of Tsitrosept – a natural alternative to antibiotics
Catarrhal diseases often bring the person out of a working rhythm and are followed by unpleasant feelings. To get rid of them, doctors recommend to use Tsitrosept which is the natural alternative of antibiotics absolutely safe for a human body. For production of this dietary supplement the internal part of a peel of grapefruit, its connecting white fabrics and stones possessing antibacterial influence is used.
Useful properties of the medicine Tsitrosept
Unlike the majority of medicines this additive has no negative impact on a lactobacillus and a bifidobacterium, keeps normal intestinal microflora and stimulates the natural resilience of an organism. In addition, she is capable:
to normalize cholesterol level in blood;
to strengthen walls of vessels;
to prevent formation of blood clots;
to reduce risk of development of fungal diseases.
Thanks to this Tsitrosept, the representing extract of seeds of grapefruit, experts recommend to use in the following cases:
at treatment of flu or catarrhal diseases;
during treatment of fungal diseases;
for fight against intestinal microorganisms, such as staphylococcus, hemophilic stick and others;
at treatment of skin diseases;
as prevention of food infections;
for cleaning of an organism of parasites.
of the Recommendation about application
of Tsitrosept is recommended to be used as the dietary supplement improving work of the immune system and as the disinfecting means. As the instruction reports, Tsitrosept can be used for the use and local application.
For disinfecting and clarification of skin should apply this substance to
on previously washed up sites, having reduced its concentration by means of water. When drawing on skin it is necessary to monitor reaction, in parallel reducing or increasing a dose.
recommends to use
At internal use of Tsitrosept in volume till 10-25 of drops 2-3 times a day, previously having dissolved a concentrate in 100-200 ml of any liquid. Use volume directly depends on the body weight and disease severity. For treatment of chronic diseases this additive should be used until disappearance of symptoms.
Method of application:
of Tsitrosept is recommended to be accepted as the all-strengthening means increasing immunity and possessing the easy disinfecting action and also improving a condition of blood vessels. Feature of the tsitrosept is that it does not kill normal intestinal microflora, that is can be applied long enough, courses about one month (unfortunately, this fact was not confirmed with clinical trials).
to apply
of Tsitrosept to the washed-up skin.
to Begin with
reception with the minimum specified concentration (especially at children), but if skin and mucous are not too sensitive or not effect, concentration can be increased gradually.
For cultivations to use boiled water and solution always carefully to mix.
to Monitor reaction of an organism and depending on it to increase or reduce a dose.
Inside only in the divorced look!
of Tsitrosept ® should be accepted in doses of 10-25 drops (depending on the body weight and disease severity) 2-3 times a day in cultivation from 100-200 ml of any liquid, having carefully mixed. Liquid can be warm, but is not hotter. It is possible to use boiled water. At chronic diseases the course makes from 2 to 3 months or before disappearance of symptoms.
Reception can be continued by
up to 4-6 months.
is enough
of the Volume of 50 ml on average for 1.5 months.
For prevention:
5-10 drops 2 times a day. In initial stages of cold, flu or at poisonings 2-3 times a day a course 2-3 days are expedient to accept "shock doses" of 20-70 drops. At too intensive reaction of Gerksheimer it is necessary to reduce a dose.
to Children:
1 drop on 1 kg of weight a day and total number of drops to divide into 3 receptions.
of Tsitrosept ® can be accepted irrespective of food, but it is not less than in 30 minutes, and at the increased acidity, stomach ulcers, gastritis or heartburn - only just before food.
Accepting extract the first time there have to begin with 2-3 drops 2-3 times a day and daily increase total by 2-3 drops within about 2 weeks.
of the Contraindication:
the Contraindication for reception of the tsitrosept is the individual intolerance of components of medicine. Tsitrosept it is also not recommended to accept along with the drugs applied at cardiovascular diseases (explanations of this recommendation in the instruction are not offered).
Side effects:
feeling sick
a headache
a diarrhea
Producers explain to
it with a bacteriolysis or Yarisha-Gerksgeymers reaction – destruction of a large number of pathogenic microorganisms under the influence of the tsitrosept (and intestinal microflora at the same time for some reason does not collapse). The destroyed bacteria mark out a large amount of toxins, as causes by-effects – it is sign of clarification of an organism. Unfortunately, this conclusion is not confirmed with researches, obligatory for medicines, and, nevertheless, producers recommend it to accept even to pregnant women.
of the Condition and periods of storage:
to Store
in the place protected from light, at a temperature of 4-20 °C, 3 years of date of production.
of 100 ml is contained:
vitamin C not less than 5 g,
bioflavonoids (flavones, flavonona, flavonol) 19.37 g
grapefruit extract;
palm glycerin;
purified water;
in bottles with the drop batcher on 5, 10, 20, 50 or 100 ml (10 ml = 250-280 drops).
Citrosept, Citrosept, 50 ml 368, 27527 .. Discounts, promotions, 100% original products. Worldwide delivery, free shipping, peace, health, cosmetics, fitness
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