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  • Bosch of Dog Premium - A dry feed with poultry for adult dogs of average and large breeds with the normal level of activity

balanced food Bosch Dog Premium intended for adult dogs with the average level of activity. A forage Bosch represents granules of the average sizes. In a stern there are all necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals capable to provide normal functioning of all organism, including leather, wool, cartilaginous and connecting tissues. Bosch Dog Premium maintains health of adult dogs thanks to specially picked up complex of nutrients. Content of fatty acids and antioxidants in stern Bosch capable to slow down process of aging of animals and also prevents destruction of structure of cages of an organism. Besides, antioxidants promote fast recuperation and take off fatigue.


  • balanced dry forage for adult dogs average and large breeds with normal level activities ;
  • unique formula from fresh meat and natural ingrediyen ;
  • in structure ideal quantity vitamins minerals and minerals that provides normal activity dog ;
  • croquets forage average size it is ideal
  • will approach for chewing device averages and big dogs ;
  • by
  • all products from which it is made sterns are suitable in food person ;
  • not
  • chemical additives artificial dyes and fragrances .

Structure : Grain cereals, meat and meat derivatives, animal fat vegetable oil, fish and fish derivatives, vegetables, grain and grain derivatives, dry yeast, vitamin and mineral complex.

Typical analysis:
belka: 24% Organic matter which is the basic "construction material" for all organism
zhira: 10% Fats in moderate quantity are necessary for normal activity of an organism, their deficiency leads to serious violations in an organism. However excess intake of fat with a forage provokes the increased adjournment it in hypodermic and fat cellulose and in a liver that can lead to problems with health of an animal
zol: 6.5% Amount of ashes are a measure of content of mineral substances in a stern. The lack of ashes demonstrates low maintenance in a stern of elements necessary for an organism. Too high level of ash-content adversely affects both comprehensibility, and tastes of a forage
kletchatka: 3% Cellulose - nutrient of plant origin. Cellulose is not digested in an organism, but without it normal work of all system of digestion is not possible. Exactly thanks to cellulose there is a feeling of the saturation
vlazhnost: 10% may contain the Tinned forage to 80% of moisture whereas dry feeds contain about 6%. It is important to know humidity of a forage for the following reason: as the price of a forage is defined for kilogram, when you buy the forage containing 80% of moisture, you actually receive 20% of food and 80% of water. Therefore to feed with canned food much more expensively, than a dry feed.
kaloriynost: the kcal / 100гр Calories is an energy unit which contains in a stern and is allocated at its splitting in a digestive tract. A source and amount of energy always has to correspond to needs of an animal for normal activity of an organism. If the number of the consumed calories are higher, than spends an organism, it is followed by obesity and other violations
kaltion: 1.3% Calcium – the microcell playing an important role in normal development and functioning of an organism. Calcium is an important component of bones and teeth both for the growing organism, and for adult animals. Calcium plays an important role also in many metabolic processes, including functioning of nervous system, reduction of muscles and fibrillation
fosfor: 0.9% Phosphorus – a macrocell necessary for an organism, play an important role in activity of a brain, a cardiovascular system, formation of a cardiac muscle, bones and is necessary for cellular power exchange
magniya: 1.2% Magnesium – one of minerals without which the organism cannot normally function. Magnesium participates in education about 300 enzymes and chemical compounds, synthesis of proteins, power generation, formation of protective processes in an organism, reduces development of stressful reactions. In addition magnesium is responsible for a condition of blood vessels, without it transfer of nervous impulses is impossible – in other words, the deficiency of magnesium causes failure in work of all organism.
vitamin And - water-soluble vitamin, takes part in all main functions of an organism. This vitamin is necessary for preservation and recovery of good sight, helps to develop immunity to many diseases including to catarrhal. Without vitamin A the healthy condition of an epithelium of skin is impossible.
vitamin D3 - D3 Vitamin is necessary for assimilation and exchange of calcium and phosphorus (it is especially important for skeletal system), is the regulator of the immune system, prevents disorders of nervous system, plays a major role in support of normal operability of a brain, prevents development of rickets, stimulates functional activity of a cardiovascular system, digestive tract, liver, pancreas
vitamin E - Vitamin E - the vital vitamin influencing activity of all organism and, especially, on development and work of hormonal and sexual systems. Influences a condition of skin, strengthens pulmonary, heart and nervous tissues, strengthens walls of blood vessels, in particular capillaries, has antibacterial properties, protects from some types of oncological diseases. Contributes to the development of a muscular system, improvement of sight, stimulates healing of injuries of a liver, skin, normalizes a hormonal background.

Norm of feeding:

Packing: 20 kg
Producer: Bosch, Bosch Tiernahrung GmbH & Co.KG, Germany
For whom sterns?For dogsClassPremiumForm of release of a forageDry feedAge of a dogAdult dogsExtent of breedAverage breeds (10-25 kg)
Large breeds (25-45 kg)
Huge breeds (more than 45 kg)Main source of proteins in a sternMeat and a meat offal
Age of a dog Adult dogs
Extent of breed Average breeds (10-25 kg) Large breeds (25-45 kg) Huge breeds (more than 45 kg)
For whom sterns? For dogs
Forage class Premium
Form of release of a forage Dry feed
The main source of proteins in a stern Meat and meat offal

Reviews Bosch of Dog Premium - A dry feed with poultry for adult dogs of average and large breeds with the normal level of activity

5 Rating 1 Reviews


Bosch of Dog Premium - A dry feed with poultry for adult dogs of average and large breeds with the normal level of activity

  • Product Code: E-ZOO-103676
  • Registration Date : 11/09/2024
    Number Of Products : 25532
    Top Rated Seller

  • In Stock

  • Ready to ship
  • $122.50

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