of Creakong from MUTANT, super powerful kreatinovy mix which will lift your power indicators and weight to new level. Thanks to the kreatinovy matrix consisting of 3 types of creatine (creatine monohydrate, three creatine citrate, creatine-magnesium chelate) you will be quicker restored, to become stronger and are more hardy! Also important factor is that Creakong is made on the basis of the Creapure raw materials which are most purified and most acquired raw materials.
the Main effects from reception of Creakong from MUTANT:
increase in power indicators
increase in body weight
increase in working capacity
restoration acceleration
increase in a power stock of muscles
of Feature of the kreatinovy mix Creakong:
the international certificate of GMP
the main Creapure raw materials
picked ideally up kreatinovy mix
of the Recommendation about reception:
many researches confirmed efficiency of intake of creatine, and without loading phase, take 10 grams for 1 or breaking into two receptions, daily, courses for 30 days, 30 days a course - 15 days rest!
Serving size:
1 measured spoons (4 grams)
of Portions in a container:
about 75
of CREAKONG creatine mix: creatine, creatine-magnesium quotes chelate, Tri-Creatine [Creapure is the registered trade mark of the Alzchem company. MagnaPower creatine (the Patent of the USA #6114379) is the registered trademark of the company Albion of Laboratories, Inc]
of 4 g
Serving size:
1 measured spoons (4 grams)
of Portions in a container:
about 75
of CREAKONG creatine mix: creatine, creatine-magnesium quotes chelate, Tri-Creatine [Creapure is the registered trade mark of the Alzchem company. MagnaPower creatine (the Patent of the USA #6114379) is the registered trademark of the company Albion of Laboratories, Inc]
of 4 g
Serving Size: 1 Scoop (4 grams) Servings Per Container: About 75 CREAKONG Creatine Blend: Creatine, Creatine-Magnesium Chelate, Tri-Creatine quoted [Creapure is a registered trademark of Alzchem. MagnaPower Creatine (US Patent # 6114379) is a registered trademark of Albion Laboratories, Inc.] 4 g
Creatine, Creakong, 300 g 290, z01996 .. Discounts, promotions, 100% original products. Worldwide shipping, free shipping, peace, health, cosmetics, fitness
- Product Code: MX33702
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Tags: Creatine, Creakong, 300 g 290, z01996 .. Discounts, promotions, 100% original products. Worldwide shipping, free shipping, peace, health, cosmetics, fitness