Brovafarma Oftalmo-gel for treatment of konyyuktivit and otitises at dogs and cats the Dosage form and packing: Uniform transparent viscous liquid (gel) with a yellowish shade. Packaged in syringes tubas with the batcher on 4 ml (on 1 piece in a cardboard box). packed by the piece into cardboard boxes complete with the instruction for application. Pharmacological (biological) properties and effects: The complex medicine possessing bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, nematodotsidny, acaricide, insecticidal and repellent action. Ivermectin belongs to chemical group of macrocyclic lactones. Tilozina tartrate — an antibiotic of group of macroleads, strengthens communication of GAMK (piperidic acid) with special receptors on the nervous terminations of a parasite, blocks nervous impulses, causes death of mature and adult forms of nematodes of Thelaziidae, akariformny pincers of Demodecidae, Psoroptidae, Sarcoptidae and winged insects of Muscidae. It is active against separate types or microbic associations Mycoplasmataceae, Rickettsiaceae, Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp. and other types of pathogenic microorganisms. Kseroform together with an anti-septic tank suppresses a sekundarny infection and also provides anti-inflammatory and repellent action. Sostav: 1 ml of medicine contains: Ivermectin — 2.5 mgtilozin tartrate — 10 mgkseroform — 10 mg of Pokazaniya to application: Treatment of cattle, dogs, cats, rabbits at ophthalmologic diseases of a parasitic and bacterial etiology: telyazioz, blepharitis (scaly and ulcer), conjunctivitis (sharp catarrhal, purulent, follicular), keratit (superficial), kerato-conjunctivitis infectious (rickettsial disease) and an associative invasive and infectious (telyaziozno-microbic) etiology. Treatment of dogs, cats and rabbits at otitises of a parasitic etiology (an external ear — an auricle, an external ear canal, a middle ear): notoedroz, otodektoz, psoroptoz, sarkoptoz, horioptoz, heyletioz. Treatment and prevention of cattle, sheep, dogs, cats, rabbits at miaza. Order of application and dosage: At treatment of a telyazioz at cattle the head of an animal is fixed so that an eye was from above, and the syringe tuba slowly enter 0.8-1 ml of medicine into a conjunctival bag, easily massing. A course of treatment — 3-4 days. At inflammation the century is cleaned from scales of their edge and greased with gel by means of a tampon. Dlya treatments of other ophthalmologic diseases put 5-7 drops in an internal corner of an eye, a course — 4-7 drawings every 12 hours. Esli blepharitis is called by pincers, the course of treatment is repeated by 2-3 times in 10 days, irrespective of results of the first treatment. At otitis previously cut off wool in an auricle of an animal, remove scales and by means of a tampon apply gel on affected areas of skin 2 times a day. Processing is carried out by 3-4 days to an absolute recovery. Both ears treat at the same time. Esli the disease is caused by pincers, processing is repeated in 8-10 days within a day. Dlya of prevention of a volfartioz during the summer period the fresh wounds of animals grease with gel. Wounds, invazirovanny larvae of flies, process 2 times a day before full healing (3-4 days). Protivopokazaniya: To appoint Ne an animal with hypersensibility to active ingredients of medicine. Storage conditions: An expiration date - 2 years. Storages in the dark place at a temperature from 2 ° up to 20 °C. Producer: LLC Brovafarm, Ukraine Product code: 500772 - Brovafarma Oftalmo-gel for treatment of konyyuktivit and otitises at dogs and cats (4 ml) date editing the description: 12.02.2020
Brovafarma Ophthalmo-gel for the treatment of conjunctivitis and otitis media in dogs and cats
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