Название документа
The most part of all obtained information on the environment, animals receive through leather and wool. For this reason, on their state it is possible to judge health of a pet. Douxo S3 Calm high-quality shampoo for sensitive skin of cats and dogs which helps to get rid of an itch, inflammation, an allergy and also fights against an unpleasant smell. It helps to calm sensitive skin and also to support its healthy state. Thanks to availability of panthenol there is a skin moistening, healing of wounds, protective microbic flora remains, production of skin fat and so on is regulated. After 20 days of regular use of shampoo of naggers at dogs decreases by 50%, and for 100% all allergens from leather and wool are removed. Thanks to lack of a pungent smell, this means will become the fine choice for animals with sensitive skin.

Advantage of Douxo S3 Calm Ceva shampoo (Seva) guaranteed to
  • Thanks to a unique complex formula protection of an integument of an animal.
  • Existence of a unique compounding with the adapted pH for skin of pets.
  • After use of shampoo on skin of cats and dogs remains a protective film which humidifies the surface of epidermis.
  • removal of the shelled skin and surplus of skin fat Happens.
  • stimulation of reproduction of new skin cells Happens.
  • Lack of parabens in structure.
  • Existence of the deodorizing properties.
  • Reduction of irritation.
  • Democratic price and economic use of medicine.
  • High efficiency and usability.
  • Suits animals, irrespective of breed, the size and weight.

Structure : Phytosphingosine HCI, Avenanthramides, SKlnflux V, Stimu-texR AS, Pseudofilaggrin, LipidureR PMB. Without parabens.
Operation manual: Only for external application. Well wet wool warm water, apply shampoo and massage. Leave foam for 5-10 minutes. Carefully wash away under flowing water. Use frequency: 2-3 times a week within 3-4 weeks.
Contraindication: not to apply an animal with hypersensibility to shampoo components.
Packing: 200 ml.
Producer: Vectra, Ceva Sante Animale, France.

Information on goods before updating of a ruler by the producer
Ceva DOUXO Calm treatment-and-prophylactic shampoo for fight against allergic reactions at animals. Especially shown for skin, sensitive and inclined to irritation. Means contains active agent phytosphingosine – the natural pro-ceramide participating in the structure of lipids of skin is extracted from covers of the raw seeds of oats. The component treats and restores the sites of skin damaged by an allergy, creates a natural protective barrier of an integument. Additional contents as a part of oils of a cedar and the carriage render the soft moistening effect, maintain water balance of epidermis. Possesses soft antiseptic influence, neutralizes various harmful bacteria including fungal. Ceva DOUXO Calm begins to work from the first day of application and within 20 days of regular use completely eliminates visual symptoms of seborrhea, considerably reduces the naggers, returns to skin of an animal a healthy look. Presented in the form of cream structure. Does not contain aggressive chemistry. Deeply purifies leather and wool from excess of skin fat.
Recommendation: Only for external application. Before washing it is plentiful to wet animal hair, to apply a small amount of shampoo on wool, to massage before formation of dense foam, to leave for 5-10 min. for active influence of medical effect and penetration of nutrients into an integument. In end, carefully to wash out wool a large amount of water. Do not leave shampoo on animal hair!
Structure: Fitosfingozin HCI, Avenanthramides, SK-lnflux V, Stimu-tex AS, Pseudofilaggrin, Lipidure PMB.
Contraindication: Not to use in case of individual intolerance of components at animal
Bottle: 200 ml.
Feature: does not contain sulfates, with aroma of green tea, contains oil of seeds of raspberry Species of an animalDogs
CatsFormShampooTypeMeans for bathing
Cleaning means (for bathing)
Means for a moistening / skin nourishment
Sedatives (itch, irritation)
Hypoallergenic means for cleaning
Means for removal of a smellAppointmentHypoallergenic
For sensitive skinConcentrationBezkoncentratny
Concentration Bezkoncentratny
Release form Shampoo
Species of an animal Dogs of the Cat

Reviews Ceva (Sowing) Douxo S3 Calm - Shampoo for sensitive skin of dogs and cats

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Ceva (Sowing) Douxo S3 Calm - Shampoo for sensitive skin of dogs and cats

  • Product Code: E-ZOO-103314
  • Registration Date : 11/09/2024
    Number Of Products : 25532
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