Название документа
  • Colostrum Plus, Archon Vitamin Corporation, 60 Capsules, 31174

: 60 capsules, weighing 475 mg.
: 1 capsule contains 475 mg of the standardized colostrum, including 190 mg of IgG immunoglobulins, not less than 3% of polyproline, not less than 5.5% of lactoferrin,
the Description of action of Kolostrum Plus
Kolostrum (colostrum) – primary maternal milk which is developed last week pregnancies and during the first days after the posterity birth at all mammals. On the structure colostrum considerably differs from mature milk. In it there is more protein, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. Colostrum contains a number of unique biologically active agents which are absent in already mature milk and do not meet in one other foodstuff (immunoglobulins, growth factors, etc.)
the Uniqueness of colostrum consists in unprecedented composition of nutrients: G, A, M immunoglobulins, ready antibodies to many viruses, bacteria and fungi, lymphocytes, factors of growth, amino acid, minerals, vitamins and some other biologically active agents. Colostrum is a natural source of necessary substances for adults and children of any age and can be combined with other components of food.
the proteins containing a large amount of amino acid, proline - the so-called polyprolines in a popular speech called "transfer factors" are of Great importance. These proteins make unique impact on immunity of the person, protecting it from new viruses and bacteria and also creating "immune memory". The lactoferrin which is a part of colostrum interferes with reproduction of pathological microorganisms and increases resistance to an infection.
the Efficiency of colostrum is confirmed to
more than in 2000 researches worldwide. Observation for 4500 children of different age accepting colostrum showed that they were ill 74% less and accepted antibiotics 84% less often. In a large number of researches colostrum showed efficiency concerning various intestinal viral, bacterial and parasitic infections.
Enrichment of a food allowance with colostrum promoted the termination of diarrhea, normalization of digestion and a set of weight at the weakened and exhausted people. The athletes accepting cow colostrum within eight weeks showed the results for 20% surpassing results of control group during the intensive trainings. In researches on animals cow colostrum also prevented formation of erosive and ulcer defects mucous a stomach at intake of nonsteroid resolvents, thanks to existence of growth factors and immunoglobulins of class A.
By production of dietary supplement on the basis of colostrum as the main raw materials uses the high-quality cow colostrum collected in the first 12 hours after an otel and processed on special technology. The immune factors and factors of growth which are contained in cow colostrum are similar that they contain in womens colostrum, but their quantity in cow colostrum is more. In order to avoid side effects at the people who are not transferring milk protein and sugar at production of dietary supplement the removal of lactose and casein is made.
Thus, Kolostrum Plus is a unique natural concentrate of immunoactive factors, biological stimulators and nutrients which have the all-strengthening effect and raise natural protective an organism. Kolostrum Plus is recommended as a source of substances for maintenance of immunity, for control of body weight, prevention of viral, bacterial, fungal and parasitic infections, at a disbioza.
Also thanks to existence of factors of growth it is used in comprehensive programs at osteoporosis, arthrosis and arthritis, Alzheimers disease, intensive physical activities, wounds, injuries, burns and problems with gums.
Application: on 1 capsule a day in 20-30 minutes prior to food.

Reviews Colostrum Plus, Archon Vitamin Corporation, 60 Capsules, 31174

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Colostrum Plus, Archon Vitamin Corporation, 60 Capsules, 31174

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  • Registration Date : 03/02/2022
    Number Of Products : 79134
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  • $87.50

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