Bosch Maxi Senior Mit Frischem Geflügel & Reis the Dry feed for elderly dogs of large breeds with a bird and the Sterns rice for the aging dogs differs in moderate protein content and fat, the limited content of some mineral substances and the increased cellulose level for prevention of diseases of heart and kidneys and also ensures normal functioning of digestive tract. Besides the structure of a diet of Maxi Senior enriched with biologically active antioxidants promotes maintenance of natural force of sight and protects cages from presenilation. The increased content of extract of a zelenogubchaty mollusk most effectively prevents diseases of joints. The form and the size of granules are adapted for the size of teeth of dogs of large breeds. date editing description: 27.01.2021
Bosch Maxi Senior Mit Frischem Geflügel & Reis Dry food for older dogs of large breeds with poultry and rice
- Product Code: MX24385
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