Название документа
  • Canvit Antiparasitic Snack - Semi-damp treats for dogs with sensitive digestion
of the Dog with sensitive digestion have insufficient quantity of useful bacteria in intestines that leads to violation of balance of intestinal microflora and, as a result, there are problems with work of an alimentary system. Antiparasitic Snack treats for dogs belong to functional delicacies and allow to normalize intestinal microflora of a dog, help with fight against parasites. Delicacy is framed by specialists of the Czech company Canvit with the assistance of veterinarians. At the heart of delicacy meat of a lamb and natural components: wild garlic, mint, camomile. Fat of a herring as a part of delicacy allows an animal to fill up an organism with Omega-3 fatty acids which aren't produced by an organism independently, but at the same time participate in all exchange processes in an organism and strengthen the immune system of a dog. A beer yeast acts as group B source of vitamins which are important for stable work of nervous system of a dog and adds to animal hair gloss.

of Application of Canvit Antiparasitic Snack delicacy:
Age of a dog Adult dogs Puppies and juniors Aging dogs
Age of an animal Adult animals growth Period (till 1 year)
Extent of breed Mini breeds (up to 5 kg) Small breeds (5-10 kg) Average breeds (10-25 kg) Large breeds (25-45 kg) Huge breeds (more than 45 kg)
For whom sterns? For dogs
Protection from Worms Round helminths Tape helminths of the Larva of helminths
Release form Other
Species of an animal Dogs
Species of parasites Internal parasites
The basic operating with the Eastern Military District Substance ECO
Type of delicacy Dropsa and snacks the Vitaminized delicacies
Use is authorized of 4 weeks

Reviews Canvit Antiparasitic Snack - Semi-damp treats for dogs with sensitive digestion

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Canvit Antiparasitic Snack - Semi-damp treats for dogs with sensitive digestion

  • Product Code: 136187
  • In Stock

  • Ready to ship
  • $24.50

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Tags: Feeding of dogs, Treats for dogs,

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