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popularity to the German producer Amy Hookah was brought of course by excellent smoking devices in the widest assortment. But at the same time, the company releases many years its less practical and qualitative accessories. Among them bowls for a hookah favourably differ. We suggest to buy a bowl of Amy Deluxe AM-09 in Odessa, Lutsk, Zaporizhia and other cities, with fast delivery.

Why needs to buy

a bowl of Amy Deluxe AM-09?

Clay bowl a great option that suits much smokers. Such product can:

  • as much as possible to disclose taste of tobacco;

  • evenly warms up
  • ;

  • is kept for a long time by heat, than prolongs smoking session.

Known brand offers

a bowl for a hookah with kalaudy Amy Deluxe AM-09. It has 13 openings and is supplemented with Kalaud, and it is excellent, an opportunity to receive an excellent set.

Why this bowl:

Size of an accessory allows to contain
  • to four cubes of coal. Its height - 10 cm, depth - 2 cm;

  • Kalaud allows to regulate heat level, the cover easily rises and air flow arrives.

Bowl will be suitable

for the majority of signature hookahs of a brand of Amy and also devices of other producers. On the website it is available to order goods from one unit from us and also on profitable terms wholesale.

bowl material Clay
Bowl Type External
Height(cm) 10
Outside Diameter (cm) 45053

Reviews Bowl for a hookah of AMY AM-09 (Amy)

5 Rating 1 Reviews


Bowl for a hookah of AMY AM-09 (Amy)

  • Product Code: 196226
  • Registration Date : 03/02/2022
    Number Of Products : 79137
    Gold Rated Seller!

  • In Stock

  • Ready to ship
  • $70.73

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