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  • Coconut oil, Aromatika, 45 g 97, 32772 .. Discounts, promotions, 100% original products. Worldwide delivery, free shipping, peace, health, cosmetics, fitness

Short description of a plant:
the Coconut palm - a tree with an upright trunk 15-30 m high on which the ring hems formed by fallen leaves are noticeable. Palm tree leaves big, up to 6 m long, grouped till 15-30 on a stalk top. Flowers are collected in very large inflorescences – the difficult whisks up to 1-2 m long surrounded with a ligneous cover which reveals when blooming. In a whisk flowers same-sex. Pistillate flowers - large, up to 3 cm in the diameter, yellow, are in the lower part of an inflorescence. Mens flowers – small, are concentrated in the top part of an inflorescence. The fruit – dry stone fruit (coconut) 20-30 cm long, weighing 1.5-2 kg, ripens within 10–12 months. The name a coco came from the Portuguese word "soso" that "monkey", because of a peculiar similarity a fruit endokarpiya with a monkey muzzle means. Pulp of nut contains 60–65% of valuable fat oil. The cavity of unripe nut contains about 0.5 l of the transparent, cool, sourish and sweet, well satisfying thirst liquid rich with sugar and vitamins. In process of maturing of a fruit in liquid oil drops appear therefore it becomes an emulsion of white color which is called coconut milk. It is even more nice to the taste, but already not so satisfies thirst. Further liquid gets thick and is condensed, turning into the white pulp called a copra.
Origin and distribution of a plant:
by Rodinas
of a coconut palm consider tropical America (other researchers support the Indo-Pacific origin of this palm tree). The coconut palm grows on the oceanic coasts, coral islands and atolls in tropical areas. Natural resettlement of a coconut palm happens by means of floating nuts which do not lose ability to germination after swimming in the sea within 110 days. Wide circulation of a look in tropical areas of both hemispheres nevertheless is to a large extent obliged to the person. The coke palm tree since the most ancient times is cultivated in all tropical countries, mainly on Philippines, islands of the Malay Archipelago, on the Malay Peninsula, in India and on the island of Shri — Lanka.
of Property and composition of oil:
Coconut oil has strong consistence, white color, a pleasant smell and taste, does not smoke when burning. Oil contains lauric (44–52%), miristinovy (13–19%), palmitic (7.5-10.5%), capric (4.5-10%), caprylic (6.0-9.7%), olein (5–8%), stearin (1.0-3.0%), kapron (0.2-2.0%), linoleic (1.5-2.8%), hexadetsenovy (to 1.3%) fatty acids. It almost does not react with air and even without fridge remains suitable for use within several years.
Action and indications to use of oil:
Coconut oil shows the antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, moistening, softening action on skin and hair thanks to what it is highly appreciated as cosmetic. Thanks to the highly nourishing and protective properties, oil is shown for protection of skin against influence of negative factors of the environment. It promotes mitigation of the coarsened sites of skin and protects from formation of cracks. Oil can be applied on a body both to, and after acceptance of solar bathtubs. It provides protection against burns and promotes elimination of dryness, irritation, peeling of skin after influence of the sun and wind. Coconut oil is also suitable for daily hair, nails care, skin of hands and legs. It is especially useful to add it to a dry and brittle hair shampoos.
Oil coconut is used in the form of appliques, bandages, greasing, for preparation of massage mixes. It can be applied as in pure form, and as a part of mixes with other fat oils or as base oil for creation of compositions with natural essential oils. It can also be used for enrichment of ready cosmetics (creams, masks, shampoos, balms).
Methods of application:
Before application a bottle with oil needs to be placed on a water bath at a temperature of 40 — 45 °C until oil gains liquid consistence.
Massage. Oil is used for direct massaging of a body, including a face, a neck and the top part of a breast. Massage with coconut oil is especially useful at dry type of skin and also after adoption of water procedures. Oil is quickly absorbed and gives to skin velvet.
Means sun-protection for a body. To carefully mix 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, 1 teaspoon of oil of peach stones, 1 teaspoon of oil of a dogrose and 1 teaspoon of sesame oil. To apply mix on a body before acceptance of solar bathtubs.
Means for legs softening. To add 4 drops of essential oil of a tea tree, 2 drops of essential oil of a melissa, 2 drops of cypress essential oil to 1 tablespoon of coconut oil. To stir carefully. To apply mix on a foot daily.
Means for hands and nails. To mix 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, 1 tablespoon of glycerin, 1 teaspoon of fat oil of a camomile and on 5 drops of lemon and orange essential oils. The received mix it is regular to mass hands and nails. Musks
for hair. To carefully mix 1 teaspoon of coconut oil, 1 teaspoon of burdock oil, 3 drops rosemary, 3 drops thyme and 3 drops ylang-ylang essential oils. To rub mix in roots of hair in 20 minutes prior to washing of the head.
Other application:
Being a fine mazevy basis, coconut oil is widely used for production of cosmetics, margarine, suppositories and also applied in cookery. It is highly appreciated for the cleaning and foam-forming properties. The soap prepared on coconut oil – the only thing from soaps which foams in salty water.

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