Название документа
  • Coal the activated Ananta No. 10 of a tablet

Active ingredient:
activated carbon Trade name: GTIN
activated carbon: 4820206961044
Producer: TOV VTF "Pharmak", Ukra§na
Quantity in packing: 10
Morion Code: 560009
Packing: On 10 tablets at bl_ster. On 10 tablets at a bl_ster і; on 3 bl_ster at pachts_ z to cardboard.
Ingredients: d_yucha of a rechovin: vug_llya to the aktivovena; 1 tablet to m_stit vug_llya aktivovany 0.25 g; dopom_zhna of a rechovin: starch kartoplyaniye.
of the Indication: Gostr_ otru¾nnya pobutovy, promislovy that harchovy pokhodzhennya; gostr_ otru¾nnya l_karsky zasoba, otru¾nnya alkalo§da, salts vazhky metal_v; dispeps_ya, meteorism, harchov_ toksiko_nfekts і ї; a p_dgotovka to rentgenolog_chny dosl_dzhen.
of the Contraindication: P_dvishchena chutliv_st to komponent_v l_karsky to a zasob; virazk shlunkovo-kishkovy to a path; shlunkov_ krovotech_.
ATC/ATX Code: A07B A01
Pharmacological group: Enterosorbenti. L_karsk_ zasob, shcho m_styat to the aktivovena vug_llya. Vug_llya to the mediyena to the aktivovena.
Packaging: Coal the activated Ananta No. 10 tablets to buy Tablets


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Active ingredient activated carbon
ATC/ATX code A07B A01
Contraindications P_dvishchena chutliv_st to komponent_v l_karsky to a zasob; virazk shlunkovo-kishkovy to a path; shlunkov_ krovotech_.
GTIN 4820206961044
Indications Gostr_ otru¾nnya pobutovy, promislovy that harchovy pokhodzhennya; gostr_ otru¾nnya l_karsky zasoba, otru¾nnya alkalo§da, salts vazhky metal_v; dispeps_ya, meteorism, harchov_ toksiko_nfekts і ї; a p_dgotovka to rentgenolog_chny dosl_dzhen.
Morion code 560009
Pharmacological group Enterosorbenti. L_karsk_ zasob, shcho m_styat to the aktivovena vug_llya. Vug_llya to the mediyena to the aktivovena.
Producer TOV VTF "Pharmak", Ukra§na
Release form Tablets
Structure d_yucha of a rechovin: vug_llya to the aktivovena; 1 tablet to m_stit vug_llya aktivovany 0.25 g; dopom_zhna of a rechovin: starch kartoplyaniye.
Trade name Activated carbon

Reviews Coal the activated Ananta No. 10 of a tablet

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Coal the activated Ananta No. 10 of a tablet

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  • Registration Date : 11/09/2024
    Number Of Products : 25532
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