The Finnish singer, the guitarist, the actor Victor Klimenko was born in family of descendants of the Kuban Cossacks. His parents were banished to Karelia and in the years of war appeared in the territory of Finland.
In 1971 in Columbia left the first album of the singer of "Stenk Razin". In Finland it received the status of platinum and was published more than in 60 countries of the world.
is Sung by Victor Klimenko in 7 languages. On this plate, though with noticeable accent, sings in Russian and Ukrainian (two songs) and one - in half in the Finnish and Russian languages. Sings in the four-octava range.
Translation of names of songs: Goris
Monotonously rattles a hand bell;
Reva that to Dn_prs stoyena wide;
Hey we will fall a cropper;
Two guitars; Nes
leave you, my smart guy;
Road long;
Eyes black;
we Will drink a glass of vodka; Stenk Razins
; Having taken
bi I a bandura;
Regret you me, expensive.
Is written down from the German vinyl record republished in 1977. Excellent record. Sostoyaniye of the carrier excellent.
CD Viktor Klimenko "Stenka Rasin", 1971
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