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Tom Kokocha is world famous producer of coals for a hookah. The fact that they are created from a coco shell is considered their distinctive feature. From nut all contents clean up (there is only a sink). Then experts char a shell. During this process in a sink cracks are formed. It a signal for experts which indicates that it is possible to start coal crushing. In addition to it add starch. The received mix is pressed, well is dried and goes to packaging.

Today "Tom Cococha" produces several types of coals:

  • of Red.
  • of Green.
  • of Yellow.
  • of Blue.
  • of Gold.
Green Coal is made by

in Thailand. It is characterized by the minimum ash-content and the increased carbon content. "Red" is one of main "long-livers". It is presented at the market for twenty years. Its production development was conducted in America and Germany. In the territory of Europe, Yellow coal enjoys the greatest popularity. Producers consider it the main pride of the company. In it experts managed to minimize foreign products of combustion. Thus, buyers have an opportunity to enjoy pure and pleasant taste of a hookah. "Gold" was available for sale in 2013. Its distinctive feature the high content of carbon - 85% is considered (5% more than analogs). The amount of carbon is higher, the cleaner coal is considered. It burns down longer and provides strong heat. As for Blue coal, it has the tiny sizes – 25 x 25 x 15 millimeters. Carbon content - 80%.

Charcoal material coconut shell
Coal size 25*25*15

Reviews Coal coconut Tom Cococha Green of 1 kg (volume of a kokoch Green of 1 kg)

5 Rating 1 Reviews


Coal coconut Tom Cococha Green of 1 kg (volume of a kokoch Green of 1 kg)

  • Product Code: 197023
  • Registration Date : 03/02/2022
    Number Of Products : 79137
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  • $11.16

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