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Chicopee HNL SOFT Adult Ostrich & Potato Holistik semi-damp bezzernovy monoprotein feed for adult dogs with meat of an ostrich and Dls potatoes of adult dogs of all breeds with sensitive digestion of Soderzhit only one type of protein – meat of an ostrich Soft granules (18% of moisture) of 25% of protein / 15% of fat Bez of Ratsion Adult Ostrich & Potatos cereals – the optimum choice for dogs with a sensitive stomach. Myaso of an ostrich – the only source of protein of animal origin – a monoprotein formula! As a digestible source of carbohydrates potatoes are used. The semi-damp diet (18% of moisture) of Adult Ostrich & Potato is unique flavoring experience for the pet. Osobenno is suitable for the dogs inclined to problems with digestion or intolerance of certain types of protein, thanks to a special monoprotein formula. Features: Healthy skin and sherstyomega-3 and the Omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids Natural an ingrediyentykorma of Chicopee are produced for healthy skin and beautiful wool only from high-quality and natural ingredients Correct pishchevareniyemananooligasakharida (MOS) there are natural prebiotics which improve work of intestines Is made in GermaniiPri complete control of quality, according to the Canadian standards developed by the Canadian Veterinary and Medical Association Preimushchestva Chicopee HNL SOFT Adult Ostrich & Potato: Soft granulyblagodarya the increased humidity (moisture of 18%) some of our diets give to an animal special flavoring feelings and new experience Monoproteinaceous kormpodhodit for dogs with intolerance of concrete proteins the Stable microflora of kishechnikatsikoriya contains highly effective food fibers (Inulin) which support necessary flora in intestines. The balanced intestinal flora is a basis of stable digestion Bez well usvoyaemy potatoes as a source of carbohydrates zlakovispolzutsya and it is intentionally avoided application of cereals in this line. It date allows to provide careful food for a dog editing the description: 22.02.2021

Reviews Chicopee HNL SOFT Adult Ostrich & Potato Holistic grain-free dog food with ostrich and potatoes

5 Rating 1 Reviews


Chicopee HNL SOFT Adult Ostrich & Potato Holistic grain-free dog food with ostrich and potatoes

  • Product Code: MX25001
  • Registration Date : 03/02/2022
    Number Of Products : 79137
    Gold Rated Seller!

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  • $154.00

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