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Cymedica HartMedin of 10 mg of Tabletki for treatment of heart failure at dogs (the 30th tab.) Release form: On appearance represents a tablet of round shape without covering with dividing line on the middle. Tabletki white color, on 10 tablets in the blister (3 blisters) placed in cardboard packing. Dosage form: Tabletki for oral application of Sostav: One tablet (the mass of 992 mg ± 5.0%) contains active ingredient: pimobendan - 10.0 mgvspomogatelny substances: citric acid, silicon dioxide, F-plav Type M, magnesium stearate. Pharmacological properties: ATC-vet classification code: QC01CE90 Neglikozidny cardiotonic veterinary medicines. Phosphodiesterase inhibitors. Pimobendan.4.1. pharmakodinamichesky svoystvapimobendan, derivative to a benzolglioksalin-piridazinon, nesimpatomimetichna, Neglikozidnye inotropny substance strong vasodilating properties. Pimobendan renders stimulating miokardialny effect by dual action: increases sensitivity of a warm miofibrilla to calcium and suppresses phosphodiesterase (type III). Preparat also shows vasodilating action by inhibition of activity of III.4.2 phosphodiesterase. After oral use of veterinary medicine the absolute bioavailability aktivnodiyuchy substances is 60-63%. Pokazaniya to application: Tabletki is applied orally to treatment of warmly vascular diseases at dogs. The indication to application is the heart failure caused by a dilatatsionny kardiomionatiya, insufficiency of the two-fold or three-leaved valve which is followed by characteristic symptoms: cough, short wind, decrease of the activity or ascites Dosage: The dosage can fluctuate from 0.2 mg to 0.6 mg of a pimobendan on 1 kg of body weight a day according to the recommendation of the veterinarian and also depending on weight of a course of a disease and a condition of an animal. Sleduyet to be convinced that the dog completely swallowed a necessary dose of medicine. The daily dose is divided into two receptions (see the table): Animal weight the Daily dose Quantity of tablets for reception (a tab. on 10 mg) in the Morning in the Evening of 5 - 10 kg 2.5 mg - - 11 - 20 kg 5 mg - - 21 - 40 kg 10 mg 0.5 tab. 0.5 tab. 41 - 60 kg 20 mg 1 tab. 1 tab. more than 60 kg 30 mg 1.5 tab. 1.5 tab. Preparat it is possible to combine with diuretics such as furosemide. Protivopokazaniya: Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Clinical states at which warm emission of blood through functional or anatomic features can be increased (for example, an aorta stenosis). Severe forms of a liver failure. Hypersensibility of an animal to medicine components. Side effect: The moderate positive hronotropny effect (tachycardia), vomiting, tranzitorny diarrhea, anorexia or drowsiness can seldom be observed. However, these reactions depend on a dose and they can be avoided, having reduced a dose a preparataispolzovaniye during pregnancy, laktatsiilaboratorny researches on rats and rabbits did not show teratogenny, toxic influence on a fruit. However, researches showed toxicity for pregnant females, embriotoksicheskiya influence of high doses, allocation to a pimobendan in a molokobezopasnost of medicine is not defined for pregnant women and lactating samokprimenyat follows only according to the instruction of the attending physician of veterinary medicine and in case the potential risk for mother exceeds risk for a fruit and a shchenkovvzaimodeystviye with other means and other forms to the vzaimodeystviyena to apply along with blockers of calcic channels (antagonists) and R-blockers! During the pharmacological researches the interaction between the UABAINA cardiac glycosides and pimobendany was not observed. Preparat animals can apply in combination with diuretics furosemide.predosterezheniyeprimenyat only in cases of heart failure.It is necessary to determine the exact body weight of an animal before use of medicine that will provide sufficient dozirovaniyavo avoidance of accidental overdose, unused parts of tablets should be put in the blister and to store in the place, inaccessible for dogs. Producer: Cymedica s.r.o., Czech Republic Usloiya of storage: To store in dry, protected from light and the place, inaccessible for children, at a temperature not above 25 °C the Product code: 931028 - Cymedica HartMedin of 10 mg of Tabletki for treatment of heart failure at dogs (the 30th tab.) date editing description: 23.08.2019

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Cymedica HartMedin 10 mg Tablets for the treatment of heart failure in dogs

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