the High-quality not refined castor oil of the first cold extraction from the Ukrainian Naturalissimo brand is really universal cosmetic which will help you to give to skin and hair shine of health and beauty. Oleum Ricini can be added to masks for rejuvenation, moistening and toning of skin and also to composition of shampoos or hair conditioners.
Oil renders the anti-inflammatory, calming and nutritious impact on skin. It struggles with a hyperpegmentation and interferes with emergence of feeling of dryness, nourishing skin with moisture. Castor oil is applied as means to strengthening of growth of eyelashes and eyebrows as it has the strengthening properties, doing hairs elastic. Natural and functional cosmetic from Naturalissimo will become worthy replenishment of your beauty-arsenal which will make you the owner of ideal skin, magnificent eyelashes, dense eyebrows and a magnificent shock of shiny hairs.
Method of application:
For achievement of laxative effect castor oil is recommended to be accepted inside, beginning 1 h l from a dose, gradually increasing it before achievement of necessary result, but not exceeding 3 tablespoons a day. For skin the daily application of a product is shown, and for indumenta and eyelashes the best results provide masks from castor oil, courses till 10-15 of procedures with an interval between 2-3 days.
Castor oil, Oleum Ricini, Naturalissimo, 100 ml 79, z04551 .. Discounts, promotions, 100% original products. Worldwide shipping, free shipping, peace, health, cosmetics, fitness
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Tags: Castor oil, Oleum Ricini, Naturalissimo, 100 ml 79, z04551 .. Discounts, promotions, 100% original products. Worldwide shipping, free shipping, peace, health, cosmetics, fitness