Название документа

Brit Care Dog Functional Snack Dental Venison Treats for dogs with a game and rosemary Functional semi-soft delicacies are a useful and tasty addition to a usual diet of each dog. Obogashchen functional ingredients, such as lactobacilli, fulvic acids and extract of a sugar melon. Osobennosti of structure of a product: Pomogayet to protect teeth and gums from a scale of Obogashchen seaweed, a carnation and hexametaphosphate of sodium for protection of teeth and gums against a scale Bez of flakes and potatoes Fulvic acids help to acquire nutrients of Ekstrakt of a melon as the source of antioxidants Collagen helps to restore a bone and muscular system. Tyndalized of a lactobacillus help to support healthy intestinal microflora Rozmarin often is used as natural means for strengthening of health of teeth and gums. Thanks to the antibacterial properties, he helps to protect teeth from formation of a scale and reduces an unpleasant smell from Myasos mouth of a deer is a good source of protein, date editing the description is rich with minerals, such as iron and zinc: 10.06.2021

Reviews Brit Care Dog Functional Snack Dental Venison Dog Treat with Game and Rosemary

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Brit Care Dog Functional Snack Dental Venison Dog Treat with Game and Rosemary

  • Product Code: MX23364
  • Registration Date : 03/02/2022
    Number Of Products : 79135
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  • $53.75

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