseases of an abdominal cavity (peritonitis of various etiology) and in pulmonology Dekasang is applied to washing of an abdominal and pleural cavity.

In urology medicament is used at an urethritis (for instillations in an urethra), a balanoposthitis (for baths), prostatitis (for microclysters), cystitis (for instillations in a bladder), for irrigations of a bladder during the postoperative period.

In gynecologic practice Dekasang are applied to treatment of candidiasis of a mucous membrane of a vagina, inflammatory diseases of external genitals of a microbic etiology, prenatal sanitation of patrimonial ways, by treatments of a puerperal endometritis.

Dekasang are applied to disinfection of skin of hands of medical staff, rubber gloves at inspection of patients and performance of medical manipulations, surgeries of small volume, presterilizing disinfection of medical tools and the diagnostic equipment from metal, by rubbers, polymeric materials and glass.


In purulent and fungal infections of skin, contaminated wounds solution is applied to washings, lotions. to washing of a bladder solution of decamethoxynum is applied after preliminary cultivation by 1:7 purified water in number of 500–600 ml (on a course of treatment — 7–20 washings). for treatment of a proctitis and ulcer colitis warm solution is entered in an enema on 50–100 ml by 2 times a day before full elimination of symptoms of exacerbation of a disease. fistulas at a chronic paraproctitis wash out a decadignity daily within 3–4 days.

At damages of a mucous membrane of an oral cavity is applied in the form of appliques on 25–50 ml within 10–15 min. or rinsings (100–150 ml). At dystrophic - an inflammatory form of periodontosis of the I-II degree in a phase of aggravation carry out an irrigation by warm solution of pathological pockets of gums (50–70 ml) or appliques on a gum to reduction of expressiveness of the inflammatory phenomena. The patient with candidiasis of a mucous membrane of an oral cavity, an ulcer and necrotic ulitis appoint rinsing of an oral cavity (100–150 ml) 4 times a day within 5–10 days.

Treatment of candidiasis of palatine tonsils, an adenoid disease carry out

by washing of lacunas of palatine tonsils (50–75 ml on washing).

At carriage of staphylococcus, diphtheritic stick sanitation are carried out by rinsing of a pharynx, washing of lacunas, by irrigations of a nasopharynx, tonsils. Lacunas wash out 3–5 times every other day.

In abscess of a lung, a bronchoectatic disease, the cystous hypoplasia of lungs complicated by suppuration chronic bronchitis in an aggravation phase Dekasang is entered endobronkhialno:

  • through a microtracheostoma — on 25–50 ml 1–2 times a day;
  • through a transnasal catheter — on 5–10 ml of 1 times a day;
  • by method of ultrasonic inhalation — on 5–10 ml 1–2 times a day;
  • by means of lavage of a tracheobronchial tree — of 100 ml.

treatment Duration — 2–4 weeks

For treatment microbic, fungal and a mecotic vaginitis Dekasang apply in the form of syringings (50–100 ml of the medicine which is warmed up up to 38 °C 3 times a day). In the same way carry out prenatal sanitation of patrimonial ways once. Treatment of a puerperal endometritis is carried out by washing by warm medicine of a cavity of the uterus (150–200 ml) by 2 times a day.

Disinfection of skin of hands, rubber gloves carry out by

by drawing 5–10 ml of medicine on previously washed up surface, hypodispersion on all surface which is subject to disinfection within 5 min.

Cleaned medical tools, mouthpieces, tubes and the equipment disinfect

by immersion in solution for 30 min.


Hypersensitivity to drug.

Side effects

At persons with individual hypersensitivity the appearance of rash on skin after use of medicine is possible

; at endobronchial introduction — feeling of heat behind a breast which disappears independently in 20–30 min. after the end of a procedure.

Special instructions

Dekametoksin in concentration which is applied in medicament a decadignity has no toxic effect. prolonged use of medicine does not cause any toxic reactions. warming up of medicine before application increases efficiency of its action to 38 °C.


Dekametoksin — cationic surfactant therefore it is incompatible with soap and other anion substances.

Dekametoksin increases sensitivity of antibiotikorezistentny microorganisms to antibiotics.


Due to the lack of system absorption of cases of overdose it is noted p.

Storage conditions

At a temperature of 18-25 °C in the place protected from light.

Relevant information

Dekasang (active ingredient — decamethoxynum) according to ats-classification treats group of antiseptic and disinfecting medicines. it has a wide range of antimicrobial, antifungal and antiviral action thanks to ability to interact with phosphatic groups of lipids of a cytoplasmic membrane of microorganisms and thus to break its permeability and to lead to destruction of a cell. decamethoxynum is applied in clinical practice from 1970th years and up to now with permanently high efficiency, possesses a wide range of indications.


Mechanism of effect of decamethoxynum


as a result of researches was installed, decamethoxynum acts bakteritsidno on Pseudomonas aeruginosa and also Escherichia coli and Micrococcus lysodeikticus. Because decamethoxynum is surfactant, it changes permeability of a membrane of a pathogen, leading to destruction and death of a microorganism that causes its bactericidal action (Shchetina V.N. et al., 1990). Bacteriostatic action is caused by the following mechanisms: inactivation of exotoxins of pathogens (V.P. Kovalchuk, 2002); decrease in adhesion of pathogenic microorganisms (Zhornyak O.I. that sp_vavt., 2010).


In the research in vitro showed antifungal efficiency of decamethoxynum concerning the mushrooms of the sort Candida allocated at patients with chronic diseases of intestines. It is also established that medicament resistance to decamethoxynum develops very slowly and does not reach high level (Palii G.K., Ivanova S.A., 1986).


Efficiency of application of Dekasang to surgeries


In recent clinical trial provided experience of treatment of 17 patients with a cholangitis of various genesis using an antiseptic agent Dekasang . The clinical performance of medicine in complex therapy of a cholangitis confirmed with results of a bacteriological research of bile is noted (Aripova N.U., Magzumov I.Kh., 2014).

Efficiency Dekasang in treatment of holangiogenny abscess of a liver is shown to

in clinical trial. Treatment outcome for 47 patients with holangiogenny abscess of a liver are described. In a research the efficiency of sanitation of an abscess cavity Dekasany is proved (Nychytailo M.I. et al., 2005),

Dekasang is offered to

to application in complex treatment of the infected necrosis of a pancreas and its complications (Nichitailo M.E., 2010) and also in treatment of sharp abdominal infectious pathology of various genesis (Fomin P.D. et al., 2009).


B other research provided results of complex therapy of 37 patients operated in connection with development of sharp abdominal surgical diseases. To 22 patients local therapy of 0.02% was carried out by antiseptic solution of decamethoxynum. Positive influence on a clinical course of diseases is noted, decrease in frequency is purulent - septic complications, in particular at the patients operated concerning sharp necrotic pancreatitis (Konovalov E.P., 2004).


provided experience of treatment of 91 patients with peritonitis of various genesis using an antiseptic agent Dekasang . The expressed clinical performance in comparison with other antiseptic agents in complex treatment of peritonitis is noted (Nazirov F.N., 2014).


On the basis of the analysis of results of researches it was established that use of solution of a cationic antiseptic agent (including 0.02% of solution of decamethoxynum) for sanitation of an abdominal cavity allows to reduce microbic pollution when carrying out sanitation and also thanks to it decrease the frequency of postoperative complications at surgical peritonitis and quantity of cases of a lethal outcome (Boiko V.V. et al., 2012).


At 102 patients analyzed efficiency Dekasang in treatment of purulent infections of pararectal area. According to the obtained data Dekasang is effective medicine for local therapy of this pathology (Zakharash M.P., 2011).

Also decamethoxynum proved

as effective medicine for prevention of suppuration of postoperative wounds after excision of pararectal or coccygeal epithelial cysts (Klimenko A.N., Iukhimets A.D., 1982).


B one of clinical trials studied efficiency Dekasang in complex therapy of necrosis of soft tissues as a result of which sepsis developed. Sepsis is the heavy generalized infection caused by usually pathogenic bacteriums. It often is the reason of hospitalization and a lethal outcome. The experience got as a result of a research promoted the best understanding patomekhanizm of this state, development of the therapy directed to improvement of the general condition of patients and also which is surely including topical administration antibacterial and antiseptics in a suppurative focus. The research included 192 patients (women — 103, men — 89). According to classification of septic states (Chicago, 1991) patients were divided into 3 groups: the 1st group — with a local form of an infection, the 2nd group — with a syndrome of the system inflammatory answer (SSVO, English abbreviation of SIRS) which lasts up to 72 h, the 3rd group — with various forms of sepsis at which SSVO lasts 72 h and more. At patients at whom processing of a wound was carried out by solution Dekasang , noted reduction of severity of pain, hypostasis of fabrics, early sanitation of a wound and early emergence in a granulation wound. The algorithm of treatment of sepsis offered by authors includes an integrated approach to treatment of an infection by early surgical intervention, intensive maintenance therapy, causal antibacterial treatment and topical administration of antiseptic therapy by solution Dekasang . The conclusion was as a result drawn that Dekasang can be recommended for disinfection of skin, mucous membranes and wounds in the centers of the infections caused by bacteria, mushrooms and protozoa (Fuss J., 2016).

Dekametoksin can be also applied by

to treatment of a burn disease. In one of clinical trials the etiology of infectious complications at 71 patients with burns of heavy degree was established. It is established that the main contagiums at patients with a burn disease are S. aureus (35.9%), A. baumannii (25%), P. aeruginosa (12.82%), P. mirabilis (5.12%). The effective bactericidal activity of antiseptic solutions Dekasana , a miramistina, a chlorhexidina is proved. Concerning staphylococcus high antimicrobic properties of dressing materials which part ions of decamethoxynum, a chlorhexidin, a furagin, silver are are noted. Clinical performance of use of the materials impregnated with antimicrobic structure decamethoxynum with carboxymethylstarch, hydroxyethylcellulose and polyvinyl acetate, applied to prevention and treatment of infectious and pyoinflammatory complications at patients with burns is proved (Nazarchuk O.A., 2016).


B other research provided results of observation of 154 patients with an open craniocereberal injury. The efficiency of decamethoxynum at patients with pyoinflammatory complications was confirmed (Pedachenko E.G. et al., 1992).

Dekametoksin is widely applied many years by

as an antiseptic agent in surgery. So, in clinical trial advantages of its application in treatment of purulent processes on a brush (Kravets V.P., 1987) and in complex treatment of the complicated forms a paronychia were shown (Palii G.K. et al., 1988).


in one research in which 286 patients with pyoinflammatory diseases of fingers and brushes (196 patients (68.5%) — with a felon, 82 (28.7%) — with phlegmons and abscesses, 6 (2.1%) — with furuncles and 2 participated (0.7%) — with an anthrax) confirmed efficiency of use of decamethoxynum as a part of complex treatment of this pathology (Fishchenko A. et al., 1992).

Efficiency of decamethoxynum in treatment of diseases of respiratory organs

Dekametoksin showed to

efficiency and in otolaryngology. In clinical trials the efficiency of use of decamethoxynum at inhalation introduction in treatment of nonspecific diseases of a respiratory path at children was shown (Kravets A.A. et al., 1976).

Dekametoksin showed to

efficiency in treatment of diseases of a mucous membrane of an oral cavity (Palii G.K. et al., 1975) and also in treatment of an adenoid disease (Zubovich A.P., 1978). In researches the sensitivity of the pathogenic microflora allocated at children with diseases of a respiratory path to decamethoxynum was defined (Palii G.K., 1974). Decamethoxynum can be applied to preoperative training of patients with nonspecific diseases of respiratory organs (Iukhimets V.A., 1985).

Dekametoksin in complex therapies combined with antibiotics is effective

in treatment of pyoinflammatory diseases of respiratory organs (Radionov B.V. et al., 1986). The efficiency of decamethoxynum in complex treatment of chronic bronchitis is also confirmed with clinical trials. 72 patients with chronic bronchitis (the catarrhal, purulent and also purulent bronchitis complicated by purulent destructive processes) participated in a research. All patients received complex therapy using decamethoxynum as local antibacterial agent. In this research it is established that inclusion in complex therapy of decamethoxynum is effective not only due to its direct antiseptic action, but also that this medicine reduces resistance of microorganisms to antibiotics (Iukhimets V.A., Pilipchuk V.N., 1990).

Dekasang has very wide range of indications. So, use of decamethoxynum in complex therapy of chronic gastritis in combination with pathology of biliary tract was offered (Mokhun’ I.K. et al., 1982).

Dekasang's Safety established as a result of researches

Now special attention is paid by

to safety of application of local antiseptic agents and their influence on a cellular cycle and also such indicators as fragmentation of DNA and apoptosis. In a research on rats it was shown that Dekasang at higher antimicrobic efficiency is safer antiseptic agent, than miramistin. It is shown by means of a flowing tsitometriya that decamethoxynum had the minimum proapoptichesky impact on cells of a cornea of rats after 2 weeks of use of medicine. Also it was noted that decrease in proliferation of cages was insignificant, as well as increase in fragmentation of nuclear DNA. It demonstrates to lack of cytotoxic effect of decamethoxynum. When studying similar parameters after application of a miramistin the decrease in mitotic activity of cages, significant increase in fragmentation of DNA and increase in apoptosis was revealed that testifies to higher profile of safety of decamethoxynum in comparison with miramistiny.


conducted a morphological research for studying local action on fabric. Special textiles were impregnated with decamethoxynum mix with the modified polysaccharides. On the basis of results of a research it was established that toxic effect of the antiseptic medical textiles impregnated with decamethoxynum on fabric of a macroorganism is absent. In the same time the positive effect on a course of regenerative processes, epithelization of wounds, antiedematous and anti-inflammatory action was observed (Nazarchuk O.A., 2013).


Dekasang — the antiseptic agent shown to application at a wide range of infectious and inflammatory diseases. Its efficiency and safety are confirmed in clinical trials. Use Dekasang for local sanitation of the center of an infection allows to reduce need for application of antibiotics and also to increase sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics at their combined application with Dekasany . This medicine has no toxic effect. The only contraindication to application is the individual intolerance of decamethoxynum. There are no restrictions on application Dekasang during pregnancy and feeding by a breast. As the surface-active cationic antiseptic agent Dekasang is incompatible with soap and other anion surfactants.

Active ingredients Decamethoxynum
Amount of active ingredient 0.2 mg/ml
Applicant Yury-pharmaceutical
Code of automatic telephone exchange D08A Antiseptic and disinfectants
Interaction with food It doesn't matter
Light sensitivity Sensitive
Market status Traditional
Origin Chemical
Prescription status Without prescription
Primary packing bottle
Quantity in packing 400 ml
Release form solution for external use
Route of administration External
Sign Domestic
Storage temperature from 18 °C to 25 °C
Trade name Decadignity

Reviews Decadignity solution 0.2mg/ml quarrystone. 400 ml

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Decadignity solution 0.2mg/ml quarrystone. 400 ml

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  • $28.32

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