Croci Pinza Quicky Automatic capture for cleaning of excrements Untidy dog excrement bear a dangerous disease toksokarozy. This disease of the person when parasites - toksokar settle in his organism, living at dogs. Not animals, but the soil with their excrement containing eggs of a parasite become a source of infection. "The dangerous zone" is boundless. It is enough to remember how many on spring thaws "dog surprises" in the yards of houses, on lawns, nurseries and sports grounds and other common areas. Using packages, Vy you show the high social responsibility directed to maintenance of purity and sanitary wellbeing of the yards, streets, sidewalks, lawns, squares and parks and prevention of diseases. Ecological nippers of Croci Quicky – with their help will easily clean on walk after a dog. Excellent solution of maintaining purity of the yard or place of walk. The design is simple and convenient - easily are located in a pocket or in a bag. To open a scoop and to dress bags for excrements. Producer: CROCI SPA., ItaliyaSdelano in China the Product code: 123915 - Croci Pinza Quicky Automatic capture for cleaning of the fekaliydat editing the description: 04.06.2020
Croci Pinza Quicky Dog excrement pliers
- Product Code: MX24479
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