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  • Brit GF Veterinary Diet Renal Medicated Dog Food for Chronic Renal Failure

Brit GF Veterinary Diet Renal Medical dog food with a chronic renal failure of Bezzernova medical dog food with a chronic renal failure with egg, peas and buckwheat. Dlya of obtaining bigger information see the veterinarian!! Pokazaniya: Chronic Renal Failure Kardiorenalny syndrome Sharp renal failure of Protivopokazaniya: Puppies the Pregnant and feeding boughs Preimushchestva: Control of contents digestible proteins also fosforasnizhat formation of uraemic toxins, reduces quantity and prevents catabolism of muscle bulk. Reduces formation of salts in urine and Bezzernovaya cystine retsepturasnizhat risk of emergence of allegichesky reaction to gluten and food intolerance Fatty acids an omega-3 and antioxidants (vitamin E, vitamin C, selenium) protivospalitelny action on kidneys filtration of electrolytes kidneys And groups of a vitaminovzamen after increase in urination of Komplex phosphorus in intestines hitozanasvyazyvat Optimum level of food fibers and probiotics (mos, fos, ss-glucans) provides an intestines vermicular movement, low absorption soley,i improves digestion. The risk of disorder of intestines of Probiotiki of enterococcus faeciumuluchshayet reduces work of intestines and reduces symptoms from digestive tract Chronic Renal Failure: The majority of dogs suffer from lack of appetite or anorexia because of impact of uraemic toxins on a mucous membrane of digestive tract. Catabolism of protein in the absence of appetite increases production of uraemic toxins and worsens a condition of an animal. It is necessary to keep meal and to pass gradually to reception of a forage of Brit VD Renal of Dl of dogs. Damp forages improve tastes of a forage and shipping of a forage. date editing description: 05.07.2021

Reviews Brit GF Veterinary Diet Renal Medicated Dog Food for Chronic Renal Failure

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Brit GF Veterinary Diet Renal Medicated Dog Food for Chronic Renal Failure

  • Product Code: MX23406
  • Registration Date : 03/02/2022
    Number Of Products : 79137
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  • $57.00

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