Название документа
Seborrhea is the widespread skin problem which is often found at pets which can disturb a dog and be shown not only by presence of dandruff and skin oiliness, but also combing and high temples. Medical shampoos, unlike usual detergents, do not destroy a protective fat layer, moisturize the skin, and support its correct PH level. Ceva (Sowing) of Douxo S3 Seb high-quality cats and dogs shampoo with oily skin helping to get rid of seborrhea. At regular use of shampoo the balance of skin fat remains and also skin microflora improves. Means helps to get rid of dandruff, to remove surplus of skin fat and also to get rid of an unpleasant smell. Thanks to the unique structure the means helps to get rid of koltun and to contain wool soft and brilliant.

Advantage of Douxo S3 Seb Ceva shampoo (Seva)
guaranteed to
  • Thanks to a unique complex formula protection of an integument of an animal.
  • Existence of a unique compounding with the adapted pH for skin of pets.
  • After use of shampoo on skin of cats and dogs remains a protective film which humidifies the surface of epidermis.
  • removal of the shelled skin and surplus of skin fat Happens.
  • stimulation of reproduction of new skin cells Happens.
  • Lack of parabens in structure.
  • Existence of the deodorizing properties.
  • Reduction of irritation.
  • Democratic price and economic use of medicine.
  • High efficiency and usability.
  • Suits animals, irrespective of breed, the size and weight.
Structure: Phytosphingosine HCI, FomblinR, green tea fragrance. Without
parabens Operation manual: Only for external application. Well wet wool warm water, apply shampoo and massage. Leave foam for 5-10 minutes. Carefully wash away under flowing water. Use frequency: 2-3 times a week within 3-4 weeks.
Contraindication: not to apply an animal with hypersensibility to medicine components.

Packing: 200 ml.
Producer: Vectra, Ceva Sante Animale, France.

Information on goods before updating of a ruler by the producer
Ceva Douxo Seb is the high-quality shampoo possessing a unique combination of Phytosphingosine with the calming and moisturizing ingredients. Shampoo helps to support a skin homeostasis (constant optimum condition of skin) at dogs and cats with excessively oily, dry or shelled skin. Promotes moistening and considerably minimizes an unpleasant smell of problem skin. Perfectly influences wool, doing it soft and brilliant.
Contains a complex formula for global protection of an ecosystem of an integument
recommended at all types of seborrhea:
  • compounding which is Specially created by experts with the adapted pH for skin of dogs and cats
  • Phytosphingosine (phytosphingosine) - universal pro-ceramide, a natural component of lipids of skin which provide balance at release of skin fat. Makes the regulating action on superficial microflora of skin, thanks to antibacterial properties
  • Fomblin. Promotes skin moistening
  • Shampoo deletes surplus of skin fat and purifies the shelled skin
  • Helps the balanced release of skin fat
  • Supports normal reproduction of skin cells
  • Has the deodorizing properties and gentle aroma of green tea
  • does not contain parabens
Recommendation: Only for external application. Before washing it is plentiful to wet animal hair, to apply a small amount of shampoo on wool, to massage before formation of dense foam, to leave for 5-10 min. for active influence of medical effect and penetration of nutrients into an integument. In end, carefully to wash out wool a large amount of water. Do not leave shampoo on animal hair!
Structure: Phytosphingosine (0.1%), Fomblin, extract of green tea.
Contraindication : Not to use in case of individual intolerance of components at animal
Bottle: 200 ml.
Feature: does not contain sulfates, with extract of green tea
Species of an animalDogsFormShampooTypeMeans for bathing
Cleaning means (for bathing)
Means for a moistening / skin nourishment
Hypoallergenic means for cleaning
Means facilitating wool disentangling
Means against skin peeling
Means against wool loss
Means for strengthening/change of color of wool
Means for gloss of wool
Means for wool laying
Means for treatment of diseases of skinAppointmentFor dry wool
Treatment-and-prophylactic (skin diseases)
Concentration Bezkoncentratny
Release form Shampoo
Species of an animal Dogs

Reviews Ceva (Sowing) Douxo S3 Seb - Medical oily, dry skin shampoo with dandruff

5 Rating 1 Reviews


Ceva (Sowing) Douxo S3 Seb - Medical oily, dry skin shampoo with dandruff

  • Product Code: E-ZOO-103322
  • Registration Date : 11/09/2024
    Number Of Products : 25532
    Top Rated Seller

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  • $38.07

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