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  • Canvit Urinary Snack Treats for cats Urolithiasis prevention

Canvit Health Care Snacks Urinary of the Prevention Treats for cats urolithic Lakomstva with chicken, a visushenny cranberry (antimicrobial properties and acidulation of urine), leaves to a nettle (antioxidant) and birches (diuretic), an omega-3 fatty acids for prevention of infections of urinary tract. Pokazaniya: for prevention of infection of urinary tract. As auxiliary therapy at treatment of the lower department of urinary tract at cats. Infections of urinary tract is a widespread problem at cats. Often it is followed by a pain syndrome and frequent urinations, as a rule, outside a tray. The cranberry, a nettle and a birch silvery – are a natural source of the vitamins, antioxidants and substances preventing development of infections in urinary tract. These substances have antibacterial properties and prevent distribution of bacteria, form a protective sphere on a mucous membrane of a bladder, increase products of urine and reduce pain. Sostav: potatoes, chicken (15%), liquid starch, fat from a herring (5%), the hydrolyzed chicken liver, collagen, nettle leaves (10 g/kg), a cranberry (8 g/kg), leaves of a birch silvery (5 g/kg). Analytical structure Quantity of the Squirrel of 16.0% Fats of 7.0% Crude ashes of 4.0% Crude cellulose of 2.8% Humidity of 17.0% of Recomendation on feeding: Lakomstva give directly from a hand or add to a forage. To provide continuous access to fresh water. Animal weight Standard daily rate, croquet/day of 1 kg 4 pieces 3 kg 8 pieces 5 kg 10 pieces 8 kg 15 pieces Producer: Canvit s.r.o., Czech Republic Product code: 514090 - Canvit Urinary Snack of the Prevention Treats for cats urolithic (100 gr) date editing description: 22.04.2019

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Canvit Urinary Snack Treats for cats Urolithiasis prevention

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